Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

School Safety Work Plan for the first semester of the 2013 school year

School safety work is related to the stability of the school, social stability, and the continuous and harmonious development of the school. It must be sustained and constantly sounded. In order to effectively strengthen school safety work plans, improve the safety awareness of all teachers and students, ensure the safety of life and property of schools and teachers and students, maintain school and social stability, and ensure the full realization of school safety goals and tasks throughout the year, now combined with the actual situation of our school The semester school safety work plan is arranged as follows.

First, the guiding ideology

During the semester, the school’s safety work was guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, earnestly studying and implementing Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents, fully implementing the scientific development concept, and thoroughly implementing the Chinese Small Kindergarten "Safety Management Measures", comprehensively implement the spirit of the archives meeting of the Education Bureau of Handu District on safety production, follow the guidelines of active prevention, scientific management, full participation, and responsibility, and firmly establish " safety in times of peace, long-term alarm, constant hard work" The idea is to adhere to the work philosophy of “focusing on the management of the system, strictly developing good behaviors, supervising and inspecting the inspections, and completely rectifying the hidden dangers”, and taking the “safe campus” creation activities as the carrier to ensure more effective and effective work. The campus is safe and maintains the normal education and teaching order of the school.

Second, organizational leadership

In order to effectively strengthen the leadership of safety work, it was decided to establish the Hancun National Small Safety Work Leading Group.

Team leader: Guo Jiemin

Deputy leader: Zhang Luliang

Member: Class teacher

Third, the work target

1. Conscientiously implement the safety laws, regulations and policies, further establish and improve the school safety work responsibility system and organization network, and achieve the “four implementations” of institutions, personnel, responsibilities and funds.

2. Establish and improve various systems such as the leadership responsibility system, the reward and punishment system, the regular meeting system, the publicity and education system, the inspection system, the report and the safety work duty system.

3. School safety work is the focus of routine school management. It insists on a monthly safety work conference, conducts a monthly safety inspection, and carefully investigates safety hazards. Once safety hazards are identified, they should be rectified immediately or taken to prevent them. A safety incident has occurred.

4. Grasp the safety education and teaching, school buildings, living facilities and the safety supervision, inspection and management of dangerous goods in the laboratory.

5. Grasp the security management within the school, focus on the duties of the guards, strengthen the safety management of the corridor, strengthen the campus security patrol, and strengthen the fire and electricity safety management. Eliminate major accidents and reduce general accidents.

6. Organize revisions to improve the school's major hazard sources and emergency response plans for major accidents, enrich the emergency rescue team, and organize regular drills.

7. Strengthen safety information management, submit all kinds of safety information materials on time, do a good job in collecting and disposing of school safety information and intelligence, and prevent various safety accidents.

8. Establish and improve school safety accounts and standardize the management of school safety work files.

9, the school insurance insurance rate strives to reach more than 95%, the school's liability insurance reaches 100%.

Fourth, work initiatives

Establish a system and clarify responsibilities

1. The principal and the teacher, the class teacher and the parents of the students shall sign a safety responsibility letter respectively to clarify their respective responsibilities.

2. Establish a system of responsible persons for safety work. The principal is the first responsible person of the school, and the vice-president in charge of safety is the second responsible person. The head teacher of each class is the first responsible person of the class, and the teacher of the department is the second responsible person.

3. Further establish and improve various safety work systems, strengthen the process of safety work and end management, strictly assess, reward and punish, and commend the reward system at the end of the period.

Highlight school safety priorities and strengthen safety management

School safety work should focus on school buildings, food hygiene, fire protection, epidemic prevention and control, student drowning, road traffic, and student injury.

1. Because the school building has just been repaired, there are no dangerous houses in the school building, but the monthly routine inspections can not be less, and they are monitored at any time. The problems are reported in time and rectified, and it is strictly forbidden to take classes in dangerous houses.

2. Strictly supervise the implementation of the school commissary.

3, in strict accordance with the requirements of the fire-fighting facilities, and to ensure the effective use, in strict accordance with the requirements of the standard, safekeeping and use of dangerous goods.

4. Vigorously carry out the patriotic health campaign, do a good job in campus sanitation and disinfection and sterilization, effectively prevent and control epidemic diseases, and consciously accept supervision and inspection by competent departments and health and epidemic prevention departments. Under the guidance of the health and epidemic prevention department, we will do a good job in the prevention and publicity and education of infectious diseases to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. To highlight the publicity and education on the prevention of highly pathogenic avian influenza and infectious diseases, and educate students about infectious diseases such as hand, foot and mouth, and seek medical attention immediately. Students who are sick at school should be informed of their parents and sent to the hospital for treatment.

