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West Lake scenery

I have been to many places, the most charming of which is the West Lake.

Spring trees take out new branches and grow green leaves. The peach blossoms are red, and a gust of wind blows, the petals of the peach blossoms float down, as if a lake butterfly is flying between the branches; in summer, the lotus leaves are large and round. The lotus is in the pond, the frog jumps on the lotus flower; in autumn, the chrysanthemum blooms, the leaves of the birch tree turn yellow, the autumn wind blows, the leaves fly in the forest; in winter, the cypress is still so chopped, the leaves of the birch The light fell, the northwest wind screamed across the treetops, and the little animals had to hide in their respective caves and live by the fruits of the autumn collection in the tree hole.

The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful all year round!

Third grade of Henan National Street, Mentougou, Lufeng County, Yunnan Province: Huang Sihan 123456789

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