Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Good old sayings

1. The fantasy of youth is both fanatical and cute. —— Joshouthouse

2. Youth, once you shake hands with it, you can gain the motivation to open up new ways and have the spirituality of creative life. —— Jin Ma

3. Believing that youth is the happiest time of your life is a fallacy. The happiest person is the one who thinks about the most interesting thoughts, so we are getting older and happier. —— William Lyon Phil Poe

4. Open friendship and not talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flower that embellishes youth. —— Ikeda Daisaku

5. For a young person, the most amazing and most satisfying thing is to find spiritual youth in an old man. —— Moloa

6. Youthful vitality can be said to stretch our entire body and mind, and at the same time use the joy of life to beautify everything in front of us. —— Rousseau

7. White hair is not my father! Youth is no longer knowing? The young will not be a boy, and he will not be famous. —— Yu Liangzhu

8. Teenagers never complain about their youthfulness, and the beautiful years are precious to them, even if they carry all kinds of storms. ——George Sang

9. Hundreds of gold to buy horses, thousands of dollars to buy beauty; Wanjin to buy Gao Jue, where to buy youth. —— Qu Yuan

10. Don't say goodbye when youth goes, don't wave when old people come. —— Russian proverb

11. As long as he has a pure heart and no hate, his youth will be prolonged. —— Stendhal

12. Pain and loneliness are a good medicine for young people. They not only make the soul better and more noble, but also maintain the color of its youth. —— Dumas

13. Youth is not a time in life, it is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with rich cheeks, red lips, and smooth knees. It is a quiet will, the ability to imagine, the vitality of emotions, and it is the new blood of the fountain of life. —— Siniga

14. Ah, youth! Youth! Perhaps the whole mystery of your beauty is not to be able to do everything, but to hope to do everything. —— Turgenev

15. When a child is born, plus two or three years of youthfulness, it is the most abundant and most beautiful part of life. It is the part that belongs to us unconsciously; it unconsciously decides the whole future. —— Herzen

16. There is no light in youth, like a fertile soil, no long crops, or a grass full of grass. —— Wu Yunqi

17. Youth is the only thing worth having. - Wilde

18. If youth also has shortcomings, it is that it has faded too fast. - La Lowell

19. The greatest comfort in old age is to realize that the power of all youth has been dedicated to the never-ending cause. —— Schopenhauer

20. A lovely term for youth! People have praised it since ancient times, and hope it grows in the world. —— Feng Zikai

21. When we sigh for the youth who are gone forever, we should consider the aging of the future, and don't regret it at that time for not cherishing the prime. —— La Bruyère

22. Youth can't stay, white hair naturally grows. —— Du Mu

23. Everything must be far away, he has to be free. Youth must be early, and you can be a teenager. —— Mengjiao

24. It is not an exaggeration to say that youth is a critical past. This kind of criticism is characterized by high enthusiasm and strong principle. —— Suhomlinski

25. Youth is a constant intoxication and a sensible fanatic. —— La Roche Fuco

26. The rich creation of the child's soul compensates for the growing poverty of the mother's soul. Youth is a broken rose, and old age is like a crown of thorns. —— Hebrew

27. Spring is the new season of nature in the year, and the new season of life is only one degree of youth in life. —— Cicero

28. How beautiful a youth is! Glowing and glowing, full of color and dreams, youth is the first chapter of the book, a story that never ends. —— Longfedo

29. Death is the indelible shadow of life. It is the inseparable travel companion of life, full of joy, love, youth, and achievements. The more recent the sunset, the longer the ominous shadow becomes more obvious. —— Yuri Bondarev

30. Whoever bravely experienced the baptism of the fire of youth, no one fears the frost of the old age. —— Rando

31. What is the taste of love without youth? What is the meaning of youth without love. —— Byron

32. No one will feel that youth is dying; but anyone will feel that youth has passed away. —— Small Seneca

33. Spiritual youth is not so easy to disappear. —— Carlossa

34. Youth is the best time of my life. —— Hegel

35. In this sad and bright March, I passed through my thin youth, through the sable, through the kapok, through the sorrows and impermanence that looming. —— Guo Jingming

36. Youth is the happiest time of life, but it is often because it is full of hope, not because of what it has or what it has escaped. —— Tol Carlisle

37. The beauty of this thing is really wonderful, the outside emits a red glow, but the interior does not feel anything. —— Sartre

38. Youth must be early, and you can grow up. —— Mengjiao

39. The so-called youth is psychological young. —— Matsushita Yukisuke

40. Everything in youth is a test. —— Stevenson

41. In the world of youth, the sand should become a true pearl, the stone should be turned into gold; the charm of youth should be called a dead branch, and the desert is covered with forest; this is the beauty of youth, the joy of youth, the foundation of youth. Share. —— Guo Xiaochuan