5. Strictly implement the road team system, educate students not to take over passenger buses or passenger ships, and combine student behavior habits into education and safety education to prevent and avoid traffic accidents. Each school must formulate an operational plan for the actual situation of the school.

6. Strengthen communication and contact with relevant departments, further increase the efforts of “five cleansing and three rectifications”, put an end to the gangs on campus, use big bullying, fight and fight, vigorously rectify the surrounding environment of the campus, and ensure the safety of teachers and students. harmonious.

7. Strengthen the duties of key parts of the campus and strengthen the management of key time.

8. Strengthen traffic safety work plan and student safety work management. First, foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter the campus to prevent accidental traffic accidents. The second is to further increase the traffic safety publicity and education, educating students under the age of 12 is not allowed to ride a bicycle. Teachers and students are strictly prohibited from taking a car without a license. Third, schools may not organize students to participate in social practice activities without security guarantees, and may not organize students to participate in dangerous activities such as disaster relief.

9. Students are strictly forbidden to participate in outdoor activities. All outings must be approved by the principal and then organized by the teacher. Large-scale events such as sports events must be developed in advance to ensure a safe safety situation for teachers and students. Students attending the event must have teacher care.

10. Do a good job in flood prevention safety education. Educate students not to swim in the ponds and rivers, and master some basic knowledge of drowning. In case of heavy weather such as heavy rain, students may not attend school in the weather.

【Related Reading】
The district's judicial administrative work plan safety work plan '>2011 school safety work plan safety work plan '> 2019 spring national small security work plan safety and environmental protection work plan '> 2019 health and safety work plan Painting safety work plan '>2019 school safety work plan safety work plan'>2011 school year school comprehensive safety work plan safety work plan model ">2019 food safety work plan model safety work plan" >2019 Fire Safety Work Plan [Return Safety Work Plan Column List]

11. Inform the local and foreign security incidents in a timely manner, always give the teachers and students a safe vigilance, maintain a high degree of vigilance, and make the safety work alarm ring.

Strengthen inspection and rectify hidden dangers

In view of the weak links in the safety work of our school, this school will highlight the safety and prevention work in the school, continue to adhere to regular and irregular safety inspection and prevention systems, and ensure that safety work is foolproof.

1. Before the school starts, the school safety work leading group will conduct a campus safety inspection. He is responsible for the safety of school buildings, fire safety , traffic safety , safety of electricity lines and electricity, safety of dangerous goods and inflammable and explosive materials, and safety of corridors. It is necessary to organize it carefully, conduct a comprehensive inspection one by one, confirm that there are no hidden dangers, and sign it with the relevant inspectors before they can be put into use at the beginning of the school. For the hidden safety hazards, the school should be reported in writing and immediately reorganized to ensure normal use at the beginning of school.

2. Strengthen routine safety inspections. The school will strengthen the awareness of the alarm bells for key safety parts, and always check and keep in mind to prevent them. The school establishes and strictly implements the “class safety work weekly inspection system” and records the inspection details in detail. The school immediately took measures to effectively correct the problems or safety hazards found during the inspection.

3. Implement the “ Safety Work Monthly Check Monthly Reporting System”. Adhere to a monthly safety work conference and conduct a safety inspection. Each inspection must be in accordance with the requirements of the inspection records of the Education Bureau, and the inspection focus should be established according to the seasonal characteristics and the actual situation of the school. The inspection plan should be formulated to check the safety. Hidden dangers should be registered one by one, and a good account should be set up, and rectification plans should be formulated, rectification measures should be implemented, safety hazards should be eliminated within a limited time, and complete inspection records and summaries should be formed.

Strengthen education and raise awareness

1. During the semester, the school will further strengthen safety legal education and training, and conduct training on campus safety management and food hygiene, disease prevention and control, school building safety , fire safety , traffic safety and other knowledge in a multi-level manner to continuously improve campus safety. Management level.

2. Continue to strengthen contact with relevant departments such as police stations, and regularly carry out various forms of special lectures such as student safety education and legal education, and create a new situation of “police school co-education”, and contact parents to develop home-school co-education. Strengthen the education and transformation of problem students.

3. Incorporate the safety and legal education work plan into the education and teaching content, and have a safety education time of one class per week. The safety teaching plan is comprehensive in content, complete in elements, detailed in the process, and highly targeted. It is necessary to carry out targeted safety education in light of the characteristics of the season and the special environment in which the school is located. There are plans to carry out various safety drills.

