Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

Key points of comprehensive management of schools and surrounding security

The main tasks of the comprehensive management of schools and surrounding public security in our province in 2019 are: conscientiously implement the spirit of the Party’s 17th National Congress, the 3rd Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee and the 5th Plenary Session of the 8th Provincial Party Committee, with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the importance of the "Three Represents" Guided by thoughts, in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development, adhere to the "four seeking first" and "four important", focus on promoting sustained and rapid economic development, comprehensively implement the comprehensive measures of school and surrounding public security, and strive to meet the needs of teachers and students. Security needs, vigorously carry out contradictory investigation and mediation, deepen the establishment of safe campus, further strengthen the school's security and stability comprehensive prevention and control system, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of school violence terrorist incidents, major political events and large-scale mass incidents, for the West Coast of the Straits The construction of a pioneering zone will create a more harmonious and stable social environment and meet the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

First, earnestly improve their ideological understanding and comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the campus and surrounding comprehensive management work

The comprehensive management of schools and surrounding public security is not only an important task to promote school safety , maintain school and social stability, but also implement the spirit of the Party’s 17th and 17th Central Committees, build a harmonious society and safeguard the people’s roots. The actual actions of interest. The schools of comprehensive management committees at all levels and the surrounding public security work institutions should fully understand the significance of this work, in accordance with the work arrangements of the Central Comprehensive Management Committee and the surrounding public security comprehensive work leading group and the requirements of the province's social security comprehensive management work. In the spirit of being highly responsible to the party, the people, and the future, we will stand at the height of maintaining social and political stability, earnestly enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility for doing a good job, and resolutely prevent and overcome the slack, war-weariness, insignificance and Unrelated thoughts, truly take responsibility, and fully safeguard the order and social stability of the school and its surrounding areas. For the cross-regional management of the urban integration department, the suburban area of ​​the suburbs, and the unreasonable public security chaos, the relevant departments should strengthen coordination, clarify responsibilities, and rectify within a time limit. For the task of rectification is heavy, the contradictions are complicated, the social influence is large, the interests and responsibilities of all parties are involved, and the problems are not in place, easy to repeat, and the teachers and students are strongly reflected. It is necessary to implement the large-scale staff, the main leaders personally question, personally supervise and concentrate. It is difficult to overcome the problem until the problem is completely solved.

Second, focus on the rectification of the surrounding environment of the campus, and severely crack down on violations of law and criminal activities

From August to September, all localities and schools at all levels and in all levels shall, in accordance with the deployment of the Central Comprehensive Management Committee School and the surrounding public security work leading group, focus on solving outstanding problems in schools and surrounding areas, and conduct in-depth school and surrounding security environment concentration. Special rectification actions to create a good campus and surrounding environment for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The focus of remediation: First, the cultural and entertainment venues such as Internet cafes and game rooms around the campus. Those who have incomplete licenses, major safety hazards, illegal and illegal operations will be banned, and those that are not banned will be rectified within a time limit. In particular, the "black net coffee" that violates the rules and accepts the Internet access of minors in the vicinity of the school during the day is closed and resolutely banned. To strengthen campus network management. Pay attention to strengthening the supervision of websites and post bars on the Internet in the name of schools and students. It is forbidden to rent and contract the school's real estate and equipment for the establishment of a profitable Internet access service. The second is to crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities. It is necessary to carry out all kinds of illegal and criminal activities against the safety of life and property of teachers and students throughout the year, especially to strengthen the rectification of schools in rural and urban-rural areas and surrounding public security. Resolutely crack down on the use of the Internet and mobile phone newsletters to create illegal activities for teachers and students to illegally gather and petition. It is necessary to grasp the laws of various criminal activities, and do a good job in cracking down on students' enrollment fraud, employment fraud, and illegal pyramid schemes. The third is to vigorously rectify the campus and surrounding traffic order. Thoroughly eliminate the open-air market and the occupied business stalls within 50 meters of the campus, keep the traffic at the school gate and surrounding areas unimpeded, and the environment is clean and tidy. Fourth, resolutely dismantle the campus and the surrounding chaos to build illegal buildings, rectify the schools and surrounding rental housing, and strengthen the education management of off-campus student apartments and off-campus students. The fifth is to vigorously solve some of the remaining problems of "schools in the school" and "school-in-shop" in some colleges and universities, strengthen campus management, protect the legal rights of schools, teachers and students, and maintain normal teaching, research and life order. The sixth is to carry out special rectification of the food safety in the school canteen and the campus, to investigate hidden dangers and prevent the occurrence of mass food poisoning accidents. The seventh is to continue to consolidate the results of special rectification and crackdown on criminal activities. Adhere to the consolidation and consolidation, ensure that no rebound does not spread, and effectively improve the effectiveness of rectification work.

