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Proposal to stay away from junk food

Proposal to develop good habits and stay away from junk food


Food safety is the source of health for our lives. Paying attention to food hygiene and safe consumption of food is our common wish. In order to further enhance the food safety awareness of our students and create a good campus food safety environment, our Rujiazhuang National Youth Team Team Committee issued the following initiatives to the school students:

First, establish a food hygiene and safety concept, improve food safety self-prevention ability, improve self-protection awareness, prevent and reduce the occurrence of foodborne diseases.

Second, start from me, develop good eating habits, and prevent disease from entering the mouth. Insist on washing hands frequently, cutting nails, taking a bath and haircut, changing clothes frequently, not drinking raw water, not eating rotten and degraded food, eating less cold and cold food.

Third, enhance the awareness of self-protection. Do not buy, do not eat the factory name, no production date, no shelf life of the "three no" food and expired metamorphosis food, do not buy all kinds of food sold in the street, the unlicensed small business hawkers.

Third, develop good eating habits. Quantitate meals at three times a day, do not overeating, and establish a reasonable living and rest system. Learn more about healthy foods, prevent the spread of diseases such as acute gastroenteritis and intestinal infectious diseases, prevent food poisoning and intestinal infectious diseases; choose a regular restaurant, restaurant that is hygienic and clean, tableware is disinfected, and the environment is neat and orderly. .

Fourth, develop good hygiene habits. Do not drink raw water, do not casually eat snacks on campus, do not throw paper scraps, packaging bags, sugar paper and other garbage, maintain a good campus health environment, and strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection.

Classmates, the people take food for the sky and eat for safety. For our health, let us act, pay attention to food safety, enhance food safety awareness, develop good food hygiene habits, prevent the occurrence of diseases, and build a healthy and harmonious campus environment!

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