Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Business famous words

1. A mentally healthy person, always working hard and loving someone, as long as they can do both things, there is no difficulty in other things. —— Freud

2. Study hard, work diligently, and make your youth more radiant. —— Wang Guangmei

3. Genius cannot make people not have to work, not to replace labor. To develop genius, you must study for a long time and work with high levels of tension. The more talented a person is, the more complex and important the task he faces. - A. Smirnov

4. Love life from work is the deepest secret of life. —— Gibran

5. After three years of experience and baptism, employees in the enterprise are qualified to answer external phone enquiries, because a phone call is likely to cause many things. —— Heath

6. It is best not to fantasize what to do when the sun sets, but to work when the rising sun rises. —— Xie Juezhen

7. Try to work in a comfortable situation. Remember, physical tension can create shoulder pain and mental fatigue. —— Carnegie

8. There are often situations in which new ways to open up new paths for science and technology are sometimes not well-known figures in the scientific community, but unseen figures in the scientific community, ordinary people, practitioners, and work innovators. —— Stalin

9. The characteristics of young people are that they have great ambitions for an ideal career. —— Kalinin

10. It is not a career for the sake of thought, but an idea for the cause. —— Voltaire

11. The cause is the most important, and the reputation is empty. —— Goethe

12. All the accomplished people in ancient times have taken their lives seriously. When he is alive for a day, he must always work as much as possible, work harder, learn more, refuse to waste his time, and let time be wasted. —— Deng Tuo

13. In the career of the creator, every step must be thought through and not followed by blind blindness. —— Michurin

14. The society respects celebrities, so the words of celebrities are famous words, but they forget that he is named for that kind of learning and career. —— Lu Xun

15. The best plan for the future is to be good at handling the current task and completing the most recent tasks. —— McDonald

16. Work is the value of life, the joy of life, and the place of happiness. - Rodin

17. Laziness - it is a special style of attitude towards labor. It is characterized by the difficulty of getting involved in work and the ease of leaving work. —— Japritskaya

18. Any occupation is not simple. It is not too difficult to complete the task in general. However, it is not so easy to make a contribution to the society in order to achieve success in the real cause. Therefore, it is necessary to be ambitious in all walks of life. With ambition, you will be able to raise your standards at any time to ask yourself. —— Xie Juezhen

19. The school requires teachers to become an artist in his own work. —— Einstein

20. Time is the standard for measuring business. —— Bacon

21. People's thoughts are remarkable. As long as they focus on a certain cause, they will certainly make achievements that surprise them. -- Mark Twain

22. To sacrifice for a great cause has never been counted as a failure. —— Joe Byron

23. Scientific discussion and research itself is beautiful, and its own enjoyment is reward; so I find happiness in my work. —— Mrs. Curie

24. Human beings also need dreamers who are fascinated by the unselfish development of a cause and therefore cannot materially benefit. —— Mrs. Curie

25. For the liberation of class and nation, for the success of the cause of the party, I am not fascinated by the magnificent building, but would rather live in a desolate and damp shed; not a delicious western dish, preferring to swallow the mouth Millet and vegetable roots; not comfortable and soft wire bed, prefer to sleep in a pig's nest like a shelter. —— Fang Zhimin

26. Our hopes of shattering, the ability to abort, the cause of failure, the ambition of setbacks, often accumulate and become taboo. —— Balzac

27. Those who work hard and let themselves keep their thoughts from falling into their dreams will be unfortunate! He thinks he can get in and out at any time, and thinks there is no difference between the two. He is wrong. . —— Hugo

28. Career is the vivid unity of ideas and practices. —— Aristotle

29. For me, being a warrior is the greatest happiness, and all personal problems are not as permanent as the socialist cause. -- Ostrovsky

30. If work is not the price of life, but the purpose, how happy human beings will be. - Rodin

31. People who are hard-working are often not talkative. Their earth-shattering dynamism shows their greatness, but when they plan for the biggest cause, they are silent. —— Krylov

32. Whether life in a lifetime is happy, safe or auspicious depends on whether his life is moral or not, and whether he can be a model for society. Therefore, self-cultivation education has also become a major part of his school work. —— 裴stellozi

33. If self-study lacks perseverance, professional knowledge cannot be consolidated; if there is no professionalism, difficulties will be stopped and even halfway. —— Cai Zuquan

34. A person’s service to the people does not necessarily have to stand in the conference or make a big earth-shattering career. Anytime, anywhere, telling people what they know, bit by bit, is planting for the country. —— Fu Lei

35. Instead of relying on individual thoughts, scientists combine the wisdom of thousands of people, all of whom want a problem, and each part of it does some of its work, adding to the great building that is being built. —— Rutherford

36. The combination of thinking and practicality can produce clear concepts, and you can find some simple methods. The discovery of these methods stimulates self-respect, and the accuracy of the method can make the intelligence satisfied. The original boring work is simple. The method is very interesting. —— Rousseau

37. Man is the creator of culture and he is also the purpose of culture. The basic qualities of a truly literate person should be aware of his continuation of the heir and his cause, that is, the responsibility of the children. —— Gorky

