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National Primary School Water Conservation Proposal

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Hello everyone! I am Zhu Xijing of the May Fourth Class. Today I am launching an initiative to save water. classmates. Have you saved water today? Let us join the ranks of water conservation!

On earth, where there is water, there is life. All life activities are derived from water. Moisture in the human body. It accounts for about 65% of body weight. Once the body is short of water, it will dry out. Wrinkles on the skin. Unconscious. Even illusion. If there is no water. At most, live for a week or so.

Water is also very important to plants. Water transports nutrients to plants. Water keeps the foliage of plants and plants in a graceful form; water participates in photosynthesis. Produce organic matter. The evaporation of water keeps the plants at a stable temperature without being burned by the sun, and the water has made a great contribution to the bumper harvest of agriculture.

Water has participated in a series of important links in the production of industrial and mining enterprises. It plays an important role in manufacturing, processing, cooling, purification, air conditioning and washing. It is known as the blood of industry. Water can change our environment and beautify our scenic spots~~~~

Although the earth is known as water polo, 71% of the surface of the earth is covered by it, but 97.5% of the water is salt water, 2% of the water is covered by glaciers and ice caps, and the rest is stored deep underground. use. The fresh water that humans can use is only about 0.26%. China is a country with severe water shortages and has been listed by the United Nations as one of the 13 countries with poor water resources in the world.

"Save water" for our primary school students, we must start from scratch, I will introduce some tips for saving:

1. Wash the toilet with the water of the laundry, and mop the floor with the water that has been washed.

2, do not use the drum washing machine to wash clothes. Try to wash with water.

3. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.

4, close the faucet to wipe the soap when taking a bath, wash once to save 60 kg of water.

5. There is water leakage in the faucet at home, please repair it in time.

It is everyone's responsibility to save water. Only when everyone pays attention to water conservation, the water shortage can be far away, the life will be peaceful and harmonious, and the environment will be beautiful and comfortable.

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