Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Love famous words

1. Love is an alias for understanding - Tagore

2. Love each other, but don't make a chain of love. —— Gibran

3. If you can make your loved one happy, you will get paid. —— Balzac

4. Love has no specific rules. —— Gower

5. Love is not about the law. - Saint Jerome

6. Take love away and our earth becomes a grave. —— France

7. Love is an extravagant foreigner, a foreign self. —— Ai Xiansheng

8. Cultivating love must use whispers - Ovid

9. When you are happy, don't lose the virtue that makes you happy - Moroa

10. Whoever keeps saying that I don't love, who is in love. —— Ovid

11. The warmer and more sincere the love, the more implicit it is. —— Balzac

12. When expressing love in silence, it expresses the most love. —— Garnett

13. People must live, and love can be attached. —— Felbach

14. Eros plays a silent melody, far more pleasant than a musical instrument. —— Tolan

15. Whoever loves by the rules will not have love. —— Montaigne

16. Marriage is a book, the first chapter is a poem, and the rest is a plain essay. —— Knicks

17. It is not feasible to give orders and love. —— Montaigne

18. Love and wisdom cannot be both. —— Bacon

19. There is no flower in spring, no love in life, and what kind of world it is. —— Guo Moruo

20. Trust and silence for the people I love – Rousseau

21. Love has no rules and should not be conditional. —— Li Li

22. A sloppy marriage is less than happy. —— Shakespeare

23. As long as men and women truly love each other, even if they are not married, they are still sweet. —— Tennyson

24. The meaning of love is to help each other improve, but also to improve themselves. —— Chernyshevsky

25. Once you really need love, you will find that it is waiting for you. - Wilde

26. There is no colorful phoenix flying wings, and my heart is a little bit fluent - Li Shangyin

27. If you love her, let your love surround her like the sun and give her freedom. —— Tagore

28. When a person truly loves, he may even think that he is loving each other. —— Di Tairen

29. The way to get the job done is to cherish every minute. —— Darwin

30. Love makes obedience an easy task. -- United Kingdom

31. The grievances that can be said are not grievances; the lover who can steal is not a lover. —— Xuanzang said

32. Love and marriage are two cars running on the road. ——Monteneje

33. Life is precious, love is higher, and if it is free, both can be thrown. —— 裴多菲

34. Love is like a leaf, green in people's neglect, revealing buds in patience. —— He Qifang

35. A wise lover cherishes the love of a lover, not a gift of a lover. —— Taumas

36. Love is a sweet pain. —— Shakespeare

37. If you love by rules, you will not get love - Montaigne

38. Parting is about love, just like the wind is like fire: it extinguishes Mars, but it can set off the flames - Ababayeva

39. The water in the fountain is not blocked, and the fire of love cannot be extinguished. —— Mongolia

40. Hurrying to marry is to regret in leisure. —— Congreve

41. Marriage was established because of misunderstanding. - Wilde

42. The development of heterosexual friendship is like a hyperbolic curve, infinitely close but never touched - Rousseau

43. If you know each other, you will not be suspicious; if you don’t doubt, you will know each other. —— Cao Yu

44. It is absolutely correct that love turns all people into eloquent. —— Roglin

45. Water will be lost, fire will be extinguished, and love can compete with fate. —— Nathaniel Lee

46. ​​Sincere and pure love must have a respect for the labor and profession of the loved one. —— Deng Yingchao

47. A less enthusiastic love will last a long time - Shakespeare

48. Love has always been a thousand-turn thing. Have never been abandoned, have not been hurt, how can you know how to love someone? —— Zhang Xiaoyu

