Fan Wen Daquan > Broadcasting

Campus safety broadcast

Part 1: Campus Safety Broadcast

Teachers, classmates: Today, our Little Orange Light Literature Society brings you a campus security special program.
The French thinker Rousseau said: "God used the model to create people. After he shaped us, he smashed the model." In this world, everyone's life is unique. Which one does not want to laugh, often, which family is not willing to be happy? Safety is like a colorful silk thread connecting us to a beautiful wish, forming a beautiful, peaceful and colorful world.
For everyone, life is only once. Paying attention to safety is an effective way to treat and cherish life. In real life, not everyone has a high sense of security. You may even deny its importance, because although you have caused many negligence, the disaster just passed you by. According to statistics from relevant departments, in recent years, the number of abnormal deaths per year in China has reached more than 16,000. On average, more than 40 primary and middle school students die every day. This means that one class disappears every day. Just recently, according to the Guangshan network information of Guangshan County, Xinyang City, Henan Province, at 7:40 on the morning of the 14th, a man with a knife in the Chencun Village of Wenshu Township, Guangshan County, chopped 22 students, one person. Six officials were removed from office.
Classmates, Baishan civilization is the first, and Wansi is the most important. Civilization lies in the handling of details, and security lies in preventing problems. Let us take action and form a strong atmosphere of “everyone cares about campus safety” in the whole school. We must always strengthen our awareness of safety, strive to enhance our self-prevention ability, and keep the alarm ringing and remember our hearts.
Let us know some little common sense about campus security.
1. During the school time, students must not leave the school for no reason, and they may go out to ask the class teacher for leave.
2, students should observe discipline in class, listen to the teacher's command, especially physical education, activity classes, etc., should use sports equipment under the guidance of the teacher.
3, play during the class does not play chasing, it is strictly prohibited to climb the wall, climb trees, climb corridor railings, climb the school gate and so on.
4, up and down the stairs to the right, not playing in the corridor, it is strictly prohibited to slide down the stair railings.
5, do not drink raw water, do not buy unlicensed stall food, do not eat expired or deteriorated food.
6, do not bring sharp weapons and flammable and explosive materials to the school, do not play dangerous games.
7, lunchtime to obey the teacher's request, do not speak, play or do other things when eating.
8. Pay attention to the safety of electricity, and don't mess with the electrical equipment, switches, sockets, etc. in public places such as classrooms and corridors.
9. Students should go home from school and go home directly on time. Don't stay in the classroom or on campus, and don't wander around the streets.
10, go to school to obey the traffic rules, see the traffic when crossing the road, you must walk the crosswalk. Students must comply with traffic regulations when travelling by car, do not ride vehicles that do not meet the requirements, and do not take overloaded vehicles.
In addition, we have to do:
First, improve the individual's ideological quality. Unite classmates, get along with classmates, and be good at resolving conflicts between classmates. It is strictly forbidden to fight and swear. Fighting is often started from the monks, and some of the classmates are already in the middle of the head, very uncivilized. I think that the monks and the fights are the performance of a person with extremely low intelligence. Do not argue with classmates because of small things, do not fight, do not violent behavior inside and outside the campus, and strive to be civilized primary school students.
Second, pay attention to class safety.
Please do not do violent activities during the class to avoid all kinds of injury accidents; go up and down the stairs to the right, to achieve "right line of courtesy"; do not chase play, do not fight, do not climb high, not crowded, do not steal the road; not Play and play in the teaching building.
Third, obey the traffic rules and traffic order.
Going to school, leaving school to do civilized roads, not riding a locomotive, not riding a bicycle; not riding agricultural vehicles, unlicensed vehicles without vehicles, not taking overloaded vehicles; not setting roadblocks, two people in rows, three people in a row, by road Right line.
Fourth, pay attention to food hygiene and develop good habits. Refused to no food, no snacks, no raw water, no partial eclipse, no overeating; no spitting, no littering of confetti.
Fifth, strengthen the awareness of "anti-fire, anti-electricity, anti-invasion".
Do not smoke, do not play with fire, do not incinerate waste; do not touch all kinds of electrical appliances; do not accept strangers to pick up and visit.
6. Learn to protect yourself and improve your defense ability.
Learn simple methods of self-rescue and self-rescue. Be calm when dealing with incidents; dare to criticize and correct all behaviors and phenomena that violate safety requirements, and be the master of maintaining campus safety.
7. Strengthen self-defense awareness.
Pay attention to the safety of people and property in public places, do not put precious items in the classroom, do not go alone to school, go to the road, it is best to pick up the parents, or go with the students. If you encounter bad things, you must be calm and witty. If you dare to be brave and have to do what you can, you must dare to call 110 to report the case.
Eight, study hard and cherish the time.
Stay away from Internet cafes, away from the game hall, no smoking, no drinking, no gambling, no healthy books, and different social interactions.