42. Youth is an ordinary name, it is happy and beautiful, but it is also full of hard tempering. —— Gorky

43. When youth is gone, the cause will never be achieved. —— Bai Langning

44. The only way to get wisdom is to buy with youth. —— Jack London

45. There are many who use the happiness of youth as the price of success. —— Mozart

46. ​​The waters of the river are thousands of years old, and the youth is gone forever. —— Uyghur slang

47. Youth is the flower of life and the natural expression of life. —— Ikeda Daisaku

48. As the years go by, the wine of youth is not always clear, and sometimes it becomes turbid. —— Legg

49. Youth does not hesitate to do what it wants. —— Wen Tianxiang

50. There is nothing in the world that is more precious than youth, but youth is also the easiest to die. The most precious thing is not to be loved, but the most evanescent thing is promoting its disappearance. Whoever can maintain youth forever is a great person. —— Guo Moruo

51. Waiting for the smog of youth to drag the joy of the youth, then we can get everything worthy of being absorbed. —— Pushkin

52. Some people experience their youth for the first time when they are old. —— Paul

53. Youth is not a period of life, but a condition of the soul. —— Seneca

54. Youth is like a spring of praise. —— Botler

55. Energetic youth is not so easy to perish. —— Carlossa

56. Life is rare and youthful. However, it is necessary to add a whip to the early morning. —— Yuan Yubing

57. The dream of youth is the true projection of the future. -- United Kingdom

58. When a person's youth is over, there will be a beautiful mature period like autumn. At this time, the fruit of life waits for harvest in a beautiful calm atmosphere like ripe rice. —— Tagore

59. Youth is inexperienced and capricious. —— Tagore

60. Friendship has many names, but once youth and beauty are involved, friendship is called love and is turned into the most beautiful angel. —— Krissell

61. Youth does not refer to a certain period of life, but to a state of mind. —— Seyman

62. You can't have youth and knowledge about youth at the same time. Because youth is busy with life, and can not care to understand; and knowledge is to live, but busy with self-seeking. —— Gibran

63. The day is empty, and youth is no longer coming. —— Lin Kuan

64. In the world, there is love first, and there is a language to express love. In the youth period when love just arrived in the world, it learned a set of methods, and it has never been forgotten. —— Jack London

65. As the glory of youth fades away, the inner character that never dies grows more clearly on one's face and eyes, as if it were the result of living in the same place for a long time. —— Tagore

66. The youthfulness of the vain is nothing, and the white title is sad. —— Quan Dexing

67. Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has disappeared without a trace. —— Shakespeare

68. The song of friendship, activity and youth will alleviate our suffering. —— Empty Ceske

69. Whoever loses his life, youth will be tarnished, and life will abandon them. —— Hugo

70. I have enjoyed the joy of the world. The joy of youth has long passed away. The spring of life is very far away from me. —— Haisai

71. How should youth be spent? Some are like fires, always shining on others. Some are like fluorescent, and even light themselves! Different life ideals, different life attitudes, determine the position of a person standing in battle. —— Wu Yunqi

72. Youth is wonderful; squandering youth is a crime. —— Shaw

73. The lively heart of youth will never be a sorrowful stagnation. - Bing Xin

74. If the hair of youth can be exchanged for victory, no doubt he will exchange some of his victories. —— Monsen

75. In your carefree career of youth, all the portals in your house are always open. —— Tagore

76. Youth is like a bird who sings a song. It has been taken out of the window of the winter, and it has gone into the shackles of the royal blue. —— Wen Yiduo

77. To civilization for the world, to create happiness for mankind, to create the family of youth, the country of youth, the nation of youth, the humanity of youth, the earth of youth, the universe of youth, and the life of youth. . —— Li Dazhao

78. The dawn of life is paradise, and youth is the true paradise. —— Wordsworth

79. Youth time is fleeting. —— Horace

80. Time is not money, not anything that can be recovered. Once you easily lose it, it will always be ruthlessly separated from you. The most terrible thing is that when it left you, it also stolen the most precious property from you - youth and life. —— rumors

81. Youth is the happiest time of life, but it is often because it is full of hope. —— Carlisle

82. The glory of youth, the key to ideals, the meaning of life, and even the survival and development of mankind are all contained in these two words, struggle! Only struggle can cure the wounds of the past; only struggle is the hope of our nation. And the light is there. —— Marx

83. Books can keep our children's hearts; books can keep our youth. —— Yan Wenjing

84. If youth is a flaw, it is also a defect that we will lose too soon. —— Lowell

85. Late youth is a lasting youth. —— Nietzsche

86. He found that not all green hills are pleasant, at least for a life that has passed away and will go far. He is increasingly considering how to arrange a satisfactory old age for himself. —— Haisai

