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Golden autumn

The poet describes this in the autumn: in the courtyard, the "Lonely Tongshen Temple locks the autumn", "there are sorrows of the leaves, the night is still, the cold is broken"; the sky is "the sky is waning, the clouds are condensing" The gloom of the wilderness is the sorrow of "the infinite glory of the woods"; the state of mind is the sorrow of "this time, how can we get a word?" The autumn in their writings is full of desolate, desolate, and depressed.

The fall of another poet's pen is the flaming of "the sky is high and the sky is light, the south geese are broken," "Biyuntian, Huanghuadi" is clear; the "Wanmu frost is red and the sky" and the "frost leaf red is in February" "There is a joy that the sky is cool and the autumn is good." The autumn of their paintings is as bright as the spring, like the spring flowers, and as pleasant as the spring breeze.

Excluding the different feelings of autumn due to different psychological factors, I said that autumn is a mature season, a golden season.

The cool autumn wind sent the fragrance of Dangui. In the courtyard, a group of osmanthus trees and a cluster of osmanthus bloomed, attracting butterfly dance bees. The chrysanthemums in the flower beds under the laurel trees are actually open, the petals are neatly arranged, the honeycomb chrysanthemums, the petals are staggered, the dragon claws are red, the red is transparent, the black chrysanthemums called "black peony", and the white medicines dotted around the flowers. chrysanthemum. They are colorful and colorful. Staying in it, you forget the fall of depression, depression, and add to the interest of spring.

In the wild, the geese of Nanfei float in the blue sky and white clouds, leaving beautiful shadows in the clear stream. The green grass on the creek, the golden wind smashed through, the golden wild chrysanthemums flashed in the grass, and the medicinal herbs were sent. The cattle and sheep are grazing on the edge of the creek, and the sound of bells is heard from time to time. On both sides of the creek is a vast field, looking at it, a piece of gold. Rice expert Yuan Longping brought huge wealth to the peasants. The heavy rice ears have already been bent over the waist, and the rice leaves are covered with gold, which adds to the richness of Fengdeng. A Taiwan threshing machine swayed like a boat in the waves of the rice valley, and the rhythmic machine sounded the joy of "the people in the paintings." Although the sweat dripped down the wrinkled forehead of the old farmer, his heart was full of joy: the dowry of the color TV, the freezer, the computer, etc. when the girl was married.

"Yu Gu, send tea to everyone!", "Hey, come!" Auntie put down the corn, and brought the sand teapot from the ground. A corn cob in a cornfield resembles a large buffalo horn. The swollen corn cobs are exposed in rows of neat white teeth. In the sorghum field next to the corn field, a plant sorghum spike is red like a torch, shining against the blue sky. In the millet field next to the sorghum ground, the yellow rice ear of Huang Chengcheng is like a fat wolf tail.

When I was working, I returned to their homes with the farmers. what! The scenery of the “farmhouse” is good; in this village, every household is a deep courtyard with brick-concrete structure. The old Zhao of the peasant introduced me to the courtyard. A grape covered the sky, but it was not cool. A bunch of grapes were crystal clear and radiant under the glory of the setting sun. A pomegranate tree on the left side of the dam was strong and mature. The pomegranate, the skin is inflated, revealing the pearl-like agate particles; the right side of a persimmon tree, the leaves have been dyed red by the autumn frost, and a persimmon hanging from the branches, like a small red lantern, dazzling. "Dr. Big Brother, your garden economy is doing a good job!" He said: "What is this? Since the development of the western region has returned to the forest, the village party secretary has allowed me to contract dozens of acres of orchards in Houshan. That is gratifying!" Looking up the roof, it is a black apple forest and pear forest. I said: "There is a lot of income!", "Let's say that you have to earn three or five thousand yuan! In the past few years, the county and township leaders talked about the adjustment of rural industrial structure. I don't understand very well. Now I have tasted the adjustment of industrial structure. Sweet. If I rely on that grain income to do something big? My dowry is relying on these fruits."

With the words of Lao Zhao, I have learned more about the principle of “planting melons and melons, and growing beans and beans.” The land of autumn is honest. It uses the harvest to prove the quality and chest of the seeder. From the old Zhao’s weather-beaten face and the black-brown bronze arm, I saw his hard work and loyalty on this hot land. The land did not deceive him, and Jin Qiu gave him a generous return. The quality of the peasant hardworking and loyal, is it not worthwhile for us to learn from the people?

There are spring, summer, autumn and winter at four o'clock, and there are young and old in life. Although the old farmer is getting more and more flowers, does it not reflect the golden age of his mature life? Autumn, I praise you, not like spring, better than spring. I praise you in the fall, the mature season, the golden season.

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