Inspirational signature

Classic QQ personality inspirational signature (a)

Classic QQ personality motivational signature

1. Is a journey in childhood really short, the distance is shortened, the time is lengthened, and we are lost.

2. What to say in the dialogue, the expression is not sad. How to write the story, the ending will not be lonely. What we want to do, love will be very happy.

3. We have been practicing smiling and finally become a person who does not dare to cry.

4. Meet a show of fireworks and use a time of reincarnation.

5. Each paragraph is lonely at the end.

6. The places that can't be reached are called distant places. The world that can't go back is called hometown. I have always been looking forward to farther away.

7. I heard a river between you and me. It is longer than that season and farther than the sky.

8. There is a kind of love called letting go; there is a kind of feeling called heartache; there is a kind of happiness called waiting.

9. One person walks to forget.

10. Lonely is a person's carnival, carnival is a person's loneliness.

11. The child looking up at the sky is not sad, and the 45° elevation is just a disguised gesture.

12. The time is lightly broken and can no longer be stitched completely.

13. I said that we are a garden, and everyone who is gone is crippled.

14. Give up, I have no chance to look back.

15. Those things that I thought I never remembered were forgotten in the process we never forget.

16. Memory is like a yellowed photo album, silently telling stories that are old.

17. If I have money, I want to buy all your lies.

18. If happiness has direction, to the left or to the right?

19. Separate forks, not just life. The youth is scattered, the pieces that are accidentally left behind, and the wounds are not just the heart. Missing no results, finally stunned.

20. The sky is already cool, I have grown up, I have learned to smile, I have learned to be strong, I have learned to stop crying, but I still can't learn - forget her.

21. Do you know the happiness of the Ferris wheel? Sitting at the top, looking up, I reached out and thought that I was touching happiness, but there was no you on the other side of the Ferris wheel. When the Ferris wheel collapsed, happiness also passed away with the wind.

22. Those days that can be laughed at and laughed, and those days that stubbornly look up to the sky, we turn around and really can't go back.

23. In this world of rush and reality, Zhang looked and repeated, accustomed and tired, the same car, the same scenery.

24. You are a knife, and in the end it is not inserted in others, it is inserted in your heart.

25. If one day, I can cross your smile and forget all the warm hugs. So, will it be possible to have happiness with each other?

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