Related to the Party Group > Autobiography of the Party

Excellent autobiographical essay in 2019

My name is xxx. I was born in a peasant family in the city of *** on February 6, 1989. My father is a member of the Communist Party of China and my mother is a peasant. I am in such an ordinary and warm family. I grow up healthily and happily. The special growth environment has given me a shallow and deep understanding of the Communist Party of China, and gradually formed a communist world outlook and outlook on life, and set a long-term commitment to the great cause of communism.

In XX, he joined the Communist Youth League and submitted the application for joining the party at the end of XX. He is now enrolled in the 07-1 class of *** College. I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China and become a glorious Communist. Because the Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the party is to realize the social system of communism. As a party activist, we must first solve the problem of why we should join the party. Because the motivation for joining the party is the subjective reason that motivates me to join the party, it fundamentally determines the qualities and behaviors that a member should have. It is also a concentrated reflection of the individual world outlook and outlook on life. In fact, the formation of the correct motivation for joining the party is not one day, but gradually realized in my three years of study and thinking.

Let me talk about my milestones in detail about my motivation for joining the party. When I first submitted the application for joining the party, it was because I saw someone writing the party application. If I didn’t write it, I was afraid of the teacher. The classmate said that I didn’t ask for progress, so I also wrote the application with the stream, but the writing was all From the book, I copied it from the father of the party member and learned it. In fact, at that time, I did not have a real understanding of the party. Although I have had several party classes, I still know very little about the basic knowledge of the party. I have no urgent desire to join the party. This is a political attitude that is neither serious nor serious to the party or the individual. Later, on the eve of high school graduation, I saw some students entered the party, had certain prestige among the classmates, and envied them. So I quickly wrote several thought reports, hoping that one day I would get this glory and get spiritual satisfaction. . In fact, this is an expression of impure motives for joining the party. Joining the party is not to show off to others, not to satisfy their own vanity, but to contribute to the party in a down-to-earth manner, to serve the people wholeheartedly, and to play a vanguard and exemplary role in learning and life. When I was a freshman, I learned the basic knowledge of the party in the general knowledge course of the Party’s basic knowledge. At the same time, I have more time and opportunity to reach out to the party members around me. The political vision has also been expanded. I can see that there is a current phenomenon of party style. I hope that I can join the party organization, be an excellent party member, and re-establish the image of the party. This kind of view is now very one-sided and narrow. It is too vague to know the wrong idea. It is impossible to deny that they are the pioneers of the proletariat because of the shortcomings of some party members. It has always affected the understanding of party spirit, nor can it equate a very small number of degenerate party members with party organizations. They cannot represent the party. After these changes in cognitive awareness, I feel that the most important thing before joining the party is to understand our party correctly and comprehensively. The motivation for joining the party, which was produced three times, was denied by myself three times. My thoughts seemed to be too active. I was afraid that I would go the wrong direction and circle the detour. At this time, my father gave me a lot of inspiration for my education. On weekdays, I like to discuss my thoughts with my father most, because he is not only the person who knows me the most, but also an old party member. He was not surprised by the repeated changes to me. Instead, he praised him. He said that it was my interpretation of the party for myself and it was the "compulsory course" for me to establish the correct motivation for joining the party. He told me that joining the party is his own business, and like learning, what is important is the ability to think independently, to observe, to summarize, to extend, to study, to think, to spend a little effort. . Some people have to replenish their thinking about joining the party for a period of time after they join the party, and even for a lifetime, including a more complete redefinition of the motives for joining the party. After that, I was determined to make my true motivation for joining the party in my heart through my own study and thinking. I feel that I must combine the transformation of thoughts and actions appropriately, letting myself put every thought and every practice into correspondence, learning to make progress, doing something to do, and actually asking for a Party members like to ask for their own efforts.

