Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Optimistic quotes

1. When you live, you should work hard to make it beautiful.

2. Only when you have a hard time can you get true joy.

3. They will be happier if they take on greater responsibilities.

4. A contented person can live a happy life.

5. There is no happiness in the world, but freedom and peace.

6. Art is an embellishment of life and a temptation to lead to life.

7. The beauty of life lies in its richness and richness. To make life interesting, it is constantly enriched.

8. I believe that if you talk about sad things with a happy mood, your sorrow will vanish.

9. Make yourself more and more work, and get used to work. This is the first condition for happiness in life.

10. Laughing is the sun, it can eliminate the winter color of people's faces.

11. The so-called happiness is to recognize the limits of a person and to be at this limit.

12. The more others envy my happiness, I feel that this happiness is more delicious.

13. Joy is the flower of hope, giving her strength so that she can face the rough of life without fear.

14. I will not lock in the door of my senses in the pleasant scenery, the pleasant sound and the scent of the nose.

15. Dispelled all worries, unloaded all the burdens, and could not help but feel satisfied. It was like moving a big rock in my heart.

16. Wherever there is life, there is happiness. The more you go, the more it is, the more it is.

17. Sadness can be cooked by yourself; if the taste of joy is to be fully realized, you must share it.

18. Because true happiness is: to be completely objective and to reflect your ambition.

19. Silence is the best way to express happiness. If I can tell how happy my heart is, then my happiness is only limited.

20. Our happiness or not, we must not rely on what we have gained or lost, but only what we are.

21. Only with the interests and outstanding talents can you help me with your ideas and be careful and thorough.

22. Real, eternal, and supreme happiness can only be obtained from three things: work, self-restraint, and love.

23. No matter where I go, I am looking for happiness. I will never go anywhere to find pain, because I was born to be a happy person. Only when pain is found on my head, I will be painful.

24. May you be happy year after year, and hope that even our most despicable brothers or sisters will not be deprived of the happiness they deserve.

25. Huge happiness has bent over the waist. He felt his limbs weak and weak; in the face of his victory, the person who had never been shaken by danger began to tremble.

26. Heaven and Earth provide endless enjoyment for those who open their minds, so that they can use their feelings and reject them for those who are narrow-minded.

27. Happiness is like a star. Darkness can't cover them. There are always gaps to find. In the course of our lives, no matter how many mistakes we made, how many misunderstandings have arisen. However, in the gap between fault and misunderstanding, isn’t the light of happiness shining?

28. In the face of danger, there are always two voices in the human soul that are evenly matched: a very reasonable way to teach people to consider the nature of danger and ways to avoid danger; the other is more reasonable to say that it is too frustrating to consider danger. It’s painful, because foreseeing everything and avoiding the general trend is not within human ability, so it’s good to think about it before the painful thing arrives.

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