87. The verses of a Lapland song cannot be forgotten until now: "The child's desire is the desire of the wind, and the thought of youth is a long thought." —— Longfellow

88. Study hard, work hard, and make your youth more glorious. —— Wang Guangmei

89. Hey, you have heard that talent may be acquired in youth, and wisdom may mature before decay. —— Emerson

90. A person who is young when he is young is blessed, but it is even more blessed to keep his youth until he enters the grave. —— Chekhov

91. The characteristic of youth is that it is necessary to betray oneself if it is not moving, even if there is no tempting power beside it. —— Shakespeare

92. Bai Shou is eager to tamer the sea, and youth is eager to walk thousands of mountains. —— Lin Boqu

93. It must always be seen towards the dawn of youth and life. —— Hugo

94. If your youth is not radiant, anything will lose its charm. —— Huo Walpuer

95. Time will pierce the color of the youthful face, and will dig deep trenches on the forehead of the beauty; will eat the rare treasures! Natural beauty, nothing can escape his sweeping sickle. —— Shakespeare

96. People must always withstand the wind, the rain and the insects. After hard work and hard work, they can finally bid farewell to their youth in the form of "fruit." —— vicissitudes

97. Youth is something that is not durable. —— Shakespeare

98. Adolescence is the easiest to show the feelings of joy and anger, and it is very strong. —— Nizami

99. Benefiting from youthfulness, the wind and frost are constant. —— Li Longji

100. First love - it was a revolution: a monotonous, formal lifestyle was instantly destroyed and destroyed; youth stood on the barricades, its brilliant flag fluttering high - no matter what it was waiting for in front - - Death or a new life - it pays tribute to everything. —— Turgenev

101. Youth, are you always imprisoned in a small circle? You have to tear through the old, confusing network. —— Tagore

102. Silk dyeing has no re-whitening, no whiteness, no blackness, no effort to love youth, no loss. —— Xuan Guozhang

103. The poems are not unintentional, and they are not self-conscious. —— Yu Qian

104. The reason why youth is happy is because it has a future. —— Gogol

105. Youth is only once in one's life, and youth is stronger than any period. Therefore, don't make your own spirit rigid, but keep your youth forever. —— Belinsky

106. A person’s life is only one youth. —— Longfellow

107. If the younger generation of a nation does not have youth, it is the great misfortune of this nation. —— Herzen

108. Although the world and life are bad, one of them is always good, and that is youth. —— Xian Kewei

109. To be sensible, you have to pay a high price. It must be at the expense of youth. - Mrs. Lafayette

110. Ah, youth! You are always dear and lovely. —— Homer

111. Youth is only once in one's life, and youth is more acceptable to noble and beautiful things than any other age. Who can keep the youth to the old age, not let the cool of the soul cool and hard, who is the happy person. —— Belinsky

112. Among young people, there is dissatisfaction, angry and passionate conversation. But when they became adults and married, when their hearts filled with sorrow, their sullen youthful anger converges and becomes a disappointing pain, becoming a deep and unspeakable resentment. —— Pearl

113. Youth is always beautiful, but true youth belongs only to those who strive for the upper reaches, those who forever forget the labor, and those who are always humble. —— Lei Feng

114. Life gives us a huge and infinitely noble gift. This is youth: full of strength, full of expectation, full of ambition to seek knowledge and struggle, full of hope and youth. -- Ostrovsky

115. Youth can make up for everything. —— Herzlit

116. I always remember that youth is a beautiful thing, and for me it is always a source of inspiration. —— Ba Jin

117. Procrastinating, there are not many in the coming days, twenty miles, please come kiss me, the grass is dry, the youth is easy to pass. —— Shakespeare

118. Optimistic people are always young. —— Byron

119. One thing that is above all else is to keep youthful. —— Shakespeare

120. Youth is like the early spring, such as the Asahi, such as the germination of Baihui, such as the new edge of the blade, the most precious period of life. Young people are in the society, and they are still fresh and lively. —— Chen Duxiu

121. With money, there are many things that can be done in this world, but youth cannot be purchased with money. —— Lemante

122. If the time of youth is spent in idleness, then remembering the years will be a sad tragedy. —— Zhang Yunke

123. Whether you have achievements or vanity, whether it is sarcastic or the pain of my own love, in short, in joy and sorrow, the warm youthful radiance is still shining on me. . —— Haisai

124. Youth is limited, wisdom is endless, short youth, learning endless wisdom. —— Gorky

125. Youth is a raw material, and sooner or later it will be shaped. —— Shakespeare

126. Youth is like a morning, it is pure and clean, full of delusions and harmony. —— Chardonnay

127. If you waste your age, it is very sad. Because your youth can only last a little bit of time - a little bit of time. - Wilde

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