Third, in-depth investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, and efforts to solve the problem of the interests of teachers and students

Further implement the "eight measures" of the Ministry of Public Security and the "six measures" of the Ministry of Education, and carry out the investigation and resolution of conflicts and security risks in schools and surrounding areas in a sustained, comprehensive and in-depth manner, and strive to find problems from the signs and solve them from the source. problem. First, we must organize the investigation of hidden dangers affecting security and stability. Focusing on the investigation of new situations and new problems affecting school safety and stability under the new situation, it is necessary to strengthen the investigation of sensitive nodes and sensitive time periods to find out various unstable factors. It is necessary to unify the comprehensive management of the comprehensive management institutions, and combine the internal investigations of the schools with the inspections around the campus. In accordance with the principle of “local management, grading responsibility, who is in charge, who is responsible, and in accordance with law, timely, and on-site problem solving and education.” The school establishes a work system for investigation and mediation, implements responsibilities, and solves problems one by one. The focus of the investigation and resolution work should be on paying close attention to the contradictions and problems caused by the international financial crisis and the slowdown of economic growth, which affects the employment of college students, and puts them in the rectification of private security problems in private universities, urban-rural integration schools, and boarding schools. On the issue, it is placed on preventing outstanding problems of hostile forces, religious organizations and some illegal organizations in China and abroad. Second, we must work hard to prevent contradictions and disputes from the source. We will conscientiously implement the national policy provisions, strengthen the resolution of various interest conflicts, adhere to front-end management and source prevention, and prevent conflicts from intensifying. We must provide support for the proper resolution of outstanding issues involving the stability of compulsory education teachers and the employment of college graduates. It is necessary to pay attention to coordinate and resolve various contradictions and problems involving land acquisition and demolition, engineering construction, school-enterprise restructuring, etc. between schools, and prevent non-school personnel from gathering and disturbing the normal order of schools due to interest appeals. Third, we must strengthen the situational research and judgment mechanism and information work. All levels of schools and surrounding public security work institutions should regularly carry out situational research and judgment, timely grasp various unsafe and unstable dynamics, take measures to strengthen information work, implement a situation notification system, and reflect the law and order of teachers and students and the public. Timely notification of safety hazards and supervision and rectification. It is necessary to promote the construction of teachers and students in the public security information team, strengthen the communication between the education department, the school and all relevant departments, and achieve "the situation is clear, the response is fast, the actual move, the actual effect", and grasp the initiative.

Fourth, deepen the establishment of safe campus, and strive to improve the level and level of creation

We will conscientiously implement the Central Committee's "Opinions on Deepening the Construction of Peace" and the provincial and provincial governments' requirements for deepening the deployment of Ping An and Fujian. According to the "Procedures for the Establishment and Management of the "Safe Campus" in Fujian Province, we will conscientiously sum up the "Safe Campus" for four years. The practice of construction, research and formulation of work opinions for deepening the "safe campus", with new goal orientation and carrier support, further improve and improve the work of co-management responsibility, conflict resolution, campus internal management, security precautions, organization leadership protection, etc. The system will further promote the creation of a safe campus. The campuses around the school must combine the local conditions of the local school, formulate specific measures for implementation, establish a safe campus to establish a leadership responsibility system, departmental responsibility system and unit responsibility system, organize and guide the creation of the safe campus of the unit, and strive to innovate the activity carrier. Deepen the creation of connotations and enhance the effectiveness of work. It is necessary to make full use of the advantages of the organizational network of this unit system, adopt various effective methods, continue to increase the propaganda of the establishment of the Ping An Campus, and organize and mobilize all teachers and students to participate in the construction of the safe campus, and to make the safe campus creation activities more Advance at a high level and at a higher level.