Part 2: Campus Safety Broadcast

Male: Dear teacher
Female: Dear classmates
M: Everyone is good at noon! Sunflower Broadcasting has met with you again.
Female: The theme of today's broadcast is: Cherish life and build a campus security line.
M: I am an announcer.
Female: I am an announcer.
Male: "Life", a vivid word;
Female: "Safety", an old topic;
Male: What a wonderful state of "happiness".
Female: Life can only live forever in safety.
Male: Happiness can only be glamorous if it is safe.
Female: On the issue of security, we must not be paralyzed and lucky. We must guard against the precautions and vigilance. We must be vigilant, fit and disciplined. We must establish a high degree of security awareness. Speaking of safety, always talking about safety, everything is safe; it is necessary to build a safe wall of thought, behavior and life.
M: Yes, safety is more important than Mount Tai. It has always been the most basic lifeline of individuals, families, collectives and society. It is also the most important line of protection for personal life and collective stability. While guarding against the dangers of the outside world, we should put an end to safety hazards in our own minds, minds and behaviors.
Female: In order to live and learn better, "security", please keep in mind! Let the parents rest assured, let the teacher rest assured, must be happy, peaceful and safe every day, and build our school into a safe, civilized and harmonious campus. To this end, the students are encouraged to do the following:
Male: First, our students must have a high degree of safety awareness and fully recognize the importance and urgency of safety. If you find a safety hazard, you should report it to the school in time to prevent it from happening.
Female: Second, pay attention to traffic safety. Obey the traffic rules, walk the zebra crossing when you cross the road. When you cross the road, you have to stop and see. Ning slow three points, do not fight for a second. Students riding bicycles must strictly abide by the traffic rules.
Male: Third, pay attention to behavioral safety. Do not chase, do not fight between classes, go up and down the stairs to the right, do not slide down the handrails of the stairs, go to the abduction to slow down to prevent collision. Do not climb the railings, do not cross the campus walls and school gates, and prevent dangerous incidents such as stone smashing.
Female: Fourth, pay attention to sports safety in all sports. Prepare activities before physical education and extracurricular activities. Do not violently collide during exercise to avoid injury or falls. When exercising, be sure to follow the rules of exercise and pay attention to self-protection.
Male: Fifth, we must pay attention to food hygiene and safety. Don't eat spoiled food, don't eat unsanitary food on the roadside stalls, don't go to unlicensed shops to buy food. If you are sick, you should go to the hospital in time.
Female: Sixth, what you do must be safe. When encountering contradictions among classmates, be sure to be calm, be rational, and avoid using fists instead of reasoning to bring bad consequences to yourself and your classmates. When you get along with your classmates, you need to understand each other and understand each other. Look at the strengths of others and respect the different personalities of your classmates.
Male: Classmates, life is beautiful, life is colorful, and the premise of having it all is security.
Female: Therefore, we must always strengthen our safety awareness, strive to enhance our self-prevention ability, and make the alarm bell ring!
Hehe: Classmates, let us join hands to create a safe, civilized and harmonious campus. This issue of the sunflower radio show ends here. Thank you for listening! see you later!