4. Vigorously carry out safety education activities through training, drills, essays, competitions, slogans, etc., establish a fixed safety education warning column in the eye-catching department of the school, and timely release the safety education theme, weekly safety education content and safety warning information. Infiltrate safety education into the education thoughts of every teacher, infiltrate into various activities of the school, establish a school security education propaganda position, increase safety education, and continuously enhance the safety awareness of teachers and students.

Safety work is more important than Taishan. It is the basis of the normal teaching order of the school. I hope that all faculty and staff will attach great importance to it, earnestly grasp, grasp and grasp the reality, strive for zero accidents during the semester, and maintain the stability of the school.

【Related Reading】
The district's judicial administrative work plan safety work plan '>2011 school safety work plan safety work plan '> 2019 spring national small security work plan safety and environmental protection work plan '> 2019 health and safety work plan Painting safety work plan '>2019 school safety work plan safety work plan'>2011 school year school comprehensive safety work plan safety work plan model ">2019 food safety work plan model safety work plan" >2019 Fire Safety Work Plan [Return Safety Work Plan Column List]

In 2019, the judicial administration of the whole district should continue to implement the scientific concept of development, adhere to the working philosophy of "respecting the law, and diligently serving the people", focusing on the three issues of "promoting social contradictions, social management innovation, fair and honest law enforcement". Focus on the work, fully perform the judicial administrative functions, and focus on four aspects, 25 work.

I. Strengthen basic work at the grassroots level and enhance the ability of service reform and development

1. Give full play to the role of the people's mediation function and deepen the resolution of contradictions and disputes. It is necessary to carry out the practice of the theme of "Building a People's Mediation Defense Line and Promoting the Construction of the Safe and Safe Jiulong Slope" as a carrier, and implementing the "four projects" of the people's mediation as a starting point to promote the new development of the people's mediation work in the whole district. We will implement network engineering, and build a system of people's mediation organizations that are horizontal to the edge and vertically to the end. We will do a good job of extending the network organization of the village adjustment committee and establish a mediation team in the village group. The standardization rate of the village regulation committee should reach more than 60%. We will continue to promote the construction of a large-scale enterprise adjustment committee for more than 200 people, continue to promote the construction of property, doctors and patients' committees, and consolidate and strengthen the joint people's mediation committee. Implement talent projects and effectively improve the ability and level of people's mediators to investigate and resolve conflicts and disputes. The mediation organizations at all levels should widely absorb the members of the society who have certain cultural knowledge, policy and legal standards, and enthusiastic people's mediation work as the people's mediators, and constantly adjust, enrich and strengthen the team of people's mediators. Strive to equip each village with a full-time people's mediator, and strive to build a team of people's mediators with the full-time people's mediator as the backbone, the part-time people's mediator as the main body, and the people's mediation volunteers as supplements. Take the form of grading training and increase the training of people's mediators. The selection of the “Top Ten People's Mediation Committee”, “Top Ten People Mediator”, “Excellent Mediation Organization” and “Excellent Mediator” was carried out. Actively create conditions, build platforms, train, train, and shape a group of excellent people mediators with rich experience, proficient business, and hard work. Implement coordinated projects to effectively consolidate and improve the four-in-one mediation work mechanism of people's mediation, administrative mediation, judicial mediation, and letters and visits mediation. We will implement the tough project and give full play to the functional advantages of the people's mediation for the separation of the party and government and for solving problems for the people. In the second half of the year, it will take more than three months to carry out a "one-day battle for people's mediation in the whole region". Achieve the goal of “tuning the tone”.

2. Further improve the standardization of the judicial system, and strive to build a number of military standards. Vigorously strengthen the organization of the judicial organization, and strive to make the judicial bureau and the judicial system form a coordinated and orderly working mechanism and management mechanism. Strengthen the construction of the cadre team of the judicial department, and publicly recruit and supplement the staff of the judicial office. Strengthen the construction of the judicial office, organize judicial assistants to carry out more than two centralized business training and exchanges and study, and ensure that the professional quality of judicial assistants is greatly improved. Strengthen the management of the judicial affairs, so that the discipline is strict, the division of labor is clear, and the responsibility is implemented. Establish and improve the annual comprehensive target assessment system for the judicial office. Strengthen the infrastructure construction of the judicial office.

