Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Reading famous words

1. Aspirations are the most important thing for a scholar. —— Sun Yat-sen

2. Education! Science! Learning to read is to ignite the torch; every syllable of every word emits Mars. —— Hugo

3. Juvenile reading, such as glimpse into the moon; middle-aged reading, such as watching the moon in the court; old-age reading, such as playing on the stage. The depth of experience is the depth of the ear. —— Zhang Chao

4. Don't be greedy for reading, but think more. This kind of reading has benefited me a lot. —— Rousseau

5. If you can't use it while reading, the book you read is equal to the waste paper. —— Washington

6. Work hard to read and succumb to composition. —— Cheng Duoli

7. Studying will be used, and reading is first of all. —— Book summary

8. Read a living book, read a book, read a book. —— Guo Moruo

9. We can collect knowledge from reading, but we must use thinking to separate cockroaches from wheat. —— Fusde

10. Reading is not for eloquence and refutation, nor for gullibility and blind obedience, but for thinking and weighing. —— Bacon

11. Good reading, not asking for a solution. —— Tao Yuanming

12. Three more lights and five more sounds, it is the man who is reading, the black hair does not know how to work early, white hair regrets reading late. —— Yan Zhenqing

13. No one has ever read a book for reading. He only reads himself in the book, finds himself in the book, or checks himself. ——Roman Roland

14. Have time to study, have time to read books, this is happiness; there is no time to study, there is time and no books to read, this is distress. —— Moyer

15. Reading is easy and thinking is difficult, but the lack of one is useless. —— Franklin

16. Diet to nourish the stomach, read more to raise the gallbladder. —— Zhuang Zhou

17. If you want to study, you don’t want to be motivated. —— Huang Tingjian

18. Reading makes people enrich, discussion makes people wit, notes make people accurate, reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people show, mathematics makes people thoughtful, science makes people profound, ethics makes people solemn, and logical rhetoric makes people eloquent . Everything you learn is a character. —— Bacon

19. Poorness requires reading, and wealth is not lost. —— Wang Yongbin

20. There is a poem in the abdomen, and the book is full of life. -- Su Shi

21. Scholars do not necessarily have knowledge. The real common sense is to know knowledge, to think, and to work. —— Xu Te Li

22. If you don't study, your thoughts will stop. People yearn for knowledge, and once the desire for knowledge is extinguished in him, he will no longer be human. —— Nansen

23. Reading, the ordinary process that we take for granted, is actually the process of combining the minds of people with the great wisdom of all nations. —— Gorky

24. Reading can cultivate a perfect person, conversation can train an agile person, and writing can create an accurate person. —— Bacon

25. Think deeply when you are reading. If you only read and don't think about it, you may be a slave to the book; or you can see the flowers and get very little. —— Wang Yikun

26. My hobby in my life. Apart from the revolution, only good reading, I can't live without reading a day. —— Sun Yat-sen

27. Things are man-made: one year can be equal to two or three years, for example, seventeen or eight hours a day; vice versa, two or three years can be equal to one year, or even less than one year, for example, only five or six hours a day. Reading below, I am determined to read the Chinese collections for 16 to 18 hours a day. —— Cai Shangsi

28. Reading should think for yourself and be your own. —— Lu Xun

29. Reading is about wisdom, just like gymnastics is about the body. —— Edison

30. Reading is the best means for me to dispel the unhappiness in life. No distress is that books cannot be dispelled. —— Montesquieu

31. If you are undoubtedly studying, you must be suspicious and doubtful, but you must be sure that you will grow here. —— Zhu Xi

32. My study is always less expensive and never more greedy. Not afraid to read less, I am afraid I can't remember. —— Xu Te Li

33. People don’t have to talk about wealth, but they have the best reading. —— Tang Wei

34. The taste of foreign objects, long time is annoying, the taste of reading, the longer and deeper. —— Cheng Hao

35. There are not many books, and the mind is unclear. If you have enough to learn, you can’t learn. —— Han Yu

36. There are many readings, and there are not enough things to do. —— Wang Anshi

37. Determined to think about the true character, reading must be hard work. —— 阮元

38. I have accumulated thousands of dollars and I have never studied. —— Yan Zhitui

39. Reading is broken, and there is a god in writing. —— Han Yu

40. Reading and understanding, no rules and regulations. —— Xu Hongyu

41. Do not ask for more books, and the years are both accumulated and self-rich. —— Feng Ban

42. Reading and learning are the creation of one's own thoughts and knowledge with the help of others' thoughts and knowledge. —— Pushkin

43. The family is slow and the stomach is open. —— Zhang Yuelou

44. Reading is in the sages, and the state is the king of the country. —— Zhu Yongchun

45. The more you read, the less things remain in your mind, and the two are inversely proportional. Reading a lot, his mind is like a blackboard that is densely overlapped and smeared. —— Schopenhauer

46. ​​Reading is not a dead reading, and reading a horn. —— Ye Shengtao

47. "Mr. should not teach exclusively. His responsibility is to teach people to be human; students should not study exclusively. His responsibility is to learn the way of life." —— Tao Xingzhi

