Secretarial knowledge > commendation letter

Taxi driver praise letter

My surname is Shen, who lives in Zhejiang Chengzhou Chengguan, and is currently studying at Beijing Institute of Machinery Industry, senior. On xx, xx, xx, Sunday, take the xxx train back to Zhejiang for an interview, arrive at Hangzhou on March 19th, take a long-distance bus back to Zhangzhou, and get a taxi back home after getting off at the Zhangzhou Passenger Transport Center. At that time, the people were very tired. They were negligent in the car. They dropped a train ticket back to Beijing and my student ID card in the car. They went home and found that they were very anxious to lose something.
After the taxi driver found out, he did not ignore my train tickets and documents, but was very responsible to send my lost things to the Zhangzhou Passenger Taxi Company. After the leaders of Ganzhou Passenger Transport Taxi Company learned the situation, they immediately contacted the Public Security Bureau of Zhangzhou City. The leaders of the Public Security Bureau's Certification Center were very enthusiastic after learning about the situation. I checked my contact information on the student ID, but Because I am currently studying in Beijing, my account has been moved out of Zhangzhou, so I can't find my contact information. However, the leadership of the Public Security Bureau of Zhangzhou City Public Security Bureau did not give up the search in the attitude of serving the people, but tried to find the name of my father and the location of the household registration. Then I contacted the local police station and contacted my loved ones through the cadres in my home village. On March 21, my father brought back my lost items.
"The article is organized, and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source.
Here, I would like to first thank the unseen taxi driver friend and the leader of the Ganzhou Passenger Taxi Company and all the employees of your company who contributed to this charity. I think they embody a kind of urgency for others. Noble morality has also shaped a good image for their company. I would also like to thank the leaders of the Public Security Bureau of Zhangzhou City and the local police stations and cadres in the village. I am very admired for their pragmatic attitude of serving the people sincerely. I believe that this concept of serving the people deserves to be studied by all enterprises and deserves social respect.


Xxx. 3.24

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