38. Life is a never-ending factory, where there is no lazy position. Work! Create it. ——Roman Roland

39. Honest people, those who dare to tell the truth, in the final analysis, benefit the people’s cause and do not suffer from themselves. —— Mao Zedong

40. Inspiration is not a beautiful wave of hands, but a state of mind that works as hard as a cow. —— Tchaikovsky

41. The cause is often persevering and ruined. I saw it in the desert, and the hurrying travellers fell behind the calm; the galloping horses were behind, and the slow camels continued to advance. —— Sadie

42. The greatest comfort in old age is to realize that the power of all youth has been dedicated to the never-ending cause. —— Schopenhauer

43. A person who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big cause. —— Carnegie

44. If you behave "like" to be interested in your work, that performance will make your interest real and reduce your fatigue, your nervousness, and your worries. —— Dale Carnegie

45. A good heart is a garden, a good thought is a rhizome, a good speech is a flower, and a good cause is a fruit. —— English proverb

46. ​​The core force that leads our cause is the Communist Party of China. The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism. The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism. —— Mao Zedong

47. Cadres lack normal recruitment, reward and punishment, retirement, resignation, and elimination methods. Anyway, work is good or bad. It is an iron rice bowl. If you can't get in and out, you can't go down. These conditions will inevitably lead to bloated institutions, many levels, and more deputy. There are many jobs, and the bloated institutions will inevitably lead to the development of bureaucracy. - Deng Xiaoping

48. The party’s task is to give overall leadership to the work of all state organs, rather than being too frequent as it is today, often with interference in detail. —— Lenin

49. Life is short, and this sentence should awaken everyone to do everything he wants. Although diligence does not guarantee success, death may destroy a thriving cause, but those who have failed in their careers have at least been honored to participate in the military, even if he does not win, it is a battle. —— Johnson

50. Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause. —— Voltaire

51. Be loyal, work hard, and love glory to believe in your instincts. —— Leo Burnett

52. It is the most glorious thing to be able to dedicate yourself to the cause of your own country and fight for the realization of your ideals. —— Wu Yuzhang

53. Do it yourself, move your feet and observe with your own eyes – this is the highest principle of our experimental work. —— Pavlov

54. Unless a person has a lot of work to do, he can't have fun from being lazy and free. —— Jerome

55. The success of each start-up is most important for the basic training of all parties. - Ma Ming Siberia

56. Lack of love for the cause, talent is useless. —— Nikolaevich

57. Teachers are a living link between the past and the future. Its cause, on the surface, is one of the greatest undertakings in history, although it is rehabilitated. —— Wushenski

58. To be a good, intelligent, and excellent worker, exercise is extremely important. Physical health is the foundation of schooling and future work. Exercise can cure all diseases, can make people healthy, quick-headed, and promote learning. —— Wu Gengmin

59. Giving others freedom and defending their freedom is equally a noble cause. - Lincoln

60. Without a person who is not determined, he can do a career. —— 戚继光

61. Be happy with life because it gives you the opportunity to love, to work, to play, and to have the opportunity to look up at the stars. —— Henry Van Dyck

62. Be sure to have the courage to be confident and have the courage to work. —— Lu Xun

63. When a person uses his work to greet the light, the light will soon shine on him. —— Feng Xuefeng

64. History regards those who work for the broad purpose of the goal and thus make themselves noble, as great people; experience praises the most happy people as the happiest. —— Marx

65. Labor teaching can also cultivate such valuable personal qualities, such as learning to work collectively, loving labor, and resolute spirit to overcome difficulties. —— Zankov

66. Science, labor, and practical work can wake up our sick, debauched youth. —— Goncharov

67. As long as we have the ability to improve things, our primary responsibility is to use it and train all our wisdom and abilities to serve the supreme cause of our humanity. —— Huxley

68. The main method of patriotism is to love what you are doing. —— Xie Juezhen

69. It should be remembered that our career requires hands, not mouths. —— Tong Zhou

70. People can make a career that a single person cannot do; wisdom, hands and strength are almost omnipotent. —— Webster

71. Do less talk, do more work, be solid, and work hard. - Deng Xiaoping

72. Experience has shown that success is mostly due to redness and less to capacity. A victor is a person who devote his body and soul to his work. —— Charles Buxton

73. Life is not suffering, nor pleasure, but the cause we should fight for and persist in. —— Tocqueville

74. People should behave like their clothes, not too tight or too particular, and should be a little more comfortable to work and exercise. —— Bacon

75. The great cause is rooted in the tenacity and constant work, and it is carried out with full spirit and without refraining from hardship. —— Russell

76. The history of science, in a sense, is the history of illusions and failures, the history of great fools working with clumsiness and inefficiency. —— Temple male Yan Yan

77. I feel that a revolutionary should have to put the interests of the revolution first and contribute everything to the cause of the party. This is the happiest. —— Lei Feng

78. The cause is infinite. —— Han Yu

79. My life belongs to the whole society. It is my special privilege to work for the whole society as much as I can in my life. —— Shaw

