Secretarial knowledge > commendation letter

Kindergarten’s letter of commendation to parents

Dear Parent, How are you!

On the occasion of the New Year, our four teachers expressed their wishes for the New Year in advance to the parents of the xx class. Thank you for your understanding and support of our work during the semester! I wish you all a happy new year! I wish our children to learn more knowledge and skills in a healthy and happy way in the new year!

Here, I would like to especially thank the parents of our class for making such beautiful costumes for their children, so that our fashion show has a unique style. Your creativity and exquisite production will attract the attention of all parents. Our parents in class xx are the best!

There are many more things I want to thank here. For example, in order to decorate the environment of our class, parents brought a lot of decorations, so that the classrooms in our class also have a festive atmosphere. On Christmas Day, the parental committee members of our class, xx mother, xx parents, and xx mother, brought a lot of gifts to the children and participated in the activities of our children, making the children's activities more lively and colorful.

The progress of the children and the achievements in the class are also inseparable from the active cooperation and support of the parents. Without the enthusiastic participation of you, the correct guidance of the children, the generous understanding and tolerance of our work, our work will not be carried out. Here, on behalf of all the teachers in the xx class, I said to the parents: "Thank you!" I hope that everyone will continue to support us in the future work!

Xx teacher

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