Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

a famous saying that overcomes setbacks

1. What is the road? That is to say, from the place where there is no way to trample out, from the only thorns to open up. --Lu Xun

2. If you don't go through hardships and twists, don't make great efforts, always have a smooth ride and are easy to succeed, this idea is just an illusion. - Mao Zedong

3. I never knew what was sorrow, failed, and the future was created by myself. ——Xu Teli

4. Jinyun: There is no difficulty in the world, only fearful people. The person who has the heart, that is, the firmness of the determined mind, Zhiqiang is not afraid of things.

5. Thousands of thousands of blows are still tough, and the wind is northeast and southwest. —— Zheng Banqiao

6. Suffering and suffering is the highest school of tempering personality. ——Liang Qichao

7. "Not shameful." Even if you are slow, you will not be able to relax, you will fall behind, and you will fail, but you will be able to achieve the goal you are aiming for. - Lu Xun

8. Giving children more opportunities to experiment is also an integral part of implementing frustration education. Once a child is deprived of the opportunity to try, it is tantamount to being deprived of the opportunity to make mistakes and correct mistakes, so it is impossible to move towards success. - Schumacher

9. Suffering is the teacher of life, through suffering, to joy. - Beethoven

10. A person always has some rebellious encounters, otherwise he will sink unconsciously. People are afraid that they will fall and others will not fall. - Guo Moruo

11. People's lives are like floods running, no islands, reefs, and it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves. --Ostrovsky

12. The seeds do not fall on the loam and fall into the rubble. The viable seeds will never be pessimistic and sigh, because there is resistance to temper. - Xia Yan

13. Even if you fall a hundred times, you must stand up once and for all. ——Zhang Haidi

14. Difficulties and torture For a person, it is a hammer that hits the blank. The broken iron scraps should be broken, and the forged steel knife will be forged. - Chekhov

15. The development of minerals of human intelligence is indispensable for suffering. Pressure is needed to make gunpowder angry.

16. Only those who are always lying in the mud pit will not fall into the pit again. - Hegel

17. Short-term setbacks are better than short-term successes. - Pythagoras

18. Therefore, the heavens will be reduced to the people, and the people will suffer from their own minds. They will work hard, be hungry, and be hungry. They will be ruined by their own bodies, so they will be tempted and willing to do what they can. - "Mencius"

19. One of the great advantages of a great person is that it is a blessing in the unfavorable and difficult encounters. - Beethoven

20. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable as success to me. Only after I know how to do it well can I know what it is to do a job. - Edison

21. The greatest test of courage is to see if one can be defeated. - Ingersoll

22. I feel that I am going forward, why should people not walk because of a small obstacle?——Lu Xun

23. If we have accepted the worst, there will be no more losses. - Carnegie

24. There is only one path leading to the real great realm of mankind. - The road to suffering. - Einstein

25. Heaven is solely for the sake of strengthening our will, and we have placed many obstacles on our path. - Tagore

26. Don't be self-styled because of luck, and don't suffer from bad luck. The true powerhouse is good at finding shadows from good times, finding light from adversity, and constantly calibrating your own goals. - Ibsen

27. The difficulty of being overcome is an opportunity for victory. - Churchill

28. One of the great advantages of a great person is that it is a blessing in the unfavorable and difficult encounters. - Beethoven

29. Each type of setback or unfavorable mutation is carried with the same or a larger beneficial seed. - Emerson

30. I think that frustration and hardship are good opportunities to exercise will and enhance ability. ——Zou Yufen

31. The struggle is the school of mastery, and frustration is the bridge to truth. - Goethe

32. Face the adversity with a brave chest. - Horace

33. All happiness is not without trouble, and all adversity is by no means hopeless. - Bacon

34. Difficulties are bullying and hard. The more you fear it, the more it threatens you. The less you put it in your eyes, the more it compliments you. - Xuan Yongguang

35. Whenever, no matter what, I will never allow myself to be a little bit frustrated. -- Edison

36. Working with the support of a lofty goal, working non-stop, even slow, will certainly succeed. --Einstein

37. Zhuangzhi and perseverance are the wings of the cause--Gögde nature has always used different levels of strength and weakness in the human world, and it is also often used in the struggle to break the boat, so that the weak are no less powerful than the strong. -- Montesquieu

38. One of the great advantages of a great person is that he is unyielding in the face of unfavorable and difficult encounters. -- Beethoven

39. Nothing can be reached from any height. However, if you want to achieve your goals, you must be determined and confident. -- Andersen

40. Tenacious perseverance can conquer any peak in the world. -- Dickens

41. It is also a good thing to thorn on the avenue of art. Everyone is afraid of it, except for those who are strong-willed. --Hugo

42. Going toward a certain goal is a "ambition". It is "qi" in the middle of a bulge, and the two together are "ambitions." The success or failure of all careers depends on this. --Carnegie

43. Life is full of thorns, and the only way we think is to quickly cross over those thorns. - Voltaire

44. Hope is a faithful sister of bad luck. - Pushkin

45. All perseverance efforts will be paid sooner or later. --Angel

46. ​​When you meet the deep forest, you can turn it into a flat land. When you meet the wilderness, you can plant trees. When you meet the desert, you can dig the well. - Lu Xun

47. Suffering and suffering is the highest school of tempering personality. ——Liang Qichao

48. It is not a bad thing for a person to walk through a detour and make mistakes on the road of scientific exploration. It is not a shame to be able to recognize and correct mistakes in practice. - Einstein

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