In the study, I am more clear about the purpose of learning, correct the attitude of learning, find ways, find problems, constantly improve the learning methods, and diligently study the knowledge. Although sometimes the progress of the progress is not large and occasionally even decline, I always try to get rid of the shadow of poor performance, sum up the lessons, invest in new learning, and persevere. For a long time, I have always run through the idea that I am a party activist. In the group activities, I actively participated and actively cooperated with each other to complete the collective task. In life, unite classmates, try to play their own role, do some things that can do what they can to help and care for their classmates. For example, if they hear that their classmates are ill, they will go to see the greetings. When they hear that their friends are in a bad mood, they will advise and encourage them. During his tenure as a class cadre, he earnestly performed his duties, injected great enthusiasm for class affairs and classmates' relationships, and insisted on training himself to do a good job in class work and to learn the two aspects of professional courses. I also used my spare time to study the party constitution and the basic knowledge of the party, actively participated in the activities of the party class study group, read the Communist Manifesto, "On the Cultivation of Communists", "Red Star Shines China", "Socialism Thinks of Science from the Air" Books and articles such as "Development" have greatly deepened the understanding of communism, with certain theoretical literacy and correct theoretical knowledge.

As a party activist, during the application period, I regularly reported my thoughts to party organizations and party referees, and actively participated in relevant activities organized by the party organization: attending party classes, participating in party class study groups, participating in party members development meetings, etc. . All of these actions play an important role in raising awareness of one's own thinking. I understand that to fight for joining the party with practical actions, we must persevere. From the day of applying for membership, we should strive to become a veritable Communist Party member with a correct attitude and sincere efforts. As a person who actively strives to join the party, I must not only be a qualified university student, but also a caring and supporter of the party's line and policy. In my daily life, I am actively concerned about current affairs politics, especially the message and comments about the program line, principles and policies formulated by the party. Recently, we have been studying the relevant policies and spirit of the 17th Congress of the Party and studying the Party’s policy in the new century and the new situation. After the financial turmoil, the Party Central Committee took control of the overall situation and responded flexibly to solve a series of strategic issues. Looking into the future, with the further deepening of reforms, there are still many major issues that need to be addressed for development and stability. The motherland needs development and needs talent. As a stone man, as a party activist, I have to work hard, step by step to the party, study hard, and climb hard.

Recently I watched the movie "Life and Death Choice". The film gave me a lot of shock and revelation. Because the people's people hate corruption, and some bureaucrats of bureaucrats, local protectionism has affected the anti-corruption process of the CPC Central Committee. From the beginning to the end, this film runs through the spirit of the central government to strictly control the party against corruption. It has profoundly and ruthlessly exposed and criticized the phenomenon of corruption. It has made people look at the people and is full of confidence in the anti-corruption work and firm determination of the central government. . What impressed me most especially was that Li Gaocheng, the protagonist, did not fear evil, resisted temptation, and frankly and arrogantly, and planted the image of a public servant who should be a member of the Communist Party in the minds of the people. The film sparked my thoughts on party members' consciousness and conduct. Should leading cadres, especially party members and leading cadres, be more alarmed? Should you be more strict with yourself? The title of our Communist Party members is not the amulet that corrupt elements use to violate the law and discipline, and the person who smears the party flag is the most shameful person.

Based on my understanding, I feel that having the awareness of party members is the main difference between party members and the general public. The consciousness of party members is reflected in all aspects, with firm political principles, establishing close ties with the people, and relying on the concept of the people, because "care for the party and the people is more important than caring for the individual, caring for others is more important than caring for themselves", but also has a high degree of organizational discipline. In this way, we can strictly demand ourselves. Finally, what we should do as a party member is to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the party, struggle and be loyal to the cause of the party. Cultivating the awareness of party members must be based on the correct values ​​of life. I once wanted to use "based on patriotism and the realization of the value of life" as the motivation for joining the party, but it seems too general after all, because everyone has patriotic feelings, and everyone is also striving to realize their own value in life. So what is the difference between party members and the public? To be a party member must seriously think about answering this question.

