Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

Safety Production Month Work Summary

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Municipal Education Bureau [2011] No. 176 file, our school promotes the implementation of the " Safe Production Law" as the main line, with the theme of "Caring for Life, Safe Development", and adopting various forms through various channels to organize it extensively and deeply. The “ Safe Production Month” campaign was carried out and remarkable results were achieved. The “ Safe Production Month” activities are summarized as follows:

First, unify thinking and raise awareness.

In accordance with the unified deployment of the archives of the Education Bureau, in order to further strengthen the safety production work of our school and implement the safety production responsibilities at all levels, our school has re-adjusted the safety leadership organization, established and improved the responsibility system for production safety , and pay attention to the training while paying attention to teaching management. Good security and prevention work has formed a first-level safety production responsibility system. Through the “ Safe Production Month” campaign, we will vigorously promote safety production policies, laws and regulations, and major measures to strengthen safety production, promote safety culture construction, strengthen overall safety awareness, guide all teachers and students to value human life values, and create “care for life, Focus on safety and the public opinion atmosphere.

Second, carry out all-round publicity and education activities

Through the speeches under the national flag, the regular meetings of faculty and staff, and the theme class meeting, the school widely publicized the significance of the “National Safe Production Month” activity, allowing all teachers and students to actively participate in activities, clarify responsibilities, clarify tasks, and ensure that all school safety responsibilities and safety work are in place. The class blackboard newspaper and the school bulletin board each carry out safety work promotion with distinctive features, forming a good publicity atmosphere.

Third, multi-form popular security knowledge

In addition to radio, column, publicity materials and publicity on safety knowledge, the school organized seminars on prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease and influenza A, food hygiene and safety knowledge lectures, etc. The school distributed a total of XX promotional materials, these lectures The propaganda materials mainly introduce the main symptoms, transmission methods, preventive measures and school prevention and control work of hand, foot and mouth disease and influenza A, so that every teacher and student can clearly prevent hand, foot and mouth disease and influenza A from being preventable, preventive and controllable. Governing, establish confidence, eliminate panic; clarify disease hazards, enhance work urgency, sense of responsibility; clarify prevention and control methods, enhance the scientific and operability of work, let teachers and students grasp safety knowledge, improve risk avoidance and self-help Self-protection ability,

Fourth, carry out targeted activities

During the “ Safe Production Month” event, we strive to keep the activities close to the students, stay close to life, highlight key points, and enhance pertinence. Following the "National Primary and Secondary School Students' Safety Education Day" on March 30th, we carefully organized the work of the Prevention of Surgery Education Week, and took the theme of "cherishing life and preventing drowning" as a theme to carry out student commitment signing activities. Organize discussions and lectures in class. The school organizes sports team teachers to carry out swimming and flood prevention common sense education. In the work, we focus on the middle and upper grade students, and send letters to parents, telling the school schedule and prevent flood prevention requirements. Work with families, teachers and parents to prevent students from drowning. On June 4th, our school and the Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment jointly organized a traffic safety practice exercise to enable students to feel the importance and operability of traffic safety at a close distance, and to cultivate students' good habits of obeying traffic rules. The traffic police took the cartoon pictures, performed the common traffic gestures on the spot, interacted with the students, practiced some of the easy-to-break traffic errors, and patiently explained the correct traffic safety rules. Vivid explanations, accurate gestures, and flexible methods have enabled students to receive a profound traffic safety education.

V. Conducting safety hazard investigation and rectification work

In the work of safety production month, we conduct analysis and research on all aspects related to the safety of teachers and students, formulate work plans, set up organizations, implement division of labor, and ensure that the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers is in place. Focus on school canteens, campus facilities, transportation, and public security , and cooperate with relevant departments such as the town police station to comprehensively manage and strive to build a safe campus to ensure the school's stability and harmony.

V. Carry out special activities on food hygiene and safety

While widely publicizing the knowledge of summer infectious disease prevention and food hygiene and safety , the school focuses on the health and safety of school canteens, and conducts comprehensive inspections, sampling tests and health work guidance for the school canteen work process. The school regularly checks the hygiene status of the canteen, understands the various aspects of food raw material procurement, storage, cleaning, processing and finished product sales, checks the environmental health status of staff, workplaces and facilities, promptly feedbacks inspection information, and urges staff to rectify problems in place. . Effectively perform work duties, strictly enforce system rules and regulations, and prevent canteen health and safety accidents.

Sixth, increase the intensity of duty.

Adhere to the 24-hour duty system, the duty staff should be responsible for their duties, stick to their posts, the successors are not on duty, and the shifters must not leave the post. Be vigilant and do a good job in security and security. Pay attention to fire prevention, anti-theft, properly handle emergencies, strengthen inspections inside and outside the building, strengthen the responsibility education for duty personnel, strictly prohibit empty posts and missed posts, and ensure the safety and stability of the school.

Seven, careful arrangements for the end of the summer and summer school safety work

As the summer vacation approaches, we will further enhance the sense of responsibility and consciousness of doing a good job in school safety , strictly implement the school's safety work system, and consciously do all the safety work to ensure that the whole school is not loose and strong. No reduction, no weak strength, no tasks, and a happy and peaceful summer vacation for all teachers and students to create a harmonious and stable campus atmosphere and social atmosphere.

Through the “ Safe Production Month” activity, the teachers and students have further enhanced their understanding of the importance of safety production, improved safety awareness and safety quality, strengthened their sense of responsibility, and promoted the stability of the school's security situation for the rapid development of transportation. Created a safe , healthy and stable environment.

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