3. Comprehensively strengthen and improve the resettlement and help work of the prisoners of criminal release, and continuously promote the social management innovation of the prisoners. We will improve and improve the linkage mechanism for resettlement and education, and take the initiative to cooperate with the administrative departments of public security, human social security, civil affairs, industry and commerce, and actively explore the establishment of a linkage mechanism for resettlement and education to meet the needs of the new situation, and jointly help to solve the employment, schooling and life of the prisoners. Waiting for practical difficulties to promote their smooth integration into society. Emphasis will be placed on establishing a “seamless connection” mechanism among key personnel such as “critically guilty criminals”, “reconstructed criminals”, “three no-persons”, and black-related and evil-related evils. The key objects are 100% timely and effectively managed. Consolidate and expand the construction of resettlement help and education bases. While supporting a number of transitional resettlement help and education bases, select 1-2 resources with good resources, accept large-scale criminal release and layoffs, and base units with excellent basic conditions as a demonstration base for resettlement. It is necessary to ensure that the rate of help and release of prisoners is over 98%, the resettlement rate is over 80%, and the annual recidivism rate is controlled within 3%.

4. Comprehensively strengthen community corrections. Establish a full-time Community Correction Work Management Section to strengthen management guidance for community correction work in the district. Improve the system of joint meeting of strengthening community correction work. Comprehensively promote the community correction work 13589 Chongqing model. Ensure that the community correction target recidivism rate is controlled within 0.5%.

Second, standardize the work of legal services and improve the level of service economic and social development

5. Strengthen the management and service of legal service agencies. Taking advantage of institutional reform opportunities, the supervision and management and guidance services functions were separated from the legal system, and the Legal Services Work Management Section was established to establish a standardized and reasonable legal service supervision and management mechanism. In-depth education of socialist rule of law, professional ethics and practice discipline education among legal service workers, ensuring that the legal service work always adheres to the "three supremacy" and earnestly achieves "four in the heart" and realizes the legal effect of legal service work. The organic unity of social and political effects.

6. Strengthen the work of lawyers. Further promote legal services to coordinate urban and rural development practice activities, strengthen the relationship between law firms and the towns and streets of docking services, and strive to achieve "win-win". Instruct lawyers to participate in district leaders' petition visits and legal publicity, and provide legal service opinions for major economic and social development projects in the district. Consolidate the development of lawyers' friendship mechanism, enhance the friendship between lawyers, promote exchanges and learning among lawyers, enhance the new image of Jiulongpo lawyers, and strive to build Jiulongpo brand law firm.

7. Expand the field of notarization and improve the quality of notarization. Actively expand the coverage of notary business and increase the amount of notary services. Strengthen the quality supervision and assessment of notarization, adhere to the normative standards, and improve the accountability system for false witnesses.

8. Vigorously implement legal aid to the people's heart project. We will comprehensively promote the standardization of legal aid work, and achieve unified collection, unified approval, unified assignment, and unified filing. Accelerate the construction of legal aid information management system. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the legal aid case handling process to ensure the quality of legal aid handling cases. Achieve the goal of legal aid “helping to help”.

First, the guiding ideology

Safe work is the need to protect the safety of state property and school property, protect the fundamental interests and life safety of teachers and students, and guarantee normal teaching order. From the height of politics and stability, we must fully recognize the importance and necessity of school safety work, conscientiously implement the policy of " safety first, prevention first", take responsibility for the people, and be highly responsible to teachers and students. The attitude of handling school safety work and improving the quality of school education. Incorporate safety work into the important agenda of the school, take necessary measures to ensure the safety of school work, and create a safe and peaceful work and learning environment for teachers and students.

Second, specific measures

1. Establish a leading group

Schools should pay full attention to safety work and implement it from the manpower and system to ensure the implementation of safe work. Therefore, we must raise our ideological understanding, keep pace, and work together to ensure the implementation of various safety work measures. Established with the headmaster Chen Zhijun as the leader of the school, Du Caibao, the vice president of safety and health, is the deputy leader, the full-time deputy secretary of the branch, the middle-level cadre, the grade leader and the class teacher as the members of the school safety work leading group, and the director Du Caibao is responsible for safety. daily work. All members should be responsible for the school, with a high degree of professionalism and sense of responsibility, each with their own duties, with the Qifeng Street, Chengnan Community, the police station, the vice president of the legal system to strictly prevent the comprehensive management of the school, and strive to eliminate all kinds of It will affect the safety and stability of the school and ensure that all teachers and students can work and study in a good environment.

2. Establish and improve rules and regulations

To do a good job in school safety , we must have rules to follow. Our school will formulate various systems for school safety work, determine the first responsible person and direct responsible person of safety work, organize laws and regulations on the safety of teachers and students, and regularly publish posters and columns. Regularly broadcast, publish and broadcast safety knowledge, use safety- raising lectures such as flag-raising ceremonies and class classes to conduct safety education for students and improve students' safety awareness.