49. Love is the flame of life, without it, everything becomes dark - Roman Roland

50. Love will find its way out. -- United Kingdom

51. You don't have to be reluctant to love, but you are responsible for marriage. —— Roland

52. Love can't resist the cumbersome housework, and at least one party must be of great quality. —— Balzac

53. Love is not only rich and colorful, but also pleasing to the eye. —— Shen Stone

54. Love requires a thin layer of sorrow and requires a little bit of sorrow, doubt, and dramatic play. —— Vasilev

55. Love is the process of marriage; marriage is the purpose of love. —— Ibsen

56. Love has a magical power that makes one person dumped for another. —— Thurber and White

57. Only love gives you the mystery of undead. —— Felbach

58. Love cannot be measured by common sense. —— Japan

59. Love is free, and free love is the most real. —— Tennyson

60. Love is easy to believe. —— Ovid

61. The bitterness and joy in love are always fighting each other. —— 绪儒斯

62. Eros can conquer everything, and we will surrender to Eros. -- Virgil

63. Guan Guanyu, in the river of the continent; 窈窕 lady, gentleman is good - "Book of Songs"

64. Love is in a hurry and it is fast. —— Joelwood

65. The power of love is peace, regardless of reason, rules, and honours. It can make all fear, shock, and pain become sweet when you are exposed. —— Shakespeare

66. Love has a thousand touching notes and different notes. —— Jokreb

67. If you ask me if I should marry, I will answer you: in any case, you will regret it. - Socrates

68. Love is not complicated. There are only three words coming and going. I don’t love you, I hate you, but forget it, how are you, sorry. —— Zhang Ailing

69. Love is a combination of two souls. —— Johnson

70. Life is a flower, and love is the honey of flowers. —— Hugo

71. Modao does not ecstasy, the curtain rolls the west wind, people are thinner than yellow flowers. —— Li Qingzhao

72. Young people are unable to play with love; middle-aged people are eager to learn and love; old people are lonely and bored, and they remember love. —— Akita Yuki

73. A hot love is cold and fast. —— Weser

74. The secret of a lover cannot be called by the other party. —— Addison

75. Don't fall in love at first sight. -- United Kingdom

76. I admit that there is no more pain in the world than the punishment of love, and there is nothing more happier than serving it. —— Shakespeare

77. The most important thing in a person’s life is to find himself, but in marriage it is discovered. —— 冉拉尔

78. Love is a sweet pain, and sincere love is never a flat road. —— Shakespeare

79. Adore a woman, usually love her what she is now; love a teenager, usually looking at his future - Rousseau

80. The wife is not jealous and the husband is half responsible. The husband is not jealous, and the wife is also half responsible. If you force the other party to flee, the responsibility will be even greater. —— Bo Yang

81. Fear of love means fear of life, and those who fear life are equal to half of the zombies.

82. Love is not old. It retains the eternal flame and the eternal brilliance. The existence of the world uses it as a nourishment - Zola

83. Love is an indispensable one, but it can only be an accelerator that drives us forward, not a stumbling block to work and study. —— Zhang Zhixin

84. Pursue love, it flies high, escapes love, it follows. -- United Kingdom

85. Fanatic love is never going to last. —— Rohlik

86. The person you are married to is the one you feel most suitable for you when you are most vulnerable. —— Berwick

87. If the two sentiments are long, they will linger in the dynasty. —— Qin Guan

88. It is better not to love you than to make love. - Napoleon

89. There is no rope that can be pulled more than the double-stranded wire twisted by love. ——Robertton

90. For the sake of the continuation of love, the marriage is full, the wife must please the husband, and the husband should please the wife. As for how to please, it is a high-level art. —— Bo Yang

91. Love is the salt of life. —— Joshfield

92. The only great thing about marriage is the only love, the mutual faith of the two hearts. ——Roman Roland

93. Love takes me to this side, but reason has to pull me to the side. —— Ovid

94. The success of a marriage depends on two people, and one can make it fail. —— Samuel

95. Love with tears is the most touching. —— Scott

96. Love is the egoism of two people. —— LaSalle

97. Love is the beacon of the ancient Changming. It is fixed in the hope of the storm but it is not moving. Love is the fulfilled life, just like the wine glass filled with wine. —— Tagore

98. Love is often the fruit of marriage. —— Moliere

99. I love my motherland, love my people, leave them, I can't survive, and I can't write. —— Ba Jin

100. Because of love, so compassion; because of understanding, so tolerance. —— Zhang Ailing

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