80. Getting wealth through hard work is the great thing in life. —— Balzac

81. A successful career, and don't think that the god of "destiny" brings you. The god of "destiny" does not have this power itself, but is dominated by the god of "discrimination." —— John Dolden

82. A person with real talents feels the highest level of happiness in the course of his work. —— Goethe

83. Life is alive, there is no good argument, no good career, all day long, warm clothes, no use of heart, why not be different from animals. —— Su Shi

84. Great work is done not by strength but by patience. —— Johnson

85. The real place where true scholars are truly remarkable is that they have done a lot of great work secretly and were not famous for their lifetime. —— Balzac

86. In science, every road should be taken away, and finding a path that cannot be achieved is a major contribution to science. Let me do it, the kind of thankless work that proves that this road is not working. —— Einstein

87. The greatest happiness in life is the result of the work of one's own work. The peasant labor has been harvested, the workers have gone out of work, the doctors have cured the sick teachers, and the students have been taught. The rest of the work is the same. —— Xie Juezhen

88. It is a genius to create a great cause, and it is hard work to accomplish a great cause. The period of shackles is not limited to more than one. —— Ouyang Xiu

89. A person’s life should be measured by career rather than by life. —— Seneca

90. No matter where he goes, no matter what career he is engaged in, he will eventually return to the path of his own. —— Goethe

91. Whether we are proud or humble depends on the achievements of our cause. —— Muse

92. I see the vast field of science as a vast wilderness with some dark places and some bright places. The purpose of our work should be to either expand the boundaries of the bright places or add a center of light in the wilderness. —— Diderot

93. If talent is not beneficial to the world, it will be attenuated day by day; if talent is left by laziness, the vigorous agitation will not be expected. —— Krylov

94. The key task of leading cadres is to negotiate or coordinate. Therefore, the power of such persuasion becomes the decisive factor for the excellence of the cadre. —— Yanshan Fangxiong

95. It’s also a matter of talent to be stupid; he must look into the mood of the people he is teasing, understand their identity, and have to look at the opportunity; then, like a wild eagle looking at every bird in front of him, Every opportunity is not relaxing. This is a tough job like the art of a wise man. —— Shakespeare

96. The boundaries of researchers' knowledge of knowledge require many of the same qualities as the pioneers; professionalism and initiative. —— Beveridge

97. How many people have died for the cause of justice, and how many people have died for unjust causes. - Van Lorne

98. Only by perfecting for their own contemporaries and working for their happiness can they achieve their own perfection. —— Marx

99. We often hear people say that people have collapsed because of overwork, but in fact, in all likelihood, they are suffering from anxiety or anxiety. —— Lubbock J.

100. Being honest and simple hinders the success of the business. —— John Clarke

101. If you, young people, really want to live a "very broad, very beautiful life," create it and work with people who are bravely building unprecedented and grand careers. —— Gorky

102. Love is an indispensable one, but it can only be an accelerator that drives us forward, not a stumbling block to work and study. —— Zhang Zhixin

103. Only when all the inhabitants participate in management work can the anti-bureaucratic struggle be thoroughly pursued in order to completely defeat bureaucracy. —— Lenin

104. The government's administrative body is like a trust, and it must work for the benefit of the principal rather than the client. —— Cicero

105. I am going to complete the unfinished business of Jesus Christ. —— Hitler

106. In scientific work, people who are unwilling to go beyond the facts can hardly understand the facts. —— Huxley

107. If you know the eternal loss of time and precious love, do not make senseless sadness, and work hard for the cause you should do, especially when youth does not abuse time, then we can arbitrarily say that the future will succeed. . —— Nie Er

108. A machine can do the work of fifty ordinary people, but no machine can do the work of a great person. —— Hubbard

109. The cause of science is to serve the people. —— Tolstoy

110. You must pursue your work and don't let your work pursue you. —— Franklin

111. What is work? Work is struggle. Where are the difficulties and problems, we need to solve them. We are working and fighting to solve difficulties. The more difficult the place is, the more it is going to go. This is a good comrade. —— Mao Zedong

112. My advice to the youth can be summed up in only three sentences, that is, work hard, work more seriously, and work in the end. —— Bismarck

113. The final result determines the success or failure of the work. —— Shakespeare

114. The three most important words in the dictionary are will, work, and waiting. I am going to build my successful pyramid on these three cornerstones. —— Pasteur

115. Public trust cannot be entrusted to anyone unless it first proves that he is competent and suitable for the job. - Ma Henry

116. How long does it take to open and invigorate the policy, how long it will take to correct the party style, how long it will take to correct the unhealthy trend, and how long it will take to crack down on crimes. This will ensure that we are open and invigorating the policy and throwing it correctly. - Deng Xiaoping

117. The task of the manager is to be knowledgeable and to provide a balanced and close working organization for the company. —— Lod Kate Chad

118. A person who is jealous cannot accomplish a great cause by himself, but tries to underestimate the greatness of others and devalue the greatness of others to be with him. —— Hegel

119. A person may believe in a lot of nonsense, but still be able to arrange his daily work in a reasonable and happy way. —— Norman Douglas

