Three thieves
A farmer went to the city to sell donkeys and goats. A small bell was attached to the goat's neck. The three thieves saw it. One thief said, "I went to steal the sheep and told the farmer not to find it." Another thief said, "I will steal the cockroach from the farmer's hand." The third thief said: "This is not Difficult, I can steal all the clothes from the farmer."
The first thief quietly approached the goat, untied the bell, picked it up on the tail, and took the sheep away. The farmer looked around at the corner and found that the goat was gone and began to look for it.
This is the second thief who went to the farmer and asked what he was looking for. The farmer said that he had lost a goat. The thief said: "I saw your goat. Just one person took a goat and walked to the woods. Now he can catch him." The farmer begged the thief to help him with the donkey and chase the goat himself. . The second thief took the opportunity to take the shackle away.
The farmer came back from the woods and saw that the donkey was gone. He walked on the road and cried. Walking, he saw a man sitting by the pond and was crying. The farmer asked him what happened.
Who said: "The people asked me to send a pocket of gold to the city. It was too tired. I sat down at the pond and rested, fell asleep, and pushed the pocket into the water in my sleep." Why didn't he go down and get the pocket up? The man said, "I am afraid of water, because I can't swim. Whoever wants to bring this pocket of gold up, I will send him twenty gold."
The farmer was overjoyed and thought: "Because someone else stole my goat and donkey, God gave me happiness." So he took off his clothes and dive into the water, but he couldn't find that anyway. Pocket gold. When he climbed up from the water, he found that the clothes were gone. It turned out that the third thief stole his clothes.
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