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Future car

Most of the cars in the present are awkward and have a single role. Let's take a look at the car I envisioned. The car I envisioned has seven color buttons: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Pressing different buttons will become: airplanes, ships, submarines, rockets, spaceships, small houses, and car prototypes. For example, pressing the red button, the car will expand the wing and fly in the sky. Also, the future car I envisioned has a skylight. As soon as you get to where you want to go, you will put the key in the seat and you will be ejected and the car will be locked automatically. If you don't like to go out like that, you can follow the normal route and don't need to bring the key. Just press the button with the password under the car and the door will open automatically. How about, the car I designed is both fun and easy to use, you must also want to have one.

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