120. The so-called genius, that is the lie, the hard work is real. —— Edison

121. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. -- Leo Tolstoy

122. Any work is noble, and a noble cause is only labor. —— Carlisle

123. The average person always waits for an opportunity to fall from the sky and does not want to work hard to create such an opportunity. When a person dreams of how to earn 50,000 pounds, a hundred people simply dream of 50,000 pounds and fall in front of them. —— Milne

124. The work of paying first is definitely not good. —— Joel Florio

125. Every era has its own language, and often the differences in recital between different eras are much larger than the differences in thought. The main job of the writer is to translate the ideas of other eras into the language of the era in which they live. —— Auguste Haier

126. A person can make a difference only if he or she connects her career with the cause of the motherland in order to make progress. - Marty

127. A person who stubbornly persists in his goal in the cause of justice will not shake his resolve because his companion is madly yelling "wrong", nor will he fear to shrink as the tyrant threatens the face of intimidation. —— Horace

128. I am not pessimistic. I want to fight for more living. I want to work for our socialist motherland to the last breath of life. —— Ba Jin

129. Life is alive and career is a priority. There is still a breath, and I will never let go. The East Wind has gained momentum, the times have been updated, and this machine has been bravely advanced. —— Wu Yuzhang

130. What the old gentleman likes most is arrogance. I know that the true and ancient academics and great undertakings are invented and created by some arrogant people who are arrogant. —— Mao Zedong

131. The old hero of the wilderness was mourned, and the country broke away from the family. —— Zhao Wei

132. One percent of waste in education can cause serious losses to the country. —— Macalenko

133. Don't belittle the dusk, dusk is the same time as the morning. —— Tianxiong

134. Human beings are given a job, that is, spiritual growth. -- Leo Tolstoy

135. Health is essential for our cause and our well-being. Without health, there can be no welfare and happiness. —— Locke

136. Humor is a sign that workers have confidence in their careers and show that they are dominant. —— Engels

137. I will use a pen to complete the business that he failed to complete with a sword. —— Balzac

138. The aerospace work, the ground work is done, and there will be no problems in the sky. —— Zhang Luqian

139. Love labor is one of the main components of communist morality. But only after the victory of the working class, the indispensable condition of human life--labor, will not be a heavy and shameful burden, but become a cause of honor and heroism. —— Kalinin

140. If I have motivated some people more or less, and our efforts, our work, has more or less expanded the scope of human understanding, thus adding a bit of joy to the world, then I also I feel satisfied. —— Edison

141. Man, no matter what, should be engaged in labor, sweating and working, the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his joy. —— Chekhov

142. My motto is: first is honesty, second is diligence, and third is dedicated work. —— Carnegie

143. The cause is the fruit, but the words are nothing but leaves. ——Dalles

144. A career can be privileged. ——F. Marvin

145. Nothing in the neck of a young man is more fascinating than the brilliant orb of a career. -- Hafez

146. I have been fighting for more than 50 years and are committed to the development of science. Using one word can tell me the most difficult job characteristics, the word is "failure." —— Thomson

147. In this country, the only way to reach the highest power is to work as a lawyer. —— Wei Jones

148. Make the educational process an art cause. —— Herbart

149. Going towards a certain goal is “ambition”. It is "qi" to stop without stopping in the middle of the drum. The combination of the two is ambition. The success or failure of all careers depends on this. —— Dale Carnegie

150. Working for the happiness of mankind, what a magnificent career, how great this goal is. —— St. Simon's

151. Our cause is just and our unity is strong. —— Jo Dickinson

152. A great cause requires determination, ability, organization and responsibility. —— Ibsen

153. All great people never admit that life cannot be transformed. He would be dissatisfied with the environment at the time; but his dissatisfaction would not only make him complain and unhappy, but instead made him full of enthusiasm to find a career, and what he did was the result. —— Melton

154. A fun environment nourishes creativity. No one works just for fun, but it doesn't mean that work can't be fun. —— Leo Burnett

155. Successful people have awe-inspiring spirits. They are bold and brave. In their dictionary, there is no "fear". They are confident that their ability is capable of doing everything. They think they are a very valuable person. —— Dale Carnegie

156. To live in integrity, don't think about it! To work honestly, you can have a great future. —— Dostoevsky

157. The person who likes to complain is the one who does not have the ability to resist and who does not or does not want to work. —— Gorky

158. Fruits harvested from science parks, like the harvest of farmers, are often a common product of work and luck and favourable situations. —— Bezilius

159. True agility is a very valuable thing. Because time is the standard for measuring business, such as money is the standard for measuring goods. ——F. Bacon

160. A common cause; a common struggle can give people the power to endure everything. -- Ostrovsky

161. The ancient cause was made by people. —— Hong Xiuquan

162. The value of life is measured by the work of its people for the present. —— Xu Wei

163. It is his career to maintain a person's life. —— Emerson

164. In order to store a person’s life and betray the liberation cause of thousands of people, he has been cast aside, and what does it mean to live. —— Wang Ruofei

