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Ants looking for food

One day, the wind and the sun, the little ants, everyone is hungry at home, are fainting, are preparing to find food to eat. They climbed and climbed, climbed to the grass, the little ants shouted: "What a beautiful wildflower! The golden light shimmers in the sun, like a piece of jade jade dotted with grass! Yeah, everyone is immediately acting, they first sent a small team, each member of this squad is very good looking for food. They have a lot of experience. However, they have encountered difficulties in handling, because they are too small. An ant is almost drowned when he is not careful, because this ant does not guard the rules of the team and privately carries the corner of food. Unfortunately, it was overwhelmed by food. So everyone was surrounded. They began to persuade the arrogant ants, but they were constantly moving, and they sang as they moved: "A piece of notice is scary. , raised the anthill to take it down..." Finally, they rescued the ant and returned home safely.

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