Composition Home > 国小作文 > Three-year composition > Write a picture


September is autumn, it is the season of autumn; September is the season of harvest; September is the festival of autumn girl; in this season, we will feel that there is a kind of coolness around us, then this is the autumn girl Come on.

When you stand in the rice fields, you will see that almost all the leaves are yellow; when you stand in the woods, you will see that a gust of wind blows the leaves on the branches to the ground. If you are in the woods, blowing a breeze, then you may imagine that in spring, the tree mother gave birth to its "child" - leaves, autumn, these "children" grew up, they must leave the tree "mother "The embrace, self-reliance and more."

In the fall, there will be many animals preparing for winter food, and they are “busy” and we can see them everywhere. For example, squirrels, they pick pine nuts on pine trees, and the white rabbits ask for "food" to their owners...

In September, the autumn girl came to the orchard. The fruit in the orchard is ripe, and the grape vines are covered with a bunch of large red grapes, which cover each other's body. The sun comes out and shines on the grapes like a transparent purple gem. On the orange trees, golden oranges, people can't help but want to take a bite. If you peel off the orange peel, you can see that a petal orange is like a moon in a crooked moon, crystal clear.

I love the harvest of this harvest!

Third grade: dream of crape myrtle

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