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2019 Corporate Administration Work Plan

In the twinkling of an eye, we will enter a new year. We must have a new atmosphere in the New Year. We must have a good plan for the new year while summing up the past. I am a staff member who is not engaged in management and has insufficient experience. In many aspects, there must be certain requirements so that we can make greater progress and development in the new year.

2019 is a very important year for our company's development, and it is also a year full of challenges, opportunities and pressures. To this end, it is particularly important to adjust the mentality of work and enhance the sense of responsibility. At the same time, we are fully aware of our own shortcomings. In order to promote our growth as soon as possible, we have entered the following year.

Last year, for the company, it was a year of unrest, and it was also a difficult year. The adjustment of personnel, the sluggish market, and the changes in policies led to a decline in the benefits. At the same time, the corresponding problems were also exposed. A series of problems such as coming out and not being managed are urgently needed to be solved.

This year, for us, it is a crucial year. We must grasp the opportunity of the World Expo, seek breakthroughs in management and management, strive to complete the various indicators issued by the company, and strive to complete the indicators as soon as possible so that the company can get rid of it as soon as possible. Difficulties, wholeheartedly invested in business management.

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