Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Life famous words

1. Keep your mind high. —— Zhuge Liang

2. A serious illness in life is just a proud word. —— Wang Yangming

3. Those who suffer have no pessimistic rights. —— Nietzsche

4. A happy life is caused by happy thoughts. —— Newton

5. If you are not arrogant, you can learn from others. —— Tan Yitong

6. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. —— Zhang Wentian

7. Full of susceptibility to disaster, humility and blessing. —— Zhang Tingyu

8. The only fun in life is to forget. —— Tolstoy

9. Life is fighting. —— Corroenko

10. The old man is screaming, and his ambition is a thousand miles; - Cao Cao

11. In order to play our part in life, love life. - Rodin

12. Those who know the true meaning of life can prolong their short life. —— Cicero

13. Don't wait for tomorrow, what you do, don't wait for others. —— Goethe

14. Those who are full of profit, do not lose what is it? Shen Zhi! Shen Zhi! —— Zhu Xishui

15. Life is like the ocean, and only strong-willed people can reach the other side. —— Ma Zaisi

16. Believe in life, it teaches people better than any book. —— Goethe

17. As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will be particularly beautiful. —— Einstein

18. Life, this is the first important book in all books. ——Roman Roland

19. Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright. —— Xiao Chu female

20. I hope that every time I recall, I will not feel guilty about life. —— Guo Xiaochuan

21. Life is like this cup of strong wine, it will not be so delicious without three times of refining! —— Guo Xiaochuan

22. In order to play our part in life, love life! —— Rodin

23. The real difference between human beings is this: people in the light and people in the dark. —— Hugo

24. Those who cannot remember their past are destined to repeat their past and again. —— Santayana

25. Society is a mud pit, and we have to stand on the high ground. —— Balzac

26. Making a person's limited life more effective means equalizing the life of a person. —— Lu Xun

27. A person who can think is really a boundless person. —— Balzac

28. It is a waste of money to waste someone else's time. It is a chronic suicide to waste your time. —— Lenin

29. A person's life is short, but it is too long to live this short life. - "Shakespeare's Drama Collection"

30. There are two tragedies in life: one is that all thoughts are gray, and the other is full of ambition. - Shaw Bernard

31. The vulgar goal that people strive to pursue - property, vanity, extravagant life - I always feel abominable. —— Einstein

32. There are only two lifestyles: decay or burning. The timid and greedy person chooses the former, and the brave and broad-minded person chooses the latter. —— Gorky

33. Life is only emptiness and boring in the eyes of ordinary people. —— Chernyshevsky

34. I have never regarded ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of a pig pen. —— Einstein

35. Whimsical adds an extraordinary dimension to life, which is essential for every young and sentient person. —— Bastovsky

36. The meaning of life lies in giving, in giving, not in accepting, not in fighting. —— Ba Jin

37. Respect for life, respect for others and respect for one's own life are concomitant in the course of life and a condition of mental health. —— Fromm

38. If I am allowed to live another life, I am willing to repeat my life. Because, I have never regretted the past and are not afraid of the future. —— Montaigne

39. The harder the situation in life, the more I feel stronger and even smarter. —— Gorky

40. The whole meaning of life lies in the infinite exploration of what is not yet known, and the constant increase in knowledge. —— Zola

41. Only a strong love for man can inspire a necessary force to explore and understand the meaning of life. —— Gorky

42. Nothing can be born, seamless stones can't flow out. Who can't burn, there is only smoke -- this is the theorem. Long live the fire of life! - Ostrovsky

43. If life deceives you, don't be depressed, don't be indignant! Temporarily tolerate when you don't feel good: believe it, happy days will come. —— Pushkin

44. If everything that happens to you can make you understand a truth, then you are a true rich. —— Francis Bacon

45. If life deceives you, don't be melancholy, don't be indignant! Temporarily tolerate when you don't feel good: believe it, happy days will come. —— Pushkin

46. ​​Life is to know your own value, what you can do and what you should do. Life is justification. —— Hugo