3. Implement safety first, prevention-oriented policy

"Hidden dangers are in the open flame, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is more important than Taishan." The key to doing a good job in school safety is to prevent it from happening. Our school will implement a safety management system that combines regular inspections and daily prevention. Every day, teachers and students on the day should be organized to patrol the school gates, campuses, etc. Every night and on holidays, teachers should be arranged to patrol on duty, do anti-theft, fire prevention, etc. Every day, school and school must have a special person to organize the duty to maintain good. The traffic order at the school gate is strictly forbidden to enter the campus without permission. Increase the intensity of rectification around the school gate, especially not to allow small traders to set up stalls at the school gate. It is not allowed to sell things and park vehicles within 50 meters of the school gate. Ensure the safety of teachers and students, discover important situations, report in time, leave no blind spots, and no loopholes.

4. Comprehensive safety awareness education and safety inspection

Improve the thinking and understanding of the teachers and students of the whole school

First of all, we must let all teachers clearly understand that it is a prerequisite for doing a good job in basic education. Teachers must have a strong sense of security , pay attention to safety management and regular safety education and self-protection education for students, so that the school can have a safe and stable education and teaching environment to ensure that the party and the country's education policy is obtained at school. A good implementation can ensure that teachers can smoothly carry out teaching activities and various extracurricular and off-campus educational activities to ensure the healthy growth of students.

Secondly, all faculty and staff should also fully realize that it is an important part of quality education to do a good job in the safety protection of primary and secondary school students. In the process of fully implementing quality education, we should pay attention to the hands-on and brain-based education of students and attach importance to students. How to prevent and defend against various injuries. Students should spend a reasonable amount of time in their spare time. When organizing a large number of activities that suit students' characteristics and stimulate students' interest, they should pay attention to the safety protection of students and take effective measures to eliminate various hidden dangers. It is necessary to take correct methods to help children establish a strong sense of safety and prevention, develop good character and habits, and guide them to use reasonable extracurricular time to carry out activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health, and to discover and solve the mentality of children and adolescents in a timely manner. The problem is to stay away from risk factors as much as possible and reduce the occurrence of accidental injuries so that they can learn and live in a peaceful environment.

Strengthen the safety management of schools

Conduct safety-related carpet inspections on school buildings, various types of electrical equipment and other hardware facilities every month, and make a record. At the same time, report to the Education Department of the District Education Bureau before the 25th of each month. A security special meeting is held once a month to study and deploy security work, and at least one safety equipment overhaul is conducted in one semester. If the sports equipment is worn out, it should be replaced, and there should be no safety hazards.

The school and all the staff, the room and each class teacher signed a " safety responsibility book", and the parents issued a letter to the parents of the students at the beginning of the semester to clarify their respective responsibilities. Students must be safe during their life at school. Students' behavior habits should be civilized, in line with the requirements of the school, continue to do a good job in the "civilization demonstration class", "road team pioneer" striving work, conduct a weekly health inspection appraisal, improve the class teacher work assessment method, put the safety work assessment In a prominent position.

Various outing activities are subject to the approval system. When organizing teachers and students to participate in celebration activities, spring and autumn tours and other activities, they must apply for approval, the class report to the grade leader, and the grade leader reports to the principal for approval. Spring and Autumn Tour adheres to the principle of local and walking, and has strict organization and temporary security measures for the activities.

Strengthen law and discipline education, hire a vice-president of the extra-curricular legal system and an off-campus legal counselor to do a good job in police school construction. Strengthen the work of guards, duty and nursing school.

Strictly implement educational programs, control students' school time, do not arrive at school in advance, leave school on time, do not charge fees, control the amount of extracurricular work, strengthen mental health education, reduce the economic, academic and psychological burden of students, and not corporal punishment and disguise Corporal punishment students.

Improve the skills of teachers and students to protect themselves

The school will pass the "Month of Safety Education Day" on the last Monday of March, the "Comprehensive Management Month" in March each year, the "Defense Prevention Education Month" in April each year, and the prevention of schistosomiasis, AIDS and drugs every June. The project special education activities, the "Holding and Cultivating the National Spirit Month" activities in September each year, the " Safety Education Week", the team meeting, the practice activities class and other channels, the students' survival education, emergency education, self-help and mutual rescue education, Self-defense and other education about safety common sense. Every Friday afternoon, the floor is divided into grades and regular safety self-rescue self-protection evacuation drills are carried out. This semester will focus on the prevention of influenza A type Nihi.
Related to the content of the School Safety Work Plan for this 2011 school year:
2019 Health, Safety and Environmental Protection Work Plan
School Safety Work Plan for 2019
School Comprehensive Safety Work Plan for the 2011 Academic Year
2019 Food Safety Work Plan
2019 fire safety work plan
2019 Kindergarten Safety Work Plan Model 3
2019 class safety work plan
Safety and Health Work Plan for 2019

