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China's dream, my dream

Dreams are for everyone, but the goals that everyone pursues are different. Because of dreams, always walk ahead of reality. I have dreams since I was a child, so I am moving forward and going to my dreams.

A person without a dream can't be a big one; a country without a dream can't be a big country. The eagle hits the sky, the fish is shallow, the tigers are deep, and the camels are deserted. They all find their dreams and show their free space, and I am working hard for my dreams.

My dream is to be a famous fashion designer in the future, designing a lot of beautiful clothes and dressing people more beautiful!

Some people say that the designer has the same magical brush as Ma Liang, and shows everything vividly. But the designer shoots in my heart like a ray of sunshine, which makes me feel warm and always arouses my interest in life!

Although this dream is far away from me, I will not stop pursuing it. Although there will be many setbacks and countless tribulations in the process of realizing my dreams, I will not be discouraged, because I believe that only through the experience of hell can we develop the power to create heaven; only those who have worked hard, To realize your dreams!

As the saying goes: People are not ambitions and not standing. If a person does not dare to have a dream, it is impossible to make a difference. From the ancient times of Pangu to the current knowledge explosion, the information revolution, many people with lofty ideals have their dreams. Dreams are the driving force for our struggle and innovation; dreams are the guiding lights of life; dreams are the source of strength to overcome difficulties.

In this long process of learning, I will study hard and keep making progress to make my dreams come true. Life is a series of struggles. As long as we continue to work hard, it is the guarantee of victory. If the past time is not abandoned, we can see quite the results now. Now that I have my own goal, it is like a lighthouse that illuminates the way home, so that I will not go astray, let me start from now, start from myself, start from scratch, if currently The results don't satisfy you. It's not that you don't get what you deserve, but that you have higher and farther goals. Struggling for your dreams is not a one-night event, but a long-lasting, eternal one. The footprints of the feet are not to be hypocritical, but to move forward one step at a time.

"The soil is built into the mountains, the wind and rain are booming; the water is in the water, and the dragons are born." Crossing the dangerous mountains and high mountains, in the brightest sunshine not far from the place, all the dreams are blooming, take your steps and open Stand your arms in your arms and move on! In the future, China needs the Chinese dream to achieve her future glory. Our Chinese dream requires the courage to dare to dream, the obstacles we need to overcome reality, and the confidence we need to work hard to achieve our dreams. I have a dream, and China has a dream. If someone asks me what your Chinese dream is, I will say that my Chinese dream is that China has a dream, and the Chinese must dare to dream. Because there is a dream, there is innovation, and a dream has a future. My dream, with my own wisdom, stands at the peak of the times, China's dream, with its own hard work, self-reliance on the world! For this dream, she is excited, she is strong, she endures the pain of being unable to speak, only for herself can stand up! The earthquake has come, not afraid, she has an iron-like spine, the flood is coming, not afraid, she has a mountain-like chest.

In order to realize our dreams, China is constantly developing as a developing country every day. What we can do is to work hard to realize our dreams. Only when our dreams are realized, China’s dreams will be realized. My dream is China's dream; the Chinese dream is my dream! I have to work hard and work hard to realize my dreams for China step by step, so that China's dream can be realized. My dream, Chinese dream!

The sixth experimental country of Changshu City, Jilin Province, sixth grade: Guo Yuxuan

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