V. Seriously do a good job in publicity and education, and consolidate the ideological basis for maintaining school safety and stability

First, we must strengthen the ideological and political education of teachers and students. In-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development, extensively carry out education on the socialist core value system, strengthen the correct guidance of the situation and policy education and social hot issues, carry out the main propaganda and education activities around important commemorative activities, educate and guide teachers and students to deeply understand the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up. Great history, brilliant achievements and valuable experience, profound understanding of the decision-making and deployment of the party and the government in response to the current economic situation, consciously resisting the influence of wrong thinking, and maintaining campus and social stability. Second, we must increase security and legal education. In-depth implementation of the "China Small Public Safety Education Guidelines", organized the "First Class of School Start", "National Primary and Secondary School Safety Education Day", "Fujian Provincial School Safety Education Week" theme activities, promote public safety education for college students, primary and secondary school students Safety Education Day theme activities and school anti-xx warning education deepening. It is necessary to use the university campus network and the rural China small modern distance education network to carry out various safety education work, strengthen the publicity and education of the teacher-student legal system, and improve the awareness of law-abiding and self-discipline of teachers and students. Third, we must strengthen anti-secession and anti-subversion and reverse osmosis work. Strengthen school ideology work, strictly manage campus ideological and cultural positions, and seriously discipline classroom teaching, and never provide channels for communication of erroneous ideas. Utilizing the opportunity to commemorate the 50th anniversary of democratic reform in Tibet, we will vigorously carry out anti-secession education and strengthen the ideological and political education of ethnic students. We will crack down on the separatist forces such as "xx" and "Xinjiang independence" to infiltrate activities in schools, remove underground religious gathering points in schools and surrounding areas, crack down on various illegal religious activities against teachers and students, and prevent and dispose of the "flg" xx organization's penetration into schools. And disruption, strengthen the management of key personnel.

6. Continue to strengthen the safety and stability infrastructure and continuously improve the level and ability of school safety and prevention.

We will conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of the provincial government on "one post and two responsibilities" and carry out the responsibility of the main body of the safety of the unit, sign the responsibility statement for the management of safety and stability objectives at all levels, and implement the responsibility for safety and stability work to the post, and form the main leaders to personally grasp and take charge. The leadership specifically grasps the network of teachers and students who are involved in the comprehensive management of the surrounding public security. Strengthen supervision and inspection, assessment and assessment, combine joint supervision and department supervision, and conduct regular inspections, timely spot checks and major incident inspections. Further improve the evaluation system, refine the assessment indicators, improve the assessment methods, and highlight the work achievements of the Ping An Campus, the effectiveness of special rectification actions, and the prevention and control of unstable incidents. Further clarify the responsibilities of all departments in various departments, and insist on the implementation of the year-end assessment of “one-vote veto” for serious safety accidents and unstable events that are not in place. To strengthen the construction of the campus public security prevention and control system, colleges and universities should continuously establish and improve the campus security control system with the campus 110 command center as the hub and the combination of civil defense, physical defense and technical defense. China Small must conscientiously implement the "China Small Kindergarten Safety Management Measures" and "Regulations on Internal Security of Enterprises and Institutions" to effectively implement the duties of internal security work in schools. In accordance with the requirements of the "Emergency Plan for Public Emergencies in Education System", work plans for improving schools and various units to prevent and deal with emergencies should be formulated, and the focus of work should be placed on prevention and control in advance, and prevention and proper disposal should be resolutely prevented. Send an incident. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of safety and security work teams, carry out safety and security work training and emergency drills in various forms and ways, and continuously improve the level of school safety and security work.

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