View more>> Safety Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology

During the semester, the safety work of our school will continue to implement the principle of “ safety first, prevention first”, and further strengthen the safety management work based on school safety . The alarm bell will be Changming and often unremitting, to “hidden dangers to open fires”. The fire prevention is better than disaster relief, and the responsibility is more important than Taishan’s important instruction spirit. According to the Ministry of Education’s “Methods for Handling Student Injury Accidents”, the safety requirements of the higher authorities, and the school work plan, according to the new situation, the anti-h1n1 Influenza, effectively strengthen school safety work management, enhance teachers and students' safety awareness, improve the school's internal safety management system, and form an overall network that manages campus safety together to avoid all kinds of accidents.

Second, the implementation plan

Seeking new and pragmatic management, pursuing standardization and security . Pay attention to peace safety education, strive to prevent and pay close attention to the quality of safety management, follow the principle of “who is in charge of who is responsible”, implement safety work measures at different levels, sign safety responsibility books at various levels, and clarify their respective responsibilities. Strengthen safety education and training, strengthen supervision and inspection, and carry out in-depth safety special rectification, always put the safety of teachers and students throughout the school in the first place of all work. Conscientiously implement the spirit and requirements of the “Measures for Handling Student Injury Accidents”. In the last semester, we formulated and implemented the “Shenzhen Elementary School to Create “Ping An Campus” Pre-Case Set” and “Chengming Elementary School Anti-h1n1 Influenza A Plan”, which will continue to be implemented this semester. implement. Preventing problems before they occur, ensuring students' safety , traffic safety and food hygiene in school, ensuring financial security of the school, and resolutely eliminating all serious accidents such as heavy and extra-large.

Third, the specific work

1. Strengthen the school safety work management system

We will conscientiously implement the safety work archives and conference spirit at all levels and raise awareness of safety responsibility.

In the severe h1n1 influenza A prevention and control, actively take various effective measures; implement the "daily morning inspection system", and achieve "zero record" and "zero report" in the prevention and control of h1n1 work. Implement the “ Safety Education System for the Last Five Minutes of Everything” and “The Last Safety Education System for Every Friday” to enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of safety work. Strengthen the security management mechanism, coordinate school safety every day, and escort students to order roads after school.

At the end of the last semester and at the beginning of the new semester, the principal led the team to investigate the safety hazards and form a record.

Conduct weekly safety publicity and education activities to raise awareness of safety precautions for teachers and students. After the weekly flag-raising, the safety education period after the morning exercise on Wednesday, and the last class of the weekly class, safety education activities will be held and regular.

All safety education activities are pragmatic, pragmatic, and have records to ensure that there are no safety liability accidents.

2. Highly valued and strictly managed.

Safety work is the most important, and responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. There is no small matter in campus security . You must not be too hard on security work, and you should not be lucky or negligent. The school continues to adhere to the idea of ​​student safety , thinking of what students think, urgency for parents, focusing on major energy, manpower, material resources, financial resources to solve key problems and difficult safety issues, safety education, safety publicity, safety inspections must be strictly supervised, management. Quickly respond to and deal with all incidental and sudden safety injuries from students, and get the best time to solve problems with effective work and scientific disposal.

The safety work alarm sounds long and it is not a problem. Put safety at the top of the school's work, be responsible to the students, and ensure the personal safety of teachers and students.

Strengthen safety awareness, implement a safe work system, and strive to make safety and security work more detailed and prevent all safety accidents from happening.

Further improve and improve the school safety management network, clarify the functions of the safety work leading group, and clarify the safety work responsibilities.

Strictly implement the school safety management system, supervision mechanism and reward and punishment system, to ensure who is derelict, who is responsible, eliminate all hidden dangers, and prevent it from happening.

3. Highlight key points and implement measures.

There is prevention of campus safety and highlights. According to the age characteristics and acceptability of students, we use a variety of lively, effective and effective, student-friendly and easy-to-accept forms to carry out safety education, so that students can enhance their safety awareness, understand home safety , campus safety , travel safety , social security and some Basic common sense, including anti-fraud, anti-robbery, anti-robbery, anti-trafficking, anti-fire, anti-gambling, anti-drug and other common sense, improve students' self-protection ability, ability to identify bad phenomena. Safety management highlights the key points. To ensure the implementation of key safety work, the computer room regularly removes harmful information from the Internet; pay attention to check the safety education accidents such as replacing old electrical lines, electric switch boxes, and sports equipment.