165. Good attitudes are about the relationship between career and society, just as oil is as important to machines. —— Franklin

166. Life is alive and career is a priority. There is still a breath, and I will never let go. —— Wu Yuzhang

167. Only after a long period of hard work that has completed its development and long-term immersion in the task can be achieved. —— Hegel

168. The cause of justice does not have to be fulfilled by the impulse of feelings. It can persist in the final victory in a calm debate. —— Tol Brown

169. To succeed in a career, you must spend your entire life. - Levin Hooke

170. In all practical work of our Party, all correct leaders must come from the people and the people. —— Mao Zedong

171. Love is not a charity, so you cannot give generously. —— Shaw

172. The cause is everything, and the name is just a false voice. —— Goethe

173. Those who will continue to continue their careers at the beginning of their lives are happy. —— Herzen

174. A man walks into the world in a sneak peek, and finally leaves the world and goes away. He thinks completely, fame and fortune are all things outside, and only one person’s heart is enough to make the people in the society have more benefits from his work. It is the most enjoyable thing in life. —— Zou Yufen

175. The morning of life is work, the noon of life is a comment, and the night of life is a prayer. —— Hesiod

176. Genius, as far as its essence is concerned, is nothing but a passion for career and work. —— Gorky

177. Leadership in management is the driving force behind the hard work of employees. —— Bilaytown

178. Everyone is engaged in a career, and every person who lives in the land has an obligation in life. —— Hemingway

179. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to do systematic and thorough investigation and research work. This is the process of analysis. Asking questions is where the contradiction lies. —— Mao Zedong

180. Human beings need people who are good at practice, who can get the most benefit from their work; but humans also need dreamers who are fascinated by the selfless development of a cause and therefore cannot pay attention to their material interests. —— Mrs. Curie

181. As long as it is not a very important commodity, it is not a steady and steady business. Rapid development is tantamount to rapid bankruptcy. Only by making various commodities uninterrupted and successively listed, can the rapid development of the cause advance steadily. —— Takahashi Kenji

182. Efficiency is the soul of doing good work. —— Chesterfield

183. I like our company to look like a barefoot agent. I always try to "wear other people's shoes" and put myself in the shoes of others - a hard-working farm rather than a leisurely farmhouse. —— Leo Burnett

184. Science requires a person to contribute a double energy, assuming that each of you has two lives, which is not enough for you. Science requires everyone to have extremely intense work and great enthusiasm. —— Pavlov

185. Those with great ambitions cannot ignore the work at hand. - Euripides

186. Too much emphasis on the rules of conduct and the form of particularity, so that the opportunity to miss the opportunity in business, the loss is great. —— Bacon

187. Promote your career and don't let your career drive you. —— Franklin

188. Education cannot create anything, but it can inspire children's creativity to engage in creative work. —— Tao Xingzhi

189. A single person is weak and weak, like the drifting Robinson, who can accomplish many careers only with others. —— Schopenhauer

190. Our party must be serious in principle, but it must be highly flexible in the specific work of implementing the principles. —— Liu Shaoqi

191. If you are great, you will not feel small in any job. —— Joe McDonald

192. Engaging in scientific work requires the full life of a person, and an eight-hour work system does not work. —— Zhu Xi

193. Happiness exists in the real work of a person. ——Ollillo

194. Young people in adolescence should be motivated by open-minded enthusiasm and should be allowed to build their own lives and careers with such enthusiasm. —— Russell

195. A competent creative person does not think that his job is just to do one or a set of advertisements. He will definitely work hard to understand other factors that affect product sales. —— Leo Burnett

196. It is work that makes life tasteful. —— Ayol

197. Working with the support of a lofty goal, working non-stop, even slow, will certainly succeed. —— Einstein

198. Independent thinking skills are essential for conducting scientific research or any other work. In history, any major invention and creation in science is due to the inventor's full play of this original spirit. —— Hua Luogeng

199. I think it is the spirit of reaching for the stars that many of us work hard for a long time. Wherever you go, let the work fully express this spirit, and drive us to give up the masterpiece, only to seek masterpieces. —— Leo Burnett

200. To do a great cause, you must start in your youth. —— Goethe

201. Those who establish meritorious service are also based. Those who have always learned and can be regarded as big business players have all set a foothold on the character. —— Xu Shichang

202. People always first understand the special nature of many different things, and then it is possible to further generalize the work and understand the common nature of things. —— Mao Zedong

203. Adherence to the great cause of the will requires a spirit of unrelenting. —— Voltaire

204. Several simple ways to save money: When you are passionate and want to donate to a charity, if you save half of the money, you may wish to wait until the 40th. If you want to save three-quarters, you will count to sixty. To completely save the money, it is better to count to sixty-five. -- Mark Twain

205. When youth is gone forever, the cause will never be achieved. —— Browning

206. Aspirations, work and achievements are the three major elements of human activity. Aspirations are the door to career, and work is a journey into the room. At the end of the journey, there is a success waiting to celebrate the results of your efforts. —— Pasteur

207. Although it is possible to make miracles by faith alone, it is only superficial. Will, good, stronger will, the more work can be done. —— Dugar

