Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended


1. People are troubled and confused. The reason is too close, but they think too much. —[法]Roman Roland

2. Whether you can live without troubles is a test of reason and self-cultivation. - [English] Hazlit: "Jewish Liberation"

3. The troubles that the rich can't just eliminate are the troubles that money can't eliminate. This is the kind of trouble that is more troublesome than being poor. —[US] Nash: "The Scary People"

4. Life is rich and troubled. It is better to die than hunger to avoid fear. —[Greece] Ebike Ted: "Talking"

5. Like the monks, the nobles have their own troubles. —[英] Dickens: "Difficult Times"

6. The more people who are rich and rich, the more sensitive they are, the more troubles they have. —[Germany] Heinrich Burr: "Lenny and them"

7. The endless tiredness of life is more terrible than death. —[英] Shelley: The Queen of Maibu

8. A person who has a shallow understanding of human nature and who does not change his temperament and change everything else to be happy will not only lose his life for nothing, but will often increase the distress he has to eliminate. —[英] Colton

9. Smart people don't pay attention to things they can't get, and they won't bother them. —[英]Habert

10. I hope that it is like a family. Without it, you will feel that life is boring. With it, you feel that it is hard work for it every day. It is a kind of trouble. —[US] Mark Twain: "Mark Twawen's Anthology"

11. Seeing people's troubles, don't be gloating; if you are happy, don't be depressed. —[英]Pu Bo: "The Theory of Man"

12. In front of children, parents should be good at hiding all their happiness, troubles and fears. —[英]Bacon: "On Family"

13. If all the people bring their troubles to the market to trade with their neighbors, anyone will rather move their troubles back home after seeing other people's troubles. —[Greece] Herodotus: History

14. I am stupid to ask: God has deprived me of my gaze, and I have to work hard during the day?—[Greece] Milton: "Sighing Lost"

15. The trouble is coming. Once he really came, he should receive him as much as possible. Like the tax collector, he is a character who feels uncomfortable at home, but the more you wait for him, the faster he goes. —[America] A·Ward: “Atimore Ward in London”

16. Can't you diagnose the pathological psychology, remove a deep-rooted melancholy from your memory, wipe away the troubles written on your brain, and fill it with a medicinal agent that makes people forget everything. , is the pressure on the heart of the drug cleaned up? — [British] Shakespeare: "Macbeth"

17. It is best not to bother with trouble until trouble troubles you. Otherwise you will only make your troubles more troublesome. —[United States] Kapoor: "Trouble"

18. Aversion is deeper than love and hate, because aversion is the natural function of nerves, and we cannot change it. —[英]高尔斯华绥: "Folsey Family"

19. When you are troubled by all kinds of troubles and the whole person is in a nervous state, should I tell you boldly that you can change your state of mind with your own willpower. —[United States] Carnegie: "Good Life"

20. Most of what we have is smaller because of our possession, and our happiness tries to maintain itself by constantly renewing ourselves. When we get bored with what we have, we are also tired of ourselves. —[德]尼采采: "Happy Science"

21. Everyone has their own troubles. Everyone's troubles are caused by their own size, but everyone's troubles are different. —[法]Roman Roland: Mother and Son

22. Read the history and try to extend your vision to a thousand years away – from an eternal point of view, you will find how insignificant your “your” troubles are. —[United States] Carnegie: "Good Life"

23. The dirty things of society make it impossible for a strong person to worry about private affairs. This is a real blessing. —[德]Marx: "Marx to Arnold Lug"

24. Once the desire and pain relax a person, let him get a little gasp, burnout will come immediately... Life is like a pendulum, swinging between pain and burnout. —[德]Schopenhauer: "The Life of Schopenhauer and Its Theory"

25. All the tired are cursing the sun, thinking that the value of the tree is only in the shade. —[德]尼采采: The Judgment of the Weary

26. Worries are the sinking of the mind. —[美]Franklin

27. For those who have a highly conscious and profound mind, pain and trouble are his temperament. —[Russia] Dostoevsky: "Dostoevsky Collection"

28. One of the root causes of life’s distress is that you cannot get rid of it, especially in love. —[Ancient Rome] Siniga

29. As long as it is a person, no one can live without any troubles and calmly and completely. —[Ancient Greece] Aeschylus: “The Women of the Exhibits”

30. A comfortable life will bring infinite troubles. - [French] Rousseau: "Ai Mier"

31. Everyone has their own troubles. Everyone's troubles are caused by their own size, but everyone's troubles are different. —[法]Roman Roland: Mother and Son

32. Only those who have deep love can realize the greater distress. —[Russia] Lev Tolstoy: "Youth"

33. The strangest thing in the world is: small troubles, as soon as you start, you will gradually become annoyed more than the original. —[US] Mark Twain: "Mark Twawen's Anthology"

34. No matter who has troubles, big or small. —[日] Ikeda Daisaku: "Youth Message"

35. It’s not your own troubles. Everyone has some distress, but the form is different. —[日] Ikeda Daisaku: "Youth Message"

36. People will like distress and must be very fond of distress. —[英]Catherine Manchfield: “Letter to Richard Marie”

37. Only troubles are the most correct. Because it can make people humble. —[Switzerland] Hiller: "The Theory of Happiness"

38. I have had all kinds of troubles to appreciate all kinds of happiness. —[日] Ikeda Daisaku: "Female Proverbs"

39. There is no progress without worry, and trouble is the driving force for progress. —[日] Ikeda Daisaku: "Youth Message"

40. Deep troubles, depression and pain are more happy than shallow and cheap happiness. —[中] Zhao Xinshan: Philosophy and the Contemporary World

41. The most annoying thing in the world is to look down on your own home. —[英] Dickens: "Great Future"

42. The pain of love and the troubles of love make the soul suffer the most. —[Austrian] Zweig: Love and Compassion

43. It is a pity that in this world, people will have to find some other troubles as soon as they are practical. —[US] Mark Twain: "Mark Twawen's Anthology"

44. Lack and worry are really one of the ends of life. —[德]Schopenhauer: The Wisdom of Life

45. Worries are a form of pain that other animals do not know. —[德]Schopenhauer: The Wisdom of Life

46. ​​More care, more trouble, and more irritability. —[中]邹韬奋: "Zou Yufen's Collection"

47. The greatest distress in life is not that you have too little, but you are thinking too much. —[Law]Roman Roland: "Roland Little Words"

48. The biggest source of distress is suffering and suffering, people often can't get through, you have to take it, you have to give it. —[Law]Roman Roland: "Roland Little Words"

49. People are troubled and confused. The reason is too close, but they think too much. —[Law]Roman Roland: "Roland Little Words"

50. Too much trouble and too much pleasure are ways to overestimate the world, the former being worse than the latter. —[英] Halifax: “Ethical Thoughts and Insights”

51. People are more likely to endure the enormous torture than the trivial annoyances of the day. - [Spain] Laforet: "Nothing"

52. It’s much better to worry about moving forward than to worry. —[英] Dickens: Biography of Dickens

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