Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

Create a safe class work plan in 2019

According to the implementation plan of “Creating a Safe Campus” proposed by the school, combined with the actual situation of the students in this class, the following “Peace Class” implementation plan is now formulated:

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", combined with the reality of our school, adhere to the combination of education and management, governance and construction, effectively safeguard the normal learning and living order of students, ensure the safety of students' lives and property, and create safety . A stable, civilized and healthy environment for educating people.

Second, the work objectives

Further strengthen and improve the campus security precautions, give full play to the school and class education functions, optimize the education environment, and effectively prevent major safety liability accidents within the campus and class, and eliminate illegal cases.

Third, the specific work arrangements

? 1. Raise awareness and strengthen education.

The creation of the "Peace Class" work is a great project that is responsible to the party and the people, responsible to the students' families, responsible to the students, and ensuring the healthy development of the education and teaching cause. Regular use of class meetings and other opportunities, using psychological education, class team meetings, speech essay competitions, etc., to educate students on legal education, traffic safety, flood prevention, accident prevention, food poisoning, SARS prevention, bird flu prevention, anti-poisoning Such as safety awareness education, enhance students' safety awareness and self-rescue and self-care ability, and improve students' legal concept and self-prevention awareness. Every safety education record must be clearly reflected in the class preparation.

2, increase publicity efforts, create a creating atmosphere of full participation.

With the blackboard newspaper and wall newspaper as the carrier, we will increase publicity. The safety supervision team was set up by the cadres of the class, and the safety hazards of the students were found to be timely educated and corrected. In-depth study of the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Middle Schools" and other rules and regulations, consistently grasp the behavior of students to develop education, maintain campus safety , and ensure that no campus safety accidents occur.

? 3, do a good job in the self-inspection and rectification of safety hazards in the class.

Conduct comprehensive inspections of teaching facilities and dormitories in the class to eliminate potential safety hazards in the class. Strengthen class property management to ensure the safety of class and student property.

4, strive for parental support, social understanding, and create a wide range of good security education atmosphere.

In-depth development of "teachers love to the family" activities, class teachers, all teachers actively carry out home visits, strive for parental support, form a joint education and management. After the opening of the student parent forum, pay special attention to the individual education of the backward students, through the contact with the parents, actively seek the understanding and support of the parents, and jointly strengthen the safety education and management of the students.

5. Use the "head teacher's mailbox" and mental health counseling to improve students' mental health education, enhance teacher-student exchanges, and strengthen students' ability to withstand setbacks, self-regulation, and overcome negative emotions.

In short, in accordance with the principle of "combining prevention and prevention, prevention first", we will actively build a comprehensive, three-dimensional, multi-level security and prevention system, and vigorously create a safe campus and civilized campus activities, so that the safety of our teachers and students will be further enhanced. Create a good learning atmosphere for the majority of students.

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