208. The great man is only earth-shattering in his career, and he often thinks quietly and quietly. —— Krylov

209. Self-respect and self-love, as a driving force for perfection, is the source of all great undertakings. —— Turgenev

210. He betrayed his talents, did the following work, worked with literary producers to help create public opinion and became a prostitute in the press. —— Zweig

211. The insurmountable principle for scientists is to work for human civilization. —— Joseph Needham

212. True freedom belongs to those who are self-sufficient and who make a difference in their work. —— Luo Collingwood

213. I can abandon everything, but I cannot abandon the party, abandon the class, and abandon the revolutionary cause. I have a life, I should work for them for a day. —— Fang Zhimin

214. Although the sage is not good, the cause is not successful, and the Kyushu is good. And if you want to rejuvenate the Holy System, you will be opposed to it when you choose. —— Sima Qian

215. There are “three fears” in one life: one is afraid of less work, the other is afraid of using more money, and the third is afraid of trouble. —— Ren Bishi

216. Feelings have great inspiration. Therefore, it is an important premise of all moral behaviors. If there is no strong ambition, it will not be able to enthusiastically reflect this ambition in the cause. ——Kellof

217. I personally believe that the place we lose to others is the concept and attitude of life and work. —— Wang Yongqing

218. Nurses must be compassionate and have a willing hand to work. —— Nightingale

219. The most important improvement in efficiency at work. —— Jo edison

220. The joy of life depends on the life itself, not on the work or place. —— Emerson

221. A person who has never done a career is not enough to be a good consultant. - Napoleon

222. Talents work, while geniuses create. —— Schumann

223. Sleep and rest have lost time, but they have gained the energy to work tomorrow. —— Mao Zedong

224. In ancient and modern China and abroad, all achievements in human life and human beings are the result of down-to-earth and hard climbing. —— Qian Sanqiang

225. When we paused in front of some difficulties, he always said: "You will make it good! With your intelligence, this little thing is hard to beat you!" And we often because of father In other words, miraculously, I have made things that I couldn’t do well, and I was interested in what I thought was a fearful job. —— Roland

226. At work, you have to combine every little thing with a lofty, fixed goal. —— Mayakovsky

227. A person who is more meaningful in seeing another way of life is willing to abandon his life and career after only half an hour of consideration. This requires a strong personality. If you take this step, you will never regret it. That requires more personality. - Maugham

228. Any achievement I have achieved is entirely attributable to a high sense of responsibility to the client and the work, to the enthusiasm for self-fulfillment, and to the sloppy work, the careless work, and the unsatisfactory work. —— Leo Burnett

229. Strong confidence can make ordinary people do amazing careers. -- Malton

230. Whoever does not rest will not work. —— Lenin

231. If life, work and study are automatic, then the effectiveness of education will be more effective. Therefore, we pay special attention to the cultivation of automatic power, so that it focuses on all life work and study. Auto is a conscious action, not a spontaneous action. Conscious action requires proper training and can be achieved. —— Tao Xingzhi

232. The task of our educators is to let each child see the beauty of the human heart, to cherish the beauty of this beauty, and to use his own actions to bring this beauty to its proper height. —— Suhomlinski

233. Whoever can work hard and who can make many achievements can be outstanding. —— Engels

234. Both whimsical and practical, this is the unique style of science workers, let us explore the infinite truth in the endless universe. —— Guo Moruo

235. The most precious thing in life is life. What is most needed in life is learning. The most enjoyable life is work. The most important thing in life is friendship. —— Stalin

236. What drives or motivates genius work is not a new idea, an idea that has been circulated in their minds that has been elaborated but not sufficiently elaborated. —— Delacroix

237. My philosophy of life is work. I want to remind the mysteries of nature and use them to benefit mankind. During our short life, I don't know what is better than this service. —— Edison

238. Research work must start with information and do not have first-hand information. The research work can only be in the air. —— Sun Shuping

239. The lofty moral significance of labor is also that a person can manifest his wisdom, skill, selfless love for his career and his own experience to the comrades in the material achievements of labor. —— Suhomlinski

240. My life is basically just hard work. I can say that I lived seventy-five years old. I didn’t live a comfortable life in that month. It was like pushing a stone up the mountain. The stone kept rolling down and pushed up. . —— Goethe

241. In school and life, the most important motivation for work is the pleasure of work, the joy of getting results at work and the understanding of the social value of this result. —— Einstein

242. One point of time, one point of achievement. For the scientific workers, it is not eight hours a day, but the inch and the eternal, the inch will fight. —— Tong Zhou

243. A decent man doesn't even have enough time to work. How can he waste time trying to dress himself up and do things to lower his identity? I would rather sacrifice my life at once and not want to cut it to zero. —— Balzac

244. I feel that life is alive, only hardworking, hard-working, creating wealth with one's own hands, and contributing everything to human liberation, communism. This is the happiest. —— Lei Feng

245. The person who spends all his time on his own career is enough for him. —— Seneca

246. The career of men is aspiring. —— Guanxiu

247. The work of testing the truth has not been done once and for all by a group of scholars of a certain era in the past; truth must be redeveloped through its opposition and blows in all ages. —— Tagore