Part 3: Campus Safety Broadcast

A: Safety is more important than Mount Tai. It has always been the most basic lifeline of individuals, families, collectives and society. It is also the most important guarantee line for maintaining personal enjoyment of life and collective stability.
B: Campus safety involves more than 20 types of safety in our lives and learning: food poisoning, sports injuries, online dating safety, traffic accidents, fire and fire, drowning, drug hazards, sexual assault, AIDS, etc. Among all kinds of safety accidents in the country, school safety accidents account for a large proportion. It is understood that about 16,000 primary and secondary school students die abnormally every year in China: primary and secondary school students die from safety accidents, food poisoning, drowning, suicide, etc., with an average of more than 40 people per day, which means that there is almost one class of students every day. disappear".
A: "Life", a living word; "Safety", an old topic; "Happiness" is a wonderful realm. Classmates: One person is safe, the whole family is happy; life is supreme, safety is heaven; safety is first, prevention is the main. On the issue of security, we must guard against the prior and vigilant, we must be vigilant, be disciplined and be cautious; we must establish a high degree of security awareness, everyone is safe, always talk about safety, things It is safe to say; it is necessary to build a safe wall of thought, behavior and life. Please enjoy the safe poetry below
B: Safety should also be paid attention to in various sports and activities.
A: There are a few points to note in traffic safety:
B: Pay attention to the safety of the classroom.
A: I have to be safe in my own actions.
Pay attention to the safety of the classroom. Students must leave the doors and windows when they leave the class, and they can't give the thieves a chance. There are also some students who bring the ball to the classroom and play on the walk. This behavior violates the school rules and is very A big safety hazard, Imagine if the glass window is broken and the glass piece flies into the eyes of a classmate, the consequences are unimaginable. Students who wish to have such violations should immediately correct them.
You must also be aware of your actions. Primary and secondary school students are easy to impulsive and easy to use. Therefore, when encountering contradictions among classmates, be sure to calm down and be rational. Never use fists instead of reasoning to bring bad consequences to yourself and your classmates.
1. Pay attention to traffic safety. Cyclists must strictly abide by the traffic rules, especially on the road, the speed is relatively fast, and the bicycle must be careful to prevent accidents. Students who take the school bus should wait for the car to stop and get on and off, can't follow the car, and pay attention to the vehicle when crossing the road. When crossing the road, I would rather die for three minutes.
Classmates who walked home, can't walk horizontally on the way. Walking horizontally will fill the road. Whether walking on campus or outside the school, pedestrians must rely on the right. One can follow one and cannot walk horizontally. This will affect the passage of others and vehicles, and it is more likely to be dangerous. They should be arranged in a column, one followed by one, consciously abide by traffic regulations, not playing on the road and hampering traffic.
2, go home on time, do not casually stay at someone else's home. To go to someone else's home, you must first obtain the consent of the parents.
The road to life is not simple, and it is safe to remember.
The floor tile is smooth and slippery, carefully stepping on it.
Going up and down the stairs does not chase, the courtesy of three points is not down.
Do not speak swear words and proverbs, unite and enjoyable.
Indoor activities are anti-bumping, anti-squeezing and anti-falling.
Be careful with boiling water and electrical appliances, and fire-fighting facilities should be cherished.
There are many flammable items in the room, and it is strictly forbidden to play with fireworks.
Do not bring valuables to avoid loss and damage.
Don't take things from others, clean up and love yourself.
Littering is unsanitary, and spitting is uncivilized.
Don't panic when you are calm, self-protection should be enhanced.
Classmates are disciplined, and the star of civilization belongs to you.
Do 3 jobs before the physical education class and activity class. First, check whether the surrounding environment has safety hazards. For example, when running, check if there are obstacles such as stones, glass, etc., which will cause people to be paralyzed during the exercise. Things that fall, slip, or cause injury or danger, if necessary, should be removed in time to remove obstacles before physical exercise. Second, we must fully prepare for exercise. Be careful not to collide violently during exercise to avoid injury or falls. Third, sports equipment should be guided and supervised by teachers. The sports equipment on the playground must be used under the guidance and supervision of the teacher, and no one is allowed to climb and play privately. Especially the students in the lower grades, even more than one person can sneak up to the playground to climb sports equipment.