47. Life is not static, but struggles with stillness, creation, creation, and eternal resistance to the attraction of eternal things. ——Roman Roland

48. We define education as follows: Human wisdom will never deviate from the goal. The so-called education is to forget the skills left after the entire content of the school. —— Einstein

49. May you live happily every day, don't wait until the days have passed to find out their cuteness, and don't put all the hopes of special satisfaction in the future. —— Mrs. Curie

50. The path of glory is narrow, one can only move forward, not back; therefore you should continue to move forward on this narrow road, because countless competitors are behind you, one is following one. —— Shakespeare

51. The more evil the evil, the deeper the pain

52. The long stream of water is not affected by the disaster.

53. There are no bystanders in life.

54. The wise man seeks the law in time, and the fool moves against the clock.

55. It should be believed that he is the victor of life.

56. Being angry is to punish yourself with the mistakes of others.

57. Seeing that you are not, the door to Wanshan is not the root of all evil.

58. People who often blame themselves often get the understanding of others.

59. Contentment is a natural asset, and luxury is man-made poverty.

60. Those who are kind, will be long-lived, and will be promoted.

61. Thoughts are correct, Fuxing is coming, thoughts are not right, and disasters are shining.

62. Don't sigh at the end of life! Sigh is weak

63. There is a waste of wasteland, and the wasteland is saved.

64. The original meaning of life is love, who can't love, who can't understand life.

65. It’s not necessarily more money, more money, and more troubles.

66. Learn to give up a point, get a point and get a little more to enjoy, minus one point of Fuze.

67. The poverty-stricken music is really free, and there is no interest in it.

68. A person must first pass through difficulties and then step into good times before he feels comfortable and comfortable.

69. It is better to be poor and happy, not to be turbid and rich.

70. Gold is not a species, it comes from a diligent home.

71. The mind of the person is narrow, and the desire is narrow.

72. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boring.

73. I never regard ease and pleasure as the purpose of life itself.

74. Life is a long process of getting bored.

75. Careful calculations for half a year, in the face of the famine.

76. It is advisable to retreat in the depths of thought.

77. Choose good people and pay, choose good books and read them, choose good words and listen, choose good deeds.

78. Being able to use our talents in reality is happiness.

79. Accepting reality is the first step in overcoming any misfortune; only by facing reality can you surpass reality.

80. Peace is a blessing, contentment is a blessing, pure heart is a sage, and ignorance is a life.

81. The multi-door room is a wind, and there is a lot of trouble in life.

82. Ignorant people are similar to each other like white paper, and people of insight are different like books.

83. People should do what he should do first, and then do what he likes to do.

84. Drip through the stone, not the power, but the hard work.

85. There is no frowning in life. There should be no teeth in the world.

86. Good people do good deeds, from music to music, from evil to evil people, from suffering to suffering, from ignorance.

87. A person’s happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less.

88. Being angry is to punish yourself for forgiving others by taking the fault of others, that is, being kind to yourself.

89. In my vibrant world, I have accommodated a variety of decaying things.

90. If you don't have to play one of these roles, what a great comedy the world will be.

91. Rather than saying that a novel is a life, it is better to say that life is like a novel.

92. Fortunately, there are not many fears and worries; doom is not without much comfort and hope.

93. On the road to life. the future is very long and dark. But don't be afraid. there is always a path for the fearless.

94. Life is like this cup of strong wine, it will not be delicious without three times of refining!

95. Life is evil, it is good talk, and life is stupid.

96. Sunrise in the East China Sea falls to the west, and it is also a day, and it is also a day. If you don't get a horn, you are comfortable, and your heart is comfortable.

97. We have already entered it, but it does not really belong to that world.

98. A healthy mind has a healthy mind, which is a concise and comprehensive description of the state of human happiness.

99. The situation cannot be exhausted, the blessings cannot be exhausted, the cheapness cannot be exhausted, and the cleverness is not available.

100. There is nothing to behave in peace. This is great.

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