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To celebrate the 60th birthday of Commander-in-Chief Zhu

To celebrate the 60th birthday of Commander-in-Chief Zhou Enlai Dear Commander-in-Chief Zhu De: Your 60th birthday is a happy event for the whole party and a glory for the Chinese people! I can return to Yan'an to personally give you a birthday, which makes me very happy. I would like to express my comrades, friends and people on behalf of the reactionary ruling area to see you, and it is even more honourable for me. Dear Commander-in-Chief, your decades of struggle have made the people of the world recognize that you are the savior of the Chinese nation, the pioneer of the working people, the creator and leader of the people's army. Dear Commander-in-Chief, you are really loyal to the party for the people. You have experienced hardships and twists and turns in the revolutionary process, but you always hold the torch of the revolution and shine the bright future. The people of 10,000 can follow your confidence and move forward! In the twenty-five years we have known, you are so approachable, but always steadfast. This is your greatness! You are so kind to the people, and you hate hatred against the enemy. This is your greatness. In the whole party, you first cooperated with Comrade Mao Zedong, created the army of the Chinese people, established the base of the people's revolution, and wrote a new record for the Chinese revolution. Under the banner of Comrade Mao Zedong, you are worthy of his close comrades, you Can be regarded as one of the people's leaders! Dear Commander-in-Chief, your revolutionary history has become a milestone in the 20th century Chinese revolution. The Revolution of 1911, the Yunnan Uprising, the Northern Expedition, the Nanchang Uprising, the Agrarian Revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Production Movement, and the current self-defense war, you are No service is not with. You are now sixty years old, still so strong, I believe that you will lead the Chinese people to the final victory of national liberation, seeing the failure of the dictator and the demise of the anti-power! Your strong fitness, your happy spirit, symbolizes the inevitable prosperity of the Chinese people. The people wish you a long life! The whole party wishes you Yongkang!

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