Chapter 4: Campus Safety Broadcast

Dear teachers, fellow students:
Good afternoon everyone!
The warm spring breeze blew our face, the sunny May is refreshing, and a safe and civilized campus will make us feel comfortable.
Liu Keyi: March 27th is the national "safety education day" in China. Here, our classmates must understand that you are in the eyes of your parents, the flower buds that are arrogant; in the eyes of the teacher, it is eight to nine in the morning. The sun of the clock. This is the hope that you have parents, teachers, and the motherland, and the desire to bloom, fly, and grow up. This is the focus of your parents' attention, the center of school teachers' attention. The hour of the country is the beginning of your knowledge and growth. Parents and teachers do their utmost to create superior living and learning conditions for you. I hope that you will thrive and become a pillar. However, after intense study, at the moment of happy play, on the way home of the returning heart, some students forgot the word "safe", neglected the safety issue, and worried the teachers and parents who care about you. Always worried.
Li He: We often read in the newspapers and magazines that some teenagers had accidents while swimming, some had a car accident on the road, some died of poisoning, some died of electric shock, some died of fire, some Falling from the upstairs... countless facts tear people's hearts, we have to scream, classmates, "safe" words, please always remember!
Liu Keyi: Students, parents, teachers, and the motherland are looking forward to seeing you, and the bright future is looking forward to you. In order to live and learn better, "Safety", please keep in mind! Let your parents rest assured, let the teacher rest assured, must be happy, peaceful and safe every day, build our school into a safe and civilized campus . To this end, the students are encouraged to do the following:
1, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently, diligent ventilation, exercise, not overeating. Resolutely put an end to the purchase of roadside snacks, mobile food vendors, in order to avoid food poisoning and induce intestinal infection
2. Obey the traffic rules and cross the road to see. Take the initiative to avoid motor vehicles and beware of accidents.
3, arrange a good schedule, both to learn well, but also to rest well. Properly carry out healthy and beneficial activities. Be prepared before the event to guard against accidental injuries.
4. Care for the campus and maintain environmental sanitation. Protect the environment and purify the campus.
Two males: March 23 is the “Safety Education Day” for primary and middle school students across the country. Relevant data show that there is a lack of knowledge about the safety and security of primary and secondary school students in China. About 16,000 primary and middle school students die every year from food poisoning, drowning, and traffic accidents.
Female: In order to promote China's small safety education, reduce the incidence of children and children's casualties, and ensure the healthy growth of children and adolescents, in 1996, the relevant state departments issued a notice to decide to establish a "safety education day" system, which will be the last week of March each year. The week must be the "Safety Education Day" for primary and secondary school students across the country. Zhejiang Province will set the last week of March as the “Safety Education Week”.
M: In order to further improve the safety education work of our school, the following requirements are put forward. I hope that all classes and students will do a good job.
Female: First of all, our teachers and students must have a high degree of safety awareness and fully recognize the importance and urgency of safety work. Each class conducts a special inspection on various teaching facilities and electrical equipment in the classroom. If any hidden dangers are discovered, they will report to the General Affairs Office in time to prevent problems before they occur.
Male: Secondly, pay attention to sports safety in all sports. Prepare activities before the physical education class and class activities. When exercising, be careful not to collide violently to avoid injury or falls.
Male: Third, pay attention to the safety of the classroom. Students must leave the classroom in class and leave school. After the last classmate leaves the classroom, they must turn off the lights, close the windows, and close the door.
Female: Fourth, pay attention to traffic safety. Cyclists must strictly abide by the traffic rules, especially the car on the side of the round flower bed that crosses Baichi Road and Chengbei West Road. The speed is relatively fast, and the bicycle must be careful to prevent accidents. Students who are away from school must go to the sidewalk when they are out of school. When crossing the road, they must walk the crosswalk and pay attention to the passing vehicles.
Male: Fifth, you must have a sense of security in your actions. Therefore, when encountering contradictions among classmates, we must be calm, rational, and we must pay attention to the noise between classmates. The class activities should be civilized and orderly. Recently, some students have kicked and tossed on the walkway of the classroom building. This has great security risks. Imagine if the glass window is broken and the glass piece flies into the eyes of a classmate. Unexpected, it will bring irreparable consequences to yourself and your classmates.
Female: Sixth, to ensure the safety of spring travel activities. Classmates, when you are working with your parents or class to organize a spring outing, safety awareness and organizational discipline are important tests before us. Please observe the traffic rules at all times, avoid walking the rugged path on your own, and master the method of safe self-care in small things.
Male: Classmates, life is beautiful, life is colorful, and the premise of having it all is security. Because, only if it is safe, can you be happier.
Hehe: Today, the broadcast for everyone is: xxx. Finally, all members of the "Happy Homeland" broadcast wanted to say to everyone: Life is only once for everyone, safety is more important than Taishan, and safety is in mind. This broadcast of the red scarf radio station ends here. Thank you for listening! We will meet again tomorrow. .

