Fan Wen Daquan > Broadcasting

Flower square commentary

Fan Fangyi's commentary Fan Wenyi:

Now through the podium is the flower square, they are holding colorful flowers, laughing and presenting gifts to the Games in the most beautiful way.
Flowers express their hearts, flowers convey affection,
The flowers are sweet and the flowers are full of warmth.
The blossoming flowers indicate that our current sports meeting will be a great success and shine.

Flower square interpretation word Fan Wen 2:

Look, sixty members waving their balloons and holding flowers in their hands were striding toward the rostrum. Each balloon is full of joy, each flower blooms with a smile, each balloon is full of the blessings of the students, each flower contains a beautiful dream. Beautiful dance, colorful shapes, innocent smiles, and beautiful youthful melodies for the conference.

Flower square interpretation word Fan Wensan:

Now walking through the podium is a bouquet of flowers composed of xx school students. Look, as the sun is shining, their smiles, such as the glare of the rainbow is their confidence.
In the profound changes in the xx school, teachers are more interested in learning, better thinking, more willing to study, more willing to cooperate, and more dedication. They promoted the development of the cause and wrote a new chapter.
In the profound changes in the xx school, the students are more civilized, more confident, more self-reliant, healthier and happier. They point to the mountains and are full of vigor and vitality, depicting a bright future.
The xx school, which is in deep change, has more advanced equipment, a more beautiful environment, more standardized management, and a clearer direction. Full of self-confidence xx school people are making unremitting efforts and unremitting efforts for "establishing a satisfactory education for the people."
I wish xx school a better tomorrow, and wish xx city education tomorrow is more brilliant!

Flower Square Interpretation Word Fan Wensi:

Now in front of the rostrum is the bouquet team, which consists of 88 girls from the Ministry of Medicine. They held colorful bouquets to present gifts to the Games. They waved colorful bouquets to the leaders and guests. Their pink smiles are more moving than flowers; their youthful vigor is brighter than the sun.

Flower Square Illustrator Fan Wenwu:

The bouquet team is coming to us at a neat pace, with flowers and balloons, filled with the vitality of autumn. This is a team of sixth-grade students. Their reading and composition levels are unique. In the city's extracurricular reading competition, 9 people won the prize, and the composition was also published. Hey, their confident smiles are particularly splendid against the backdrop of flowers, indicating that tomorrow's ministry will be colorful and full of sunshine!

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