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Reading "Laughing Cat Diary - Xiaobai's Choice"

Recently, I read the book "The Choice of Xiaobai". I wrote very well, and I was deeply impressed by the inner beauty and the external beauty.

This book is a story written in the form of a diary. It mainly tells a dog named Xiaobai, who is looking for a good family to live in, and has experienced a series of interesting stories such as staying in Abbey, saving the heart, meeting mysterious woman and so on.

What puzzles me is why Abbey is a perfect embodiment of kindness, chic, and loving wife in front of many fans. At home, he is addicted to alcohol, cruel and cruel, and even abalone that requires excessive facial burns. Yi Meng on the black yarn? I feel that he is doing such disgusting things under the temptation of money, status, etc. Compared with him, the mysterious woman is so kind and lovely and has a childlike heart. It is because she does not seek fame and fortune, she only wants to have a real, happy life. I also want to live like that, to live a happy and comfortable life.

Although one of my neighbors is not a star, but like Abego, there is no such thing as a face-to-face set. I feel that this is not good. His "good" is hypocritical and false. If everyone is like the mysterious woman, then the world must be a beautiful world without crime, no smoke, full of happiness, how good it is!

Through this book, I deeply understand the truth: we should have real, inner beauty. There is no need to pursue hypocritical "beauty." Only true beauty can make this world a better place!

Jin Xianmin and a small fifth grade: Xu Bo

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