Insights on life

Don't take someone else's map to find your way

I still remember that when I was a child, if I had a major problem in my life, I rarely asked others for advice. I tried to find the answer myself, because the answers given by others are not necessarily effective for my own problems, so I have to think, study, observe, and experiment. In addition, a large number of books, online search information, so that you become the only answer to your own problems.

When I became a writer and teacher, I was surrounded by hundreds of questions every day. The questions included: Should I go to postgraduate study or go to work? Should I choose to live in my hometown or in a big city? I want to choose my favorite music work. Or do you want to go to the lawyer if you listen to your parents? Should I choose 娶a or 娶b? I will take the advertising test tomorrow, what books should I read? How can I make myself successful? How do I read a book one day?... ...

There are only one kind of problem that all kinds of problems are summed up: they don’t believe that they can decide their own life 100% and make their own decisions for their own power. Because parents and teachers help them to set their life and life direction. Once they grow up and find that they can make decisions, they begin to fear that their decisions will be wrong, hurt, and fail, so they will take their own The problem is to ask people everywhere, to rush to go to hospital, to take other people's prescriptions to treat their own illnesses, just as it is ridiculous to take a map pointing to someone else's home to find their way home.

What impressed me the most was that after a university lecture, a student rushed to ask me: "Teacher, I am going to Paris next month. Can you tell me what you think of Paris?" I remember I looked at her with an unbelievable expression and said, "Oh my God, this is your first time to go to Paris. How can you give me your first definition of Paris? You have the widest, Paris The first definition right after exploration, this is your life's exclusive, should not let any other people's views block between you and Paris!"

As I mentioned in the book "10 Quantum Creative Lessons": The people who have raised such questions have become countless. It seems that everyone has regarded me as a living search engine, including "I am going next week." India, can you recommend me where to go? Which airline should I take? Where should I live?” I just think it’s very strange. Now that the Internet information is so developed, why not go online and check it out? Compare and compare the process of finding data as part of the trip? Instead of listening to the opinions of others even if the details of the journey are followed, I will follow my footsteps, and your journey will be no different from mine.

"Creativity" is an attitude, an attitude of active, active, independent, and full responsibility for life. "Creativity" is not a certain kind of industry, a certain occupation or an environment. Don't be an "old and others have ready answers." "The person, like "the old medicine, but not the way to improve the body", for a long time, they have lost their self-healing power. I am a person who does not like to give people a ready answer, because my problems can only be solved by myself, and all the answers are hidden in the problem. Of course, I also hope that readers and students are also the initiative to explore their own answers. If I give the answer easily, I will deprive them of the fun of exploration - this includes making a book with me.

If I want to sign a motto reader in the book, if the time permits, I will bitterly say to them: "Your book must be found by yourself, because only you know best, what is your main specialty, your interest is What, where is your life going to develop, you have to start reading from the first book of interest, and then read the next book from this book... you have to have your own book classification system. Like you can't move a bunch of furniture that is not suitable for your home style, you have to know your own physique and order for yourself, instead of eating something recommended by others."

Don't be a beggar who has opinions or ready answers. Please be a pioneer and pioneer of your own life. Please explore the upper reaches of your knowledge and wisdom, so that you can get out of your own life from the very beginning. The first step.

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