Work Plan > Logistics Work Plan

Secondary school logistics work plan

First, the guiding ideology

Adhere to the "people-oriented, service education" idea, establish service awareness, improve service skills, ensure service quality, standardize logistics management, and provide strong logistical support for school education and teaching.

Second, the work focus:

Do a good job in school logistics safety

Increase the management of school production, and constantly improve the school management system

Do a good job in boarding student management

Further increase the work of campus environment and health management

Accelerate school infrastructure work, canteens, stadiums

Third, work measures:

Renewing ideas and enhancing service awareness

1. All logisticians must establish a service concept of the interests of teachers and students and the interests of parents, and take the reasonable needs of teachers, students and parents as the starting point and destination for the work, and think about the teachers, students and parents, and serve the teachers, students and parents wholeheartedly. .

2. Intensify the popular line of general affairs logistics work, mobilize and organize the democratic participation of teachers and students, democratic management, democratic municipality, democratic decision-making, and participate in logistics management.

Careful calculation, strict financial management

1. According to the teaching needs, the actual situation of the school, in line with the principle of careful calculation, formulate the budget, strictly implement the quota of the plan and use it.

2. Strengthen the management of telephone charges, utilities, printing fees, etc.

3, strict requisition, approval, acceptance, warehousing, reimbursement system.

4. Do a good job in reforming the approval system for the subject matter. In principle, the leader is received by the head of the teaching and research team, the team leader, and the department head according to actual needs.

Make the best use of the equipment

1. In order to make the school's existing school-based school equipment play its maximum benefit, it is necessary to encourage and encourage teachers and students to use it boldly and frequently, and truly play the "education" function of the equipment to make the best use of it.

2. Encourage the use of the company at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen management, strict registration of the use, equipment and loan procedures, to avoid unnecessary human damage, loss and so on.

3. Intensify the regular and daily inspections of school-based school buildings, and strictly enforce the school-based custody rewards and penalties and damage compensation system. For the daily necessities, class supplies, doors and windows, window handles, benches, etc. issued at the beginning of the period, contract management is carried out, who is responsible for the damage.

Strengthen collaboration and do a good job in environmental sanitation

1. This semester will continue to increase the inspection, maintenance, maintenance, environmental greening and other work of school buildings, and strive to create an elegant learning and working environment for teachers and students.

2. Do a good job in the security of the dormitory, supervise the health of the dormitory, and improve the assessment system.

3. Collaborative teaching, brigade and other departments use the blackboard newspaper, morning meeting, flag raising ceremony, etc. to educate students on the education of the campus and the public.

4. Intensify the daily inspection of the General Affairs Department and the weekly inspection of the class health and the dry area. At the same time, coordinate with the administrative value week, the medical office, the student supervision post and other relevant personnel, and do a good job in health work. The daily hygiene inspections should be published on the wall in time, and the problems should be pointed out in a timely manner and corrected within a limited time.

Long-term persistence, improve safety and prevention

1. Strengthen campus inspections and timely and thoroughly repair and eliminate school buildings, buildings, and sports equipment that have hidden dangers.

2. Strengthen the function of the guard. The outsiders come to the school to register, and at the same time, the campus is inspected during the period of leaving the school.

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