Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

Second semester safety education work plan

First, the guiding ideology

In the new semester, our school's safety work must conscientiously implement the "China Small Kindergarten Safety Management Measures." Adhere to the people-oriented principle, firmly establish the awareness of "respecting life and safety first", put the strengthening of safety work in a prominent position, strengthen management, and vigorously implement it, and actively prevent all kinds of campus safety accidents.

Second, the target requirements:

Seriously implement the relevant archives of the provincial, municipal government and education administrative departments on strengthening security work, endeavor to eliminate all safety responsibility accidents caused by school work mistakes, eliminate school safety hazards, and enable teachers to have a safe and peaceful working environment. Students have a A safe and civilized learning environment.

Third, work measures:

1. Strengthen prevention and raise awareness

It is necessary to conscientiously implement the "Notice on Further Implementing the "China Small Kindergarten Safety Management Measures" and Do a Good Job in School Safety Work" to continuously improve the safety awareness of all teachers and students. Implement relevant regulations on safe work.

2, establish a system, responsibility to people

It is necessary to put the school safety work on the important agenda and implement the safety responsibility at all levels. It must be done: the organization is sound, the personnel are implemented, the division of labor is clear, and the responsibility is to the people. It is necessary to establish a school safety work system. Namely: safety inspection system, collective outsourcing approval system, major accident reporting system and liability accident investigation system. Eliminate serious accidents and ensure that the campus is safe.

In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Education Bureau, the school's safety work must be inspected, problems should be reported in a timely manner, and rectification opinions should be proposed.

3. Implement measures to prevent precautions

Strengthen school security inspections. It is necessary to regularly organize school safety inspections, not less than once a month, and check the special weather at any time, and find that the dangers are reported and excluded in time. Every teacher should establish the master's thoughts, maintain a high degree of vigilance, care about the safety of school buildings and other facilities, and report problems in a timely manner.

Strengthen the safety inspection of teaching facilities. Before the use of electrical appliances and teaching aids, safety inspections should be carried out. If there are any faults, they should be eliminated in time. Before the use of sports equipment, the physical education teacher or the activity class tutor should first check it carefully. After the determination is completed, the students can be organized. When using, the teacher must not leave the scene. Keep an eye on the student's activities, strengthen protection, and prevent accidents.

Strengthen traffic safety education. It is necessary to strictly abide by traffic laws as a must-have for every day; teachers on the value of the day should strengthen their sense of responsibility and effectively implement the school's rules for clearing schools on time, so that all students can return home after leaving school.

According to the changes in the season, we will formulate powerful measures and provide predictive safety education for students. It is strictly forbidden for students to swim or play in the waters such as rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs to prevent drowning deaths.

It is necessary to make full use of the bulletin boards, class meetings, speeches under the national flag, and pre-school activities before and after school to help students establish safety awareness, strictly inter-class and midday activities, and eliminate the phenomenon of chasing and playing as much as possible, and standardize their own behavior. It is necessary to adhere to the system of each class and find that students who are absent should be reported to the school leaders in the first time according to the program, and promptly identify the reasons; to strengthen the safety education and guidance of students' off-campus behavior, do not play Fire, don't play with water, don't play with electricity, don't play with cars. A safety education blackboard newspaper was issued; the last safety education theme class meeting; a comprehensive self-examination of safety work.

Fourth, the main points of work in the month


Organize the campus environment.

Study "China Small Kindergarten Safety Management Measures."


Develop a safe work plan.

Sign a safety responsibility letter.

Conduct school safety hazard investigations.


Organize the study of "Self-prevention and safety of primary and secondary school students".

Carry out the theme activity of the "Legal with Me Growth" brigade.


Traffic safety education.

School health and epidemic prevention and food safety inspection.


Flood prevention safety education.

Summary of school safety work.

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