What I personally think is different is that communists should first be a patriot. The key is that Communists should sublimate their patriotism and combine their strong feelings of loving the motherland with the firm beliefs of communism. Get up, be a person who loves the motherland, a person with lofty ideals and firm beliefs. "For the benefit of the country and the collective, and for the benefit of the people, all advanced elements with revolutionary consciousness must sacrifice their own interests." The life value of party members must be realized in dedication. Communists are dedicated to serving the people wholeheartedly. They must not only be understood as social services and dedication, but throw away the value orientation of personal interests. The purely pure "dedication" is all, and only the "selfless communist beliefs" in the heart. Nothing else needs to be considered. This is both "selfless" and "ignorant", but should be like this: to serve the people wholeheartedly, we say that we must wholeheartedly, dedication, selflessness, and self-respect for the benefit of the people, but we must also have a personal life value. Pursuit, because each of us has a responsibility to society, and our pursuit of our ideals must be combined with our beliefs. We must also have our own personal goals. Under the premise of considering collective interests, we must also take care of personal interests. The personal interests we understand are the kind of benefits that can only be obtained if we serve the people and do more for the society. Some people say that it is too impractical to "dedicate" and not "request". In fact, the dedication of the Communist Party members has never been requested. If we talk about the return, I think that the "contribution for the society and the people" made by the Communist Party members is the best reward for "dedication." After such a long period of thinking, I deeply felt that I have found my own beliefs. Joining the party has become my need. I must become a communist party member for communism, for the motherland, for the people. All of my life, dedicated my life to the noble cause of the proletariat. The above is the specific reason why I want to join the Chinese Communist Party. I also want to talk about my own thoughts following the above ideas.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve it in the society. Learning is not limited to being in school or in the classroom. We should also open our horizons, combine the development of the motherland and the process of reform, go out and inspire, and give ourselves more comprehensive and correct. Positioning. As a national defense student, we have to go to work after the graduation. The troops are the party's troops. Being a party member will undoubtedly increase our loyalty to the party. In addition, I would like to talk about the role of student party members. From an ordinary student to a glorious Chinese Communist Party member, this is a qualitative leap. It means that the party has raised higher demands and hopes for itself. After joining the party in the organization, students must constantly strengthen party spirit and party spirit in practice, actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and strive to truly join the party in thinking, because the organization joins the party once in a lifetime, but joins the party in thought. To live forever. Student party members should first be Communists and then students. They should, like other official party members, strictly demand themselves in accordance with the standards of party members. The student party members should first be ordinary party members. They should use their words and deeds to show that they are Chinese working class and have a pioneering war of communist enlightenment, and cannot be confused with an ordinary student. Today's student party members, especially a generation of student party members like us, should have a sense of mission of the times, thus stimulating us to study hard, develop in an all-round way, and shoulder the historical mission entrusted to us by this era. I think that the vanguard and exemplary role of student party members should be manifested in two aspects: First, for the student party members, it is necessary to be able to be a model for students in all aspects of study, work and social life; such as taking the lead in studying Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and learning The Party's line, principles, and policies have successfully completed professional learning tasks; modeled to abide by social morality, party discipline, and school rules, actively participate in various collective activities and various social activities, actively care for the collective, help students, and properly handle individuals and collectives. , the relationship between individuals and others, and so on. This exemplary role should fully reflect the advanced nature of party members and truly make students recognize that "this is like a party member." Second, we must use our own actions and work influence to drive the students to move forward together. Imagine if you can't even unite your classmates, why unite millions of people? A class of students can't drive, why liberate all mankind? Perhaps this statement is a bit exaggerated, but it is indeed a problem that some of our current student party members have. Some student party members can only be independent, but they will not be working for the people and not good at working for the people. They think that as long as they manage themselves, it is not right for others to take care of them, or they do not want to control them at all. In fact, this is not true. Does not meet the requirements of party members. As a student party member, we must not only maintain our advanced nature, but also use advanced nature to drive and serve as the basis for our work. While continuing to make progress, we must continue to work with our classmates, help each other and make progress together. In general, I believe that the most fundamental and practical obligation of student party members is to have the idea of ​​serving the people wholeheartedly. Serving the people is not an empty talk, but has its rich content. It is not easy to really do it well. The students around us are also part of the people. In the school environment, serving the people means serving the students. This is going to start from scratch and never start. For example, if you find that your classmates have difficulties in learning and living, you should be enthusiastic to help; if your classmates are guilty of thinking, they should take the initiative to give guidance; when there is a conflict between the interests of the individual and the classmates, they should be ancestors and others; such things seem insignificant, but The role of party members is often played by their own students through these actions. In fact, the most intuitive understanding of the party by the students is through a specific student party member, especially the student party members around them.