248. The selfish desire to dominate is often misunderstood as the divine enthusiasm of a person to join the cause of mankind. ——E. Hubbert

249. The only work and all the work of education can be summed up in this concept – morality. —— Herbart

250. A blunt instrument can often come in handy when the weapon is not working. —— Dickens

251. Don't stay in a successful career. —— Pasteur

252. A person can contribute all his strength, all his energy, and all his knowledge to his beloved work, and this work will be completed and the results will be greater. —— Obruchev

253. Being kind to boring people may end up working for a boring person. —— Bill Gates

254. The secret of cherishing time: less talk, more work. —— rumors

255. Where there is a genius, I am using the coffee for others to work. —— Lu Xun

256. Divine Work In everyone's daily affairs, the ideal future is to start from scratch. —— Xie Juezhen

257. People around the city want to escape. People standing outside the city want to rush in, marriage or career, and the desire for life is mostly the same. —— Yang Wei

258. My life principle is to turn work into fun and turn fun into work. —— Ai Bole

259. The cause of the fruit is noble, and the business of the flower is sweet; but let me do the cause of the leaf, and the leaves are humble and intently green. —— Tagore

260. Not every one has to stand on the first line, and everyone should do their own work. —— Herzen

261. A person's mind will not stagnate. When he is awake, his mind keeps working, like a pulse that keeps beating. He can't stop any kind of thought. - Marco Aurelius

262. The situation of the work of the organs is similar to that of the manufacturing industry. The results of the work are not presented in the form of the individual results of the manufacturer, but in the form of the results of the factory. —— Monsen

263. Television is not a real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee house to do their jobs. —— Bill Gates

264. All work of nature is a fierce struggle between the strong and the weak – the eternal victory of the strong to rule the weak. If not, the whole nature will only die. Countries that violate this basic law will also die. —— Hitler

265. In this era, all honest and unfilled workers who are trustworthy can only be found among intellectuals and peasants, that is to say in these two extremes – and cannot be found. —— Chekhov

266. I cannot say that I do not value these honours, and I admit that it is valuable, but I have never worked to pursue these honours. —— Faraday

267. Even the greatest and most magnificent cause in the world often requires a thin hand to help. ——E. Spencer

268. The only way to revitalize the world is for everyone to do their jobs. Don't be too high and far, just ask for great merit. —— Cha Jinsley

269. A drop of water will never dry up if it is put into the sea. A person can only be most powerful when he combines himself with a collective cause. —— Lei Feng

270. Our career is to learn and re-learn, and strive to accumulate more knowledge. Because of knowledge, society will make great progress, and the future happiness of mankind lies here. —— Chekhov

271. Genius is the most powerful cow, and they work 18 hours a day. —— Lenan

272. You must follow my solemn oath: What we need is peace, what we need is dedication to our cause. —— Hitler

273. One is not a name, the second is not profitable, but the work goal is to go to the world's advanced standards. —— Deng Jiaxian

274. Any cause can be frustrated, although the people who struggle for the cause are great. —— Bennett

275. What is the most difficult job in the world? Thought. Nothing that is worth thinking about is not something that people have thought about; all we have to do is try to think again. —— Goethe

276. The way to get the job done is to cherish every minute. —— Darwin

277. The relationship between rest and work is just like the relationship between the eyelids and the eyes. —— Tagore

278. If people want to get the victory of their work, they will get the expected results. They must make their own thoughts conform to the objective external laws. If Zhu He, they will fail in practice. —— Mao Zedong

279. The word "bearing" is really infinitely used! Try to see the ancient sages, the university, the big cause, and why not from patience? Nowadays, if people don’t like it, they will leave it, and when it is mature, I am learning for my generation, and I should cut it. —— Liu Guangdi

280. No one job is protracted, except for the work you dare not do with your hands. —— Baudelaire

281. Genius is the ability to evade hard work. ——E. Hubbard

282. Self-respect, fantasies, precociousness of love and intellectual sluggishness, combined with inevitable consequences. Lazy, these are the roots. Science, labor, and practical work. Only then can we wake up our sick, swaying youth. —— Goncharov

283. Achieving success in work is the three main elements of human activity. —— Pasteur

284. A person who is willing to go deeper into the surface of things to explore, even if he may not look right, has cleared the way for others, and even makes his mistakes finally serve the cause of truth. ——Boke

285. To work, be hardworking: labor is the most reliable asset. —— La Fontaine

286. Conscience can only be produced in the human mind on the basis of good conscience and shame. Conscience is the knowledge that has been developed into experience and experience for countless times. It is under its influence that it will inevitably lead to shame and responsibility and dedication. —— Suhomlinski

287. All the more accomplished scientists, without exception, are experts in the use of time, and those who are determined to invest a lot of labor in a large amount of time. —— Hua Luogeng

288. Love is synonymous with friendship and a reliable guarantee for our common cause. Love is a good companion to life. You and your beloved woman sleep together because the common ideal binds the two hearts tightly. together. —— Faraday