48. Keeping your heart in mind is not as good as reading. —— Zheng Chenggong

49. Reading a hundred times, its righteousness. —— Three Kingdoms

50. Reading is not expensive. —— Book summary

51. The method of reading is gradual and gradual, familiar and thoughtful. —— Zhu Xi

52. There are three readings, that is, the heart is coming, the eyes are coming, and the mouth is coming. —— Zhu Xi

53. Reading is like eating, good people eat long spirits, and those who are not good eat are sick. —— Zhang Xuecheng

54. Time gives us experience and reading gives us knowledge. -- Ostrovsky

55. Sometimes reading is a clever way to avoid thinking. —— Helps

56. Reading is the best way to learn. Following the thoughts of great people is one of the most interesting sciences. —— Pushkin

57. If the days of my childhood can come back, then I will no longer waste time. I have to use every minute to read. —— Tagore

58. A truth that is learned purely by reading, and its relationship with us is like a prosthetic, a denture, a wax nose or even an artificial skin graft. The truths gained by independent thinking are like our natural limbs: only they belong to us. —— Schopenhauer

59. In reading, the quantity is not listed first. What matters is the quality of the book and the degree of thinking caused. —— Franklin

60. Reading is also like “sanding gold” like mining. —— Zhao Shuli

61. Read books for fun. - Maugham

62. When a great thought comes to the world as a gospel, it becomes an offense to the well-regulated masses, but it is a stupid thing to those who read a lot but have little knowledge. —— Goethe

63. What is the book for reading? —— Zhang Weiping

64. Books are of great significance to humanity, but books are not only useful to those who do not read, but to those who mechanically read the book and do not lead to living ideas from the dead words. It is also useless. —— Wushenski

65. I knew that reading today is a repentance from my predecessor. —— Li Xin

66. There is no such thing as reading, but it is a humility, repeated play, and a good ear. —— Zhu Xi

67. Reading should be fun. —— Cheng Hao

68. The black hair does not know how to work hard, and the white head hates reading late. —— Yan Zhenqing

69. Reading is not enough for the lack of natural experience. —— Bacon

70. Reading without understanding is equal to not reading. —— Comenius

71. Always take a pencil and a notebook with you, and write down all the wonderful places and words you encountered while reading and talking. -- Leo Tolstoy

72. Standing on the basis of establishing a school, the study is based on reading. —— Zhu Xi

73. Reading makes people perfect people. —— Bacon

74. Work with people who have courage and read from no words. —— Zhou Enlai

75. At any time, I will not be satisfied. The more I study, the more I feel deeply dissatisfied, and the more I feel that my knowledge is poor. Science is wonderful. —— Marx

76. Love to read is to change the lonely and boring time of life into a moment of great enjoyment. —— Montesquieu

77. Reading gives people fun, gives them brilliance, and gives them talent. —— Bacon

78. Study for the rise of China. —— Zhou Enlai

79. There is no real education without reading, and there is no possibility of discernment. —— Herzen

80. What is the sorrow of the husband's reading? Distinguish his righteousness, and cultivate his own body, and observe his whispers, and use it to be good and good. —— Wang Fuzhi

81. Reading is not known, it is better to be a taller one; —— Yuan Mu

82. Self-satisfied music, not invited for good name. —— Wang Yongbin

83. Reading a dead book is a harm to oneself, and it is harmful when you open your mouth; but it is not good to not read a book. —— Lu Xun

84. True reading wakes up the sleeper and chooses the right target for the undetermined target. A proper book instructs people to take the right path to avoid astray. —— Carnegie

85. When I study, I want to stay in front of every good thought, just like staying in front of every truth. —— Emerson

86. Reading without thinking is equal to eating without digesting. —— Polk

87. An experienced person reads two eyes, one sees the words on paper and the other sees the back of the paper. —— Goethe

88. Indiscriminate reading or endless reading, unspeakable things can't be remembered, and most of them will eventually disappear. —— Schopenhauer

89. Do not read the ink. —— Xu Te Li

90. Reading must be special and square. —— Xue Yu

91. The more you read the book without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot; and the more you think about it when you study, the more clearly you will see that you know very little. —— Voltaire

92. Birds want to fly high and flutter their wings first. —— Li Kuchan

93. For the sake of learning, Mo is first and foremost; for the sake of reason, he must read before. —— Zhu Xi

94. Reading, such as eating, chewing, the taste will be long; chewing big mouth, do not know the taste. —— Zhu Xi

95. Reading makes people's eyes clear. —— Voltaire

96. Sharding the wall, gathering the fireflies for the sac; —— Xu Mingkui

97. Reading is learning, use is learning, and it is more important to learn. —— Mao Zedong

98. Or do or swear, once exposed to the cold, although I have been studying for a hundred years, I have not seen it. —— Wu Mengxiang

99. She should increase her knowledge. For Antoinette, it is time to study hard. Not too much for two hours a day, it will make her smarter, let her be more brainy in the remaining twenty-two hours of the day and twenty-four. —— Zweig

100. Reading is in the spirit, just as exercise is in the body. —— Edison

101. The literati essays, the peasant excavation, this is ordinary, if the photo, the literati should pretend to be a rough person, play what "the lotus belt with a map"; the farmer holds a book under the willow, pretend to be " Such as the deep willow reading map, it will be numb. —— Lu Xun

102. There have been a lot of empty talkers. They are only reading to refute others and loudly preach their revolutionary spirit in order to jump to those more modest and serious comrades. —— Gorky

103. The paper has come to an end, and I know that it is going to be done. —— Lu You

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