Work Plan > Rural Agricultural Work Plan

Township tuberculosis prevention and control work plan

In order to further strengthen the prevention and control of infectious diseases in our town and curb the tuberculosis epidemic to protect the health of the people, according to the work requirements of the municipal and county xxx year tuberculosis control projects, the special plans are as follows:
First, the overall goal:
1. Continue to strengthen the standardized management of project work, and the project population coverage rate will reach 100%.
2. Do a good job in discovering, referral, supervising and managing suspected tuberculosis patients and tuberculosis patients;
3. In the whole year, we strive to find 9 cases of smear-positive patients and severe smear-positive patients;
4. The coverage rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients is 100%, and the cure rate is over 85%;
5. Strengthen the knowledge promotion work on tuberculosis prevention and control, and raise awareness of flood control among the people;
6. Further strengthen network tracking, tuberculosis project management and supervision.
Second, business measures
1. Referral of suspected tuberculosis patients and patients found that finding and curing smear-positive tuberculosis patients is the most important measure to control tuberculosis. Health centers and village clinics must conscientiously implement the Chinese People's Procuratorate and the National Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law and the Yunnan Provincial Tuberculosis Control Measures, and do a good job in the discovery and referral of suspected tuberculosis patients and tuberculosis patients;
Seriously carry out the inspection work, and immediately check the patient after the TB test and the suspected TB patients are examined.
The hospital and the village clinic should follow up the requirements of the network and the requirements of the fidelis project to conduct follow-up work on the patient, supervise the patient visit and improve the patient discovery rate;
The referral of tuberculosis patients and suspected patients in various departments of the hospital and the clinics of each village must be based on the requirements of the county cdc chronic disease department, and the referral form should be issued, and relevant records should be made for reference.
The specific requirements for the number of tasks in each village clinic are as follows:

2. Management of tuberculosis
Strengthen the supervision of tuberculosis control projects, the town defense team will regularly supervise the village clinics, and supervise 2 to 3 times a month, each village no less than 24 times a year. The town health center focuses on the management of smear patients in smear patients. The situation, the referral of suspected patients and tuberculosis patients, the integrity of all data and the reporting situation were supervised, and the village doctors were supervised to perform short-course chemotherapy on the patients, the complete information and the publicity of tuberculosis prevention and treatment. Supervision of the village clinic: The patient is supervised once every other day, 15 times a month. The supervision includes: supervising and urging the patient to take the medicine, obeying the mouth, taking it down, and urging the patient to review it on time to understand the patient's medication status, whether or not there is Drug side reaction, if there is a side reaction, it should be processed and reported in time to promote the knowledge of tuberculosis to patients and their families.
Strengthen visits to tuberculosis patients: The town health center will conduct at least 12 home visits to the patients with smear-positive patients, 6 visits to patients with smear-negative patients, visit patients at least twice a month, and write visit records; The staff of the clinic conducts specific medication guidance and supervision work for the patient, at least 15 times a month, and fills in the patient's medication card. Interview contents: patient medication and drug toxicity, patient review and drug collection, tuberculosis prevention knowledge awareness and treatment.
The supervisors of the town will complete a supervision report once for each supervisor. The requirements are detailed, the data is true and accurate, and it can reflect the specific situation of the treatment and management of the patient by the supervising unit and individual, identify the problem, and timely feedback the information to facilitate better implementation. Project work.
3. Data management and information work Strengthen the registration, collection and management of TB patients data, complete the integrity and accuracy of the three registration books and card use, and report and report the monthly, quarterly and annual reports of tuberculosis control projects on time. To achieve clear writing, accurate data, no delay in reporting, and to strengthen the information exchange of tuberculosis to the higher authorities and neighboring towns and villages to inform each other.
4. Tuberculosis knowledge training strengthens the knowledge training for the town's defense personnel and improves their business quality. In XX, it is planned to conduct business training for the village defense personnel in March. Training content: the significance of tuberculosis centralized management, the current status of tuberculosis . The duties of rural flood control personnel in the project work, and the specific requirements of the management of the project work, the observation and corresponding treatment of the side effects of tuberculosis drugs, and the filling of the patient's medication card.
5, tuberculosis knowledge publicity to strengthen tuberculosis knowledge publicity, enhance the awareness of all flood control, town health centers and village-level flood control personnel must focus on the "3.24" World Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Day, take a column and other publicity methods to strengthen the promotion of tuberculosis prevention knowledge . Extensively and extensively publicize the state's policy of free treatment for infectious and severe smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis, preferential treatment for other TB patients; improve the awareness rate of defensive knowledge among all people, mobilize all sectors of society to understand and support TB prevention and treatment, and make TB and our town Suspected tuberculosis patients consciously visit the doctor to achieve timely standard treatment and management.
3. The Health Examination Center of the Work Assessment Center conducts two inspections of tuberculosis prevention and control work at the village level throughout the year. It is not regularly checked, and the inspection results are included in the year-end appraisal of each village. It is also the basis for allocating funds for tuberculosis prevention and treatment.

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