Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

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1. Benefits, only with sufficient benefits, can drive the magic of people, this is the true face of the world, extremely cruel, but unusually true. In the face of this cruel reality, Xu Jie finally understood the true meaning of knowing and doing, no matter how great and upright ideals, to achieve it, you must also understand two words - work. Only by adapting, only practical actions can adapt to this ever-changing world. Because the innocent idealists are persistent, even though they are stubborn, they are still weak. They do not understand that in this world, many things you can not understand, but must accept. Only the true understanding of the ugliness and filth of this world, being hit by reality, being tortured by pain, being bruised and bruised, but never giving up on the pursuit of light, still smiling, and the people who are determined to move forward are --- Shi Yue

2. Many past events are in the front of the scene, so blurred, once so convinced, so persistent, always believe, there is nothing, nothing is suddenly found that he is stupid, silly, I swear, I laugh The tears of laughter are falling off, we are so stupid, we are always repeating some damage, no one can hide and not find the pain but still stupid expectations, to disappoint, then look forward to, then disappointment --- Murong

3. At least once in a lifetime, forgetting for someone, not asking for results, not asking for peers, not asking for possession, not even asking you to love me, just asking for you in my most beautiful years. Many past events in front of the scene, become so vague, once so convinced, so persistent, always believe, in fact, nothing, nothing. Suddenly found that he is stupid, stupid not. I swear, I laughed, and the tears of laughter fell. Laughing at us so stupid, we are always repeating some damage, no one can hide and not find it. But still have been stupid expectations, to disappointment, look forward to, and then disappointment --- Xi Murong

4. When I chose the mountain, I chose the rough, and I chose the hardship when I chose to persist. I chose tranquility and chose loneliness. Everyone is self-confident and not proud, decisive and not arbitrarily, to the ordinary and not mediocre, serious but not true, relaxed and indulgent, romantic and not inferior. The first is to maintain their own quality, their own quality is not good, maintenance is useless, 90% of all contradictions are from misunderstanding, communication is not in place, if you think that there is no problem, and there is a misunderstanding, the key is communication. The leader said: communication, tolerance, courage, communication is the premise, communication is not as smooth as you imagine, and it is tolerant if it is not smooth. You talk about communication, tolerance, and endless, the real leader is to take the shot. Yan Jie and Classic Quotations: Growing up in Appreciation, Condemning———— Yan Jiehe

5. Perseverance and constant analysis, this is the wing to success. If you don't cling to it, you will easily go halfway; if you don't analyze it, you will easily go to the dark. ———— Anonymous

6. Some people may think that Leslie Cheung has no burden, and it takes too much trouble to shoot movies and film. In fact, my filming is more persistent than before. I don't want to repeat the same role. ———— Leslie Cheung

7. Only those who persist in pursuing and getting the most happiness from them are the winners. ———— Thoreau

8. Take your own path and let others say it! - Dante

9. Great energy is only produced for great purposes. ——Stalin

10. The right path is like this, drawing on what your predecessors did and then moving on. --Leo Tolstoy

11. The struggle is a matter of self-contained humanity. - Sun Yat-sen

12. Human beings must survive in competition and struggle. - Sun Yat-sen

13. We must strive for survival and development in our struggles. - Mao Dun

14. Struggling to improve lives is a respectable act. - Mao Dun

15. Everyone has a heart for struggle. - Li Shutong

16. Struggle is the father of all things. —Tao Xingzhi

17. No matter what you do, as long as you work hard, there is no unsuccessful. - Newton

18. After the heel is established, you must take your strength and skill and fight for yourself. - Shaw

19. It is the true nature of the struggler to do good things and be accused and stick to it. - Balzac

20. Only such talents are worthy of life and freedom, if he struggles for it every day. - Goethe

21. A person must work hard to achieve something. - Andersen

22. Everything is going to be successful, it is necessary to pay the price: struggle. - Emerson

23. The pursuit of and the struggle for truth and knowledge is one of the highest qualities of man. - Einstein

24. Imagine yourself reacting to difficulties, not by escaping or bypassing them, but by confronting them, dealing with them, and making progress

25. And wise ways to fight with them. - Maxwell Maltz

26. The secret of invention is constantly working. - Newton

27. No matter what kind of sky is on my head, I am prepared to endure any storm. - Byron

28. If you cherish your feathers too much and don't damage it, then you will lose two wings and you will never be able to fly.

29. - Shelley

30. Stop fighting and life will stop. ——Carlisle

31. Only diligence and perseverance will make us successful... and diligence and perseverance come from the means needed to achieve success. - Smith

32. If we can fight for the great goal we admit, not an avid, selfish body, constantly complaining about why

33. If this world does not make you happy, then this is a real pleasure. - Shaw

34. One must look to the future and think about what to do. But this is not easy to do. A person’s past is a growing

35. Burden. - Russell

36. In a world that is not perfect, hard work will be rewarded, and leisure will be punished. - Maugham

37. You should focus your mind on your career. Daylight does not pass through the lens and is concentrated in the focus. It must not burn objects. - Maugham

38. Smart qualifications, internal enthusiasm, hard work attitude and tenacity are all needed for scientific research success.

39. Conditions. - Beveridge

40. Inventors rely on a great support of confidence to have the courage to move forward in the unknown world. - Balzac

41. Fight at all costs and run for your future. - Balzac

42. It is the true nature of struggle to do good deeds and to persist in their duties. - Balzac

43. I would rather open my future on my own, rather than asking the powerful. - Hugo

44. Progress means that the goal is constantly moving forward, the stage is constantly updated, and its visual image is constantly changing. - Hugo

45. Is the achievement of scholars a compliment or a challenge? What I need is the latter, because the former can only make people intoxicated, while the latter is spurred. - Pasteur

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