Secretarial knowledge > receiving letter

Provident fund transfer acceptance letter

Part 1: The CPF transfer acceptance essay

Housing Provident Fund Management Center: There is a depositor. Now the city's housing provident fund deposit account number is . Please help your center to handle the transfer of housing provident fund, transfer the balance of the depositor's personal housing provident fund account and current interest to the following account: ID card number, work, personal account receivable unit: Account number:
Bank of deposit:
Note: Please indicate the name and personal account of the employee on the transfer voucher. Housing Provident Fund Management Center Year Month Day

Chapter 2:

Xx City Housing Provident Fund Management Center has our staff XXX ID number XXXXXX opened in May 2010 in xx housing provident fund management center and pay the housing provident fund, please transfer the original housing provident fund into their account, please help.
Unit account: Personal account: Bank of deposit: xx Bank Fuzhou Real Estate Trading Center
May 23, 2011

Part 3: Provident Fund Transfer Letter

Since I transferred to Zhenjiang City, I need to transfer the housing accumulation fund paid in the city to Zhenjiang. I hereby apply. Signature of the employee: The employee has set up a housing provident fund account in our center. The former office housing provident fund management center is required to transfer the formalities, transfer the principal and interest of the employee's housing provident fund to the following account, and indicate the name of the transferred employee in the remittance remarks. The employee code and the name of the transferee. Full name of the payee: Payee account number: Payee bank:
Xx City Housing Provident Fund Management Center

Chapter 4:

City Housing Provident Fund Management Center:
I have _______ comrades transferred to our city, have opened a housing provident fund account in our center, and agreed to transfer the balance of the comrade's housing accumulation fund in your center to our center.
Transfer to the housing provident fund center name: Jiuquan City Housing Provident Fund Management Center
Transfer to the housing provident fund bank account opening account:
Transferred to the housing provident fund deposit bank: China Construction Bank Jiuquan Branch Office
Please attach: 1. Application for Transfer of Housing Funds in Different Places
2, the depositor transferred to the place to pay a copy of the housing provident fund certificate

Day of the month of 2010

Part V: Provident Fund Transfer Letter

XXX, ID number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, is now accepted by our company, please transfer your provident fund to our company's provident fund account

company name
Bank of deposit:
Account opening account

Company Seal
Date statement

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