Secretarial knowledge > commendation letter

Games commended draft 100 words

Part 1: The Games commended the draft 100 words essay

Excited blood is boiling today,
Disordered emotions are excited by today.
Under the bright blue sky, on the broad greenery,
A fiery heart beats for you,
A pair of looking eyes are affected by you.
Try Harder! Sports athletes, although the 100-meter runway is not long, the athletes are high-spirited. Touching the fists and rushing to try, every second will compete for the title.
There are brave women in the high school and the seventh class. In ancient times, there was a Mulan rushing field. Today, Lang Ping runs 100 meters.
Determined to innovate the school record, win the first brave rush of the Olympics, believe in yourself, the aura of victory will always surround you!

Chapter 2:

A firm belief, a golden medal to win the flash, who belongs to the road of life, a smooth road, and a bumpy;
The years I have done, there are laughter and bitterness, tears tell me a story of falling, sweat makes me a heavy, mature.
After all, ideals are different from reality, and failure is part of life.
Life has to fight hard, struggle, and move forward in the wind and rain.
There is a regrettable memory on every station that raises funds. Tears are not lost, it’s not confusing.
Success belongs to those who overcome defeat, persist and dare to pursue their dreams.
Come on, athletes!

Psalm 3: The Games praised the manuscript is not for the interpretation of applause. It is not a deliberate conquest. Only the hard sweat is the pursuit of the footsteps. The firm belief in the heart. The steady pace of your feet. You use action to tell a constant truth. There is no longer a way than the foot. There is no mountain higher than people. I hope to work hard at you at the end. Use your tenacity to meet the long lines of flowers and applause. You are willing to stand alone, endure loneliness and loneliness, and endure physical strength and spirit. Oppression,
Only sweat is dissolved in tears, but the footsteps never stop. Good, even if you can’t get the laurel,
You can stick to it and you will win the final applause.

Chapter 4:

October sunshine October morning glow a bright and bright October a bumper harvest auspicious October songs laughter bunting fluttering sports meeting opening the inner joy can not use language to express thousands of beautiful vocabulary can not describe the past efforts Let's get tested today!
Let today's success write a new future athlete, your sweat on the runway, watering the flowers of success. Your laughter is flying in the arena,
It’s best for you to compete for the class. Run, chase. In this vast field, you are like a horse. Run it, chase it on the sports field, the flag is floating, the athletes show the heroes, the jump poses as light as Yan, the shots fly and shake, and the 100 meters sprint like a tiger.
The pitching and running skills are high, the athletes are more proud, and the romantic figures look at the present.

Psalm 5: The Games praised the manuscript just over, the passion just passed, but the excitement is still the future and the aftertaste, Zhu Dongyan challenges the limit, challenges the success, you do the best! Do it wonderfully! You worked hard to enter the women's 100 finals, you are so proud, "砰" made the guns sound loudly! "嗖" The athletes of the athletes are like the arrow of the string straight to the end! The colorful notes jumped agilely on the track, the sky was cloudless, and you were hugged. May you achieve excellent results in the competition, the athletes in my class, come on! The wind is screaming, the red flag is beckoning! Come on!
It’s as simple as doing it, and as long as we work hard, we will certainly gain something. Clouds and waters are long, wind and rain, and the difficult dilemma is accompanied. But let us not do it, it is as simple as it is, no matter what its consequences will be.

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