In short, the image of a party member directly affects the party's image, affects the party's prestige among the people, affects the party's nature and combat effectiveness. As a student party member, we must attach great importance to the role of the party as a party member. Affect the classmates around. As a party activist, I also have my own advantages, such as my strong sense of responsibility, concern for the collective, hard work and hard work, strong personality, and good self-control. But I still have many shortcomings and problems. First of all, when I study the basic course of professional knowledge, I feel that my self-motivation is not very strong, and the initiative is also poor. The main performance is that I can only take care of understanding when I study, study less, think less, and sometimes encounter setbacks. Difficult to retreat, because of lack of confidence in oneself, always succumbing to "limited ability" and give up studying. In fact, this is a wrong idea that is afraid of hardship. Although the ability to analyze and solve problems is limited, it should not be pessimistic. Because you don't have enough to learn, you should invest more confidence and energy. If you give up, you don't have to talk about progress. In life, sometimes I am too strong to be strong. I think that many things have to be intervened, and I care about the collective. In fact, this is only a blind passion, and you should cultivate your ability to analyze and observe problems. The collective must care, but it must be done well and done. I can do my best in the areas that I am good at, and at the same time, cheer for others when they do things. The effect is better than everything, and everything is done without concentration. In the process of theoretical study, I always read books on the spot, lacking continuous and repeated processes. Maybe after one or two weeks, I will read the other half in one go. This is not as good as the gradual effect. Because of the inconsistent thinking and influence, it is half the battle. In my personal temperament and moral cultivation, I feel that my temper is not good. Sometimes I will lose my temper because of some small things, hurt the harmony between my classmates, and plant a bad impression on others. I know very clearly. Understand that this is actually an irrational performance, and this shortcoming is no small matter. If it is serious, it will affect many aspects of study and life. I don't think there is a people who dare to accept a violent and uncomfortable person to serve him. This means that it is very dangerous to lose the foundation of the people if they are willing to go their own way. It is even more difficult to form an image among the students. In fact, the training and education of party organizations, the help of the surrounding students is of course important to me, but the most important thing is that I need to consciously accept the party's education and ask myself according to the requirements of the party. Whether or not you can become a party member depends on whether you have the conditions for a party member. It is simply that you are strict with your own requirements. At this point, I feel that I have not done enough. Many of my shortcomings and mistakes actually stem from this. Many times I know what to do in one thing to do well, but because of inertia, I can't put it into action. The lack of strict requirements for oneself has contributed to the ethos of self-distraction, so a vicious circle of "doing bad, not wanting to do well, and then doing worse" has been formed.

These are just some of my obvious shortcomings. In fact, there are many other shortcomings and mistakes that must exist in thoughts and actions. I am trying to find and correct it; and I am even more eager to correct the shortcomings and mistakes under the supervision and help of teachers and classmates, because everyone is the mirror that reflects my words and deeds. Corrected things. Any party member is not born with an excellent character, but the result of learning and practicing the day after tomorrow. If a Communist Party member wants to fight for communism for a lifetime, he must constantly adhere to theoretical study and practical exercise. In the tide of reform and opening up and the development of market economy, in the face of China's magnificent construction tasks in the 21st century, in addition to studying science and culture, the most fundamental thing is to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, especially Deng-theory. In the future after the success of academics, we must actively participate in the great practice of reform, opening up, and modernization, and transform the subjective world while transforming the objective world. I will continue to clear all non-proletarian thoughts in my mind, make my words and deeds in line with the fundamental interests of the party, the state, and the people, and train myself to become a party member with strong party spirit. The ideal is ambitious, but we must start from the real situation. I will start to work hard with practical actions from now on, strictly demanding oneself from the standards of a party member, and try to narrow the distance from the party members' standards. Please test the party.

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