Composition Home > 国小作文 > Three-year composition > Fairytales fables

Big tree and bird

Look, that is the two towering trees. The environment there is picturesque, dense foliage, clear streams... Many birds fly here to build nests. There are sparrows, magpies, scutellaria, woodpeckers... all kinds of birds are flying.

In the early morning, they got up early, screaming and singing cheerful songs. Early on, catch the delicious bugs on the tree. At noon, when they finished eating, they went back to their nests to rest. In the afternoon, they went to catch bugs and find food. In the evening, the birds will fly back to their comfortable nest to sleep. The birds are like this every day, and the days are like this day, the trees grow stronger and the birds are happier!

One day, the bird said to the uncle: "Thank you for providing shelter and shelter for me in the past few years." The tree said: "You are welcome, I want to thank you, you have sung for me for a few years. "Catch the punch." The bird said: "If there is no you, how can I live a happy life?" Uncle said: "If I leave you, I will certainly not grow so strong." Laughed.

Third grade: Song Jingzhou

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