Part 5: Campus Safety Broadcast

Dear teacher, classmates, good morning, the "Star Torch" broadcast is now starting. I am the broadcaster Zhong Baoyi. What I broadcast today is "What should we do during the earthquake?"
Last week, the school carried out earthquake drills. The students took it seriously and actively cooperated with the teachers. However, a small number of students laughed and thought that the earthquake could not happen to themselves. In fact, the Earth is experiencing an earthquake every day, about 5 million a year. Earthquake, it is like a wind, rain is just as common, it is a natural phenomenon that often occurs, but it is very destructive and often occurs in an instant. This requires us to have a sense of prevention, self-protection, and learn more about earthquake resistance.
What if we have an earthquake during class? We must quickly hold our heads, close our eyes, hide under their desks, back to the window, and protect the head with a bag. Obey the teacher's command, evacuate in an organized manner, prevent the occurrence of trampling, do not panic out of the classroom, do not jump to the window to escape.
What if we have an earthquake at home? We have to hide in the vicinity of solid furniture, interior walls, walls, kitchens, toilets, storage rooms, etc.
What if we have an earthquake in a bookstore? We have to choose a solid pillar or inner corner to kneel down, hand or other things to protect the head, avoid glass doors and windows, glass windows or counters, do not panic, follow the instructions of the field staff.
What if we are unfortunately buried? Try to use bricks, wooden sticks, etc. to support the debris to prevent further debris from collapsing, so as to prevent it from being buried again during the aftershocks. Do not use indoor facilities, including power sources, water sources, etc., and do not use open flames, smell gas and toxic odors or When the dust is too big, try to cover your mouth and nose with wet clothes, don't scream, keep your strength, and ask for help with a knock.
Take precautions, students, go home at noon and do a "earthquake pack" yourself. First find a schoolbag with some disaster prevention supplies: such as whistle, flashlight, emergency medicine, matches, candles, towels, ropes, blankets, cards with blood type of family, etc. You can put two bottles of mineral water and some solid foods. Remember that these foods are changed every once in a while, because they will expire after a long time. Then put this "earthquake pack" in a prominent and easy-to-access place at your doorstep. If the disaster really happens, this "earthquake pack" may save our lives.
The "Star Torch" broadcast ends here. Please continue listening to it tomorrow. Thank you!

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