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Reading the reading of "Molly's Holiday"

During this summer vacation, I have read several good books, one of which is called "Molly's Holidays." This "Molly's Holiday" has a special impression on me; the ignorant growth process has stumbled through, just waiting for the most beautiful bloom in time.

The protagonist of this book is a smart, kind, innocent little girl whose name is Molly. She went to her grandmother's house during her summer vacation. Molly played with her friends during the summer vacation. She had a happy, exciting and colorful holiday with her good partner. Molly is with her friends every day. When she is not happy, she talks with her friends and solves these troubles. When she is happy, she talks with her friends. When her friends are sad, she will comfort her... She and her friends have a thrilling ride. Stimulating and short-lived "travel", occasionally working with friends in the "idol" shop: getting to know a girl with inferiority with friends... How colorful is Molly's holiday...

After reading this book, I deeply realized the strong friendship between the protagonist and her friends. In another gorgeous adventure, there was an accident. They did not choose to abandon their friends, but chose to work together and face each other. Because friends are not only having fun, but also facing difficulties together. A person is alone, and three people are a stable triangle, strong and will not be easily destroyed. Here, I understand: In the future, I will not hurt my friendship with my friends for some small things.

The fifth grade of Hengkeng Elementary School, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province: Liu Wei

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