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Linguistic form requirements for inscriptions

The linguistic form of the inscription is generally relatively free, and the following can be divided into the following categories. Poetry such as Su Shi's "The West Wall": "Looking at the side of the mountain into a peak, the distance is different. The ignorance of the true face of the mountain, only born in this mountain." Another example is the ugly sinister 》: “Young people don’t know how to taste, fall in love with the floor, fall in love with the floor, and say good things for the new words. Nowadays, they know what they are doing, and they want to say that they are still resting, but the saying goes, but the weather is cool and autumn.” A couplet class is a very common form of inscription. Famous ancient temples, daily life, gifts, gifts, couplet sentences can be all over. For example, Mao Zedong is the title of Liu Hulan Martyrs: "The greatness of life, the glory of death." The scattered sentence class, the sentence can be long or short, the form is free, the requirements are more casual, and can be arbitrarily. Become a form that people are more willing to use today. Such as: Ai Qing for the "Composition" magazine title: "Young people are very close to poetry, young people do not love poetry, poetry has no future."

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