289. The value of 哗啦哗 telling your career to everyone, his value must be insignificant. People who are hard-working are often not talking loudly. Their earth-shattering career shows their greatness, but when they plan a major cause, they are silent. —— Hegel

290. Educators should have a deep understanding of the souls of those who are growing up. Only by continually studying the psychology of students throughout their educational careers and deepening their knowledge of psychology can they become the true masters of educational work. —— Suhomlinski

291. It is impossible to be a genius without great energy and ability to work. A so-called genius with neither energy nor ability to work, but a beautiful soap bubble or a check that can only be cashed on the moon. However, where there is more than ordinary people's energy and work ability, there is genius. —— Li Kakenesi

292. Genius is developed because of the love of the cause. It can be said that genius - as far as its essence is concerned - is nothing but a passion for work and work. —— Gorky

293. Vanity people look at their names, and glorious people look at the cause of the motherland. - Marty

294. Perseverance, hard work, and self-forgetting people who are committed to work. Honest and diligent, you should be your permanent companion. —— Franklin

295. The first and foremost thing for a good-hearted person is to love someone. His loyalty to the common cause stems from this love for people. We believe that cultivating love and caring people's strong intentions is one of the most important and noble tasks of the Soviet school. —— Suhomlinski

296. When the year is gone, it will be difficult to give up. —— Bai Langning

297. The highest morality is to constantly serve people and work for the love of mankind. —— Gandhi

298. From the expectation to the implementation, from the hope to success, it was the right way to enter the career of life. —— Feng Zikai

299. The cause of justice must be a strong cause. —— Tod Middleton

300. If work is a pleasure, life is a paradise. —— Goethe

301. Scholars do not necessarily have knowledge. The real common sense is to know knowledge, to think, and to work. —— Xu Te Li

302. I hope that your younger generation will be able to contribute to the great cause of mankind with loyalty and steadfastness, as a candle is illuminated for people. —— Faraday

303. If you want to do your best, you should first seek for a good time. —— Lu You

304. Practice and action are the basic tasks of life; learning and knowledge are but tools and methods through which the main tasks can be done. Therefore, the knowledge that must be possessed in life should be determined according to the needs of practice and action. —— 裴stellozi

305. It is a skill to easily complete work that is difficult for others to accomplish; work that is beyond the reach of a talented man is a genius. —— Amir

306. Female writers should not write, but embroider on paper, and work so slowly. —— Chekhov

307. I only feel that my spirit is light and I feel that I have found a reason to live when I have been working for a long time without stopping. —— Chekhov

308. The work of human life, ingenious or crude, is cultivated by every habit he has. —— Fu Ke Lanlin

309. For one person, what is expected is nothing else, but only that he can go all out and dedicate himself to a good cause. —— Einstein

310. The seriousness of peer-to-peer work, a high degree of integrity, creates a balance between freedom and order. ——Roman Roland

311. There is a class of humble work that is endured with a spirit of hardship, and the lowest things often point to the highest goals. —— Shakespeare

312. Smart qualifications, internal enthusiasm, diligent work attitude and perseverance are all other conditions that are necessary for scientific success. —— Beveridge

313. Being good at identifying and grasping opportunities is extremely important. In all major undertakings, people must look at the opportunity like a thousand-eyed god before they start doing things, and seize the opportunity like a thousand hands when they are doing it. —— Bacon

314. Agricultural production is the first place in our economic construction work. —— Mao Zedong

315. The most ideal friends are those who admire each other temperament, communicate with each other in the heart, co-produce with each other on the world view, and have the same goals in their careers. —— Zhou Hanhui

316. All really great people, no one who is crazy about love: because the great cause suppresses this weak feeling. —— Bacon

317. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boring. ——Roman Roland

318. There is no size in the original business; when things are done small, big things become small things; when small things are done, small things become big things. —— Tao Xingzhi

319. In addition to the work that can benefit mankind, there is no longer a real and permanent reputation in the world. —— Cha Sumner

320. The cause of justice can produce firm beliefs and tremendous strength. —— Toll Fuller

321. Life in the world is short-lived. For this short life, our best reward is work. —— Edison

322. The future is bright and beautiful, love it, rush into it, work for it, greet it, and make it as realistic as possible. —— Chernyshevsky

323. Is there any way to make this kind of book-only person a veritable intellectual? The only way is to let them participate in practical work and become practical workers, so that people engaged in theoretical work can study important things. The actual problem. —— Mao Zedong

324. Only 15% of a person's career success is due to his professional skills, and another 85% depends on interpersonal relationships and foreign skills. Soft and hard are relative. Professional skills are hard skills, and the communication skills that are good at dealing with relationships are soft skills. —— Carnegie

325. The best in life is to be optimistic about life, to be happy with work, and to be excited about your career. —— Brandon

326. The mountains and rivers in the eye, the cause in the chest. —— Song Li Tan

327. The personality of a teacher is everything that an educator has. Only a healthy mind has a healthy behavior. —— Wushenski

328. To achieve a great cause, you must start small things. —— Lenin

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