Party and group related > Employees' application for party membership

Joining the party after entering the job

Dear Party Organization:

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China. I am willing to fight for the cause of the party for a lifetime and sacrifice my life at a crucial moment!

With a sincere and sincere mood, I proposed to the party organization that I applied to join the Communist Party of China because in my 20 years of life, I gradually realized that the Chinese Communist Party is a great, glorious and correct party. The Chinese working class vanguard team makes the faithful representatives of the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. It is the core of leadership for China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the party is to realize the social system of communism. Our party is guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

I have been working for a long time now. Although I am busy, I feel that joining the party is the top priority. I should join the party organization as soon as possible. I should make more efforts. To complete the desire to join the party, I believe I can do it well!

The Communist Party of China is the core of leadership for the people of all nationalities in the country. The party’s leadership position is determined by the nature of the party’s working class vanguard and is shaped by long-term struggle tests. History has given great responsibility to our party. The people have high hopes for our party. The party has led the people to write a glorious chapter in the 20th century, and it will certainly be able to write a glorious chapter in the 21st century. People's lives will be happier, the motherland will be more prosperous, and the people will be more confident. Although there are still many difficulties and hardships on our way forward, I firmly believe that as long as we seriously implement and implement the scientific development concept, constantly improve and correct the forward thinking, a prosperous, strong, highly democratic and highly civilized society. The modernized state will stand in the forest of the nations of the world.

To this end, I have to devote myself wholeheartedly to the modernization of our great motherland. Join the great cause of communism, and contribute to the rise of our great motherland and contribute to the strength of the Chinese nation. Through study, I further realized that joining the party is not a short-term behavior. It must be through long-term and unremitting efforts to truly join the party in terms of thinking and action. Joining the party is the goal of my life. Only by joining the Chinese Communist Party can we continuously improve and develop ourselves, and we can provide a broader space for ourselves to further work and serve the society.

After I stepped into the post, I was even more eager to join the party organization as soon as possible. I am determined to fulfill the task of party organization and leadership distribution with quality and quantity in the spirit of dedication, hard work, and dedication. Good job, no matter in any position, the requirements of a Communist Party member and a national civil servant are strictly required, and the group should be regarded as a party organization to test their own, regardless of personal gains and losses, unite colleagues, respect leaders. Always remind yourself that we must adhere to the principle of people-oriented scientific development, strengthen service awareness, and strive to contribute to building a harmonious meteorological cause.

Today, I solemnly applied to the organization to join the Communist Party of China, but I know that there are still shortcomings and shortcomings allowed in me. Therefore, I hope that the party organization will strictly demand me, and at the same time, I must strive to be strict with the standards of a party member. Ask yourself, consciously accept the help and supervision of the organization and the people, work hard to overcome their shortcomings and shortcomings, and strive to join the Communist Party of China in an ideological, action, and formal form at an early date, and ask the party organizations to test me in practical work.

I have already prepared myself. I will make my best efforts whether I can be approved by the party organization. In reality, I have to work harder. I believe that I can do better. I will always Asking myself at the request of a party member, I will do better, I hope the party organization can trust me!



Applicant: xxx
July x20, 2019

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