Strengthen the responsibility system, strictly implement the safety system, be responsible for division of labor, implement at all levels, ensure the safety of all school work, and implement school safety precautions.

Strengthen safety education, make good use of morning meetings, class meetings, speeches under the national flag, pre-school and afternoon channels to help students establish safety awareness, strictly inter-class and midday activities, eliminate chasing and harassing as much as possible, standardize autonomous behavior, and enhance Security capacity. It is necessary to strengthen traffic safety education and management, and strictly discipline the road team to ensure that students come to school and leave school safely. Strengthen the safety education and guidance of students' off-campus behaviors, so as not to play with fire, not to play with water, not to play with electricity, or to play with cars. Organize students to watch a safety education video; issue a safety education blackboard newspaper; attend a safety education theme class class; conduct a comprehensive safety work self-examination. There is a special record book for safety education, organized for road safety or legal education roving exhibitions or exhibition activities to further enhance the traffic safety and legal awareness of teachers and students.

Refining safety management, paying attention to safety precautions, doing a good job of teachers' guidance and value day work, doing a good job of monitoring students' activities, and ensuring students' safety work on campus. Strictly guide and manage the students' midday activities, up and down stairs, assembly rallies, physical education classes, activity classes, etc., as far as possible to eliminate the occurrence of chasing, playing, etc.; Guided day work to monitor student activity.

Strictly cyber security education and management, strictly control students' access to social Internet cafes, and strive to improve students' ability to prevent harmful information on the Internet and actively create a healthy environment for students to grow up healthily.

Do a good job in communication with the parents of students who are absent, and contact the parents for the care of their parents. Do a good job of communicating and contacting the parents who have been late for the students due to individual counseling, educational talks, etc. Student safety hazards and accidents caused by teacher omissions. School Safety Work Plan for 2019 School Safety Work Plan for Schools in 2011 Year 2019 Food Safety Work Plan Model 2019 Fire Safety Work Plan 2019 Kindergarten Safety Work Plan Model 3 2019 Class Safety Work Plan 2019 Annual Safety and Health Work Plan 2019 Safety Education and Comprehensive Management Work Plan
[Back to the safe work plan column list]

First, the guiding ideology

In 2019, Huayou Industrial Company adhered to the scientific development concept as the leader, and firmly established the concept of “ safety first, environmental protection priority, people-oriented”, and conscientiously implemented the deployment of oilfield company health, safety and environmental protection work, in accordance with “one advancement”, The overall requirements of "three upgrades", "six projects" and "eight enhancements", comprehensively implement responsibilities, deepen risk management, consolidate the basic work of health, safety and environmental protection, and constantly improve the long-term mechanism of health, safety and environmental protection, and continue to stabilize the company. Development provides a solid guarantee.

Second, goals and indicators

Struggle goal: zero injury, zero pollution, zero accident.

Safety production work objectives:

Six eliminations: Eliminate safety accidents that cause greater social impact; eliminate large industrial production fires and explosions; eliminate safety accidents above serious injuries; eliminate traffic accidents; eliminate a direct economic loss of more than 30,000 yuan; eliminate acute Occupational disease hazards and radiation accidents.

Four comprehensive: comprehensively implement the responsibility system for production safety , comprehensively promote the effective operation of the hse management system; comprehensively rectify the hidden dangers of accidents and comprehensively strengthen emergency management.

The three are not overtaken: the injury rate of industrial production employees is less than one thousandth, the traffic accident is seriously injured by no more than one person, and the harmful factors of hazardous workplaces do not exceed the standards set by the state.

Two guarantees: ensure the safety of production of key units, key installations and key parts, and ensure the safety of public gathering places.

A striving: to create an advanced unit for safe production of oilfield companies.

Environmental protection work objectives: to eliminate major and above environmental responsibility incidents; industrial sewage discharge compliance rate of 100%, workover wastewater recovery rate of 100%; non-polluting operation rate of 100%; controlled emission emission compliance rate of 100%; sludge treatment rate reached 100%; “three wastes” treatment facilities operating rate, integrity rate, effective rate reached 98%; green coverage rate is greater than 40%.

The health, safety and environmental protection work indicators are controlled within the control indicators issued by the oilfield company.

Third, the main work tasks

In 2019, the company's health, safety and environmental protection work should be done: “one promotion”, “three promotion”, “six constructions” and “eight reinforcements”.

A promotion: strong promotion of sense leadership, straight line responsibility, territorial management

1. Strongly promote the sense of leadership. Sense of leadership is the good personal safety behavior of leaders at all levels to lead by example, so that employees can truly perceive the importance of safe production, feel the leadership of safety and demonstrate the necessity of self- safety . Every leading cadre of the company, especially the leaders of all levels of organizations, must profoundly understand the essence of leadership, consciously learn to master hse knowledge and management skills, and improve the ability to practice leadership. It is necessary to take the initiative to achieve “eight personally” in the work: personally formulate personal safety action plans, conscientiously implement and implement them; personally preside over the hse work conference, study and solve major problems in production hse; organize hse audits in person, and find out in time Improve hse management weaknesses; personally organize hse hazard identification, risk assessment and control, promote all staff identification, hierarchical management, systematic evaluation, supervision and implementation; personally promote hse concept, teach laws and regulations and hse related knowledge; personally contact points Carry out hse activities and fill out feedback forms to solve the problems in the hse management activities of the grassroots units; personally carry out safety experience sharing activities to promote the extensive activities; personally check and evaluate the performance of deputy duties, and supervise the implementation of the duties of deputy hse. The implementation of the “eight personally” requirements of leading cadres will be included in the hse system review and leading cadres' safety and environmental protection debriefing and individual performance appraisal, and promote the leading cadres to practice the leaders.

2. Strongly promote the responsibility of the line. The responsibility of the straight line is to implement the overall responsibility of the top leaders at all levels of the enterprise for safety and environmental protection. The company will comprehensively revise the responsibilities of leading cadres at all levels, and clarify the safety and environmental protection work and the responsibility for safety and environmental protection within the scope of business and scope. The person in charge of implementing the various tasks is responsible for the safety and environmental protection of their respective work, who is responsible for the work, who is responsible for management, and who is responsible for the organization. The company and the department-level units and organs functional departments, department-level units and grass-roots teams, grass-roots teams and teams should sign the " Safety and Environmental Protection Responsibility Letter" at various levels to clarify the safety and environmental protection objectives, and strictly assess the safety and environmental performance.

Established the hse subcommittee. In accordance with the division of labor of the company, six sub-committees including party and group system, production and safety and environmental protection, regulations and property management, technology and market, operation and finance, assets and personnel are established. The director of the hse sub-committee is headed by the company's in charge of leadership, and the members are composed of relevant departments and unit leaders. Clear the hse subcommittee's responsibilities and work processes, and establish working mechanisms such as regular work meetings and major issues. The department-level unit shall complete the establishment of the hse in charge of the team by the end of February according to the establishment mode of the company's hse sub-committee. Each team is responsible for the safety and environmental protection work within the scope of business. The members of the company's hse sub-committee and the grass-roots units shall perform their management duties in accordance with the "hse management principles requirements" of the group company, and assume leadership responsibility for the safety and environmental protection work within the scope of the system.

According to the characteristics of the business in charge, each sub-committee and management team shall guide the business department to carry out applicability evaluation on operational standards and technical specifications within the scope of business, timely clean up the invalidated files, revise and improve relevant standards, organize hazard identification and evaluation, and comprehensively identify The hazard factors of the system, grading evaluation, formulate control measures and supervise the implementation; carry out process safety analysis and pre-work safety analysis, strengthen the control of key nodes of safety and environmental protection; strengthen source control, design plan to specify production operations, construction process In the hse hazard control measures, strengthen the design of the program, strictly carry out technical disclosure, pay close attention to the construction process management, strict supervision and inspection, and implement the whole process monitoring of key projects.

3. Strongly promote territorial management. Territorial management is to implement each leader's responsibility for the safety and environmental protection of the areas, businesses and systems in charge, and to implement each employee's responsibility for safety and environmental protection within his or her work area, including the safety of equipment, operations and contractors in the area. Responsible for environmental protection, who is responsible for who is in the field, who is responsible for the region, and who is responsible for the territory.

Implement the regional responsibility system for territorial management. Taking the production position as the starting point, taking the production site and the construction site as the unit, the division of the employees of the grassroots posts is divided into detailed sections, and the safety and environmental protection leaders of each zone, each equipment and each process are marked, and the local supervisors are given clear Clear safety and environmental responsibility, the implementation of local safety and environmental responsibility to the position and staff. At the same time, it will increase performance appraisal within the territories and promote the effective implementation of territorial security duties. Strengthen the sense of responsibility for territorial management, implement local responsibilities, and assume territorial responsibility.

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