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Parental love

1. In the eyes of parents, children are often part of the self, and children are an opportunity for his ideal self to come again. Fei Xiaotong has no father, no mother, no mother?

2. The father is the source of money, the brother is the comfort, and the friend is both a source of money and comfort. ------Franklin

3. The Son of Wisdom makes the father happy, and the foolish son makes the mother shame. ------Solomon

4. If the father and son do not believe, then the family is not good. ------ Wu Zetian

5. The family is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, and the children's paradise. ------ Emerson

6. Father's love is silent, if you feel it, then it is not the father's love!

7. Father love is water --- Gorky

8. The virtue of the Father, the inheritance of the children. The word strict parents are high; children are good teachers. "Mottos of the Maxim"

9. Have children and don't like them, don't sigh. 〖Tang〗 Han Yu

10. People see boys and girls, and I don’t know men and women. 〖Tang〗 Wang Jian

11. The parents of the world are the most difficult brothers in the world. "The Maxims"

12. Being a good parent is the best in the world; "The Maxims"

13. The father gave birth to me, the mother yelled at me, caress me, animals me, grows me, raises me, cares for me, repeats me. The Book of Songs

14. If the father is uncomfortable, then the child is not filial; if the brother is not friends, then the brother is disrespectful; if the husband is unjust, the woman is not smooth. 〖South and North Dynasty〗 Yan Zhitui

15. There are no fathers and brothers in life, no strict teachers and friends outside, and there are few who can be married. 〖Song〗 Lu Gong

16. What parents want to do, I will follow them; my parents are remembered, I am very generous. "The Maxims"

17. In the eyes of parents, children are often part of the self, and children are an opportunity for his ideal self to come again. Fei Xiaotong has no father, no mother, no mother?

18. The father is the source of money, the brother is the comfort, and the friend is both a source of money and comfort. ------Franklin

19. The Son of Wisdom makes the father happy, and the foolish son makes the mother shame. ------Solomon

20. If the father and son do not believe, then the family is not good. ------ Wu Zetian

21. The family is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, and the children's paradise. ------ Emerson

22. Father's love is silent, if you feel it, then it is not the father's love!

23. Father's love is water --- Gorky

24. The virtue of the Father, the inheritance of the children. The word strict parents are high; children are good teachers. "Mottos of the Maxim"

25. Have children and don't like them. 〖Tang〗 Han Yu

26. People see boys and girls, and I don’t know men and women. 〖Tang〗 Wang Jian

27. The parents of the world are the most difficult brothers in the world. "The Maxims"

28. Being a parent is the best in the world; "The Maxims"

29. My father gave birth to me, my mother yelled at me, caress me, animals, me, me, me, me, me. The Book of Songs

30. If the father is uncomfortable, then the child is not filial; if the brother is not friends, then the brother is disrespectful; if the husband is unjust, the woman is not smooth. 〖South and North Dynasty〗 Yan Zhitui

31. There are no fathers and brothers in life, no strict teachers and friends outside, and few who can be married. 〖Song〗 Lu Gong

32. What parents want to do, I will follow them; those who are remembered by their parents, I am very generous. "The Maxims"

33. The father is higher than the mountain, and the mother is deeper than the sea.

34. Mother's heart is the paradise of her daughter. - Corori

35. The virtues of parents are the greatest wealth of their children.

36. The years are sad for her mother, but she has not reduced her love by half. - Wordsworth

37. The mother is like a shining sun.

38. Who is in the air and reports to San Chunhui

39. Maternal love is better than Wanai ------Shakespeare

40. We almost love our parents unconsciously, because this kind of love is as natural as a person's life, and it is only at the last moments that we can see how deeply this relationship is. --------- Maupassant

41. Parents and children are the best gifts for each other. ——Weiss crown

42. Some children have made us feel that this life is worthwhile, and some children have left us with a lifetime regret. - Gibran

43. Nothing is more great than a human mother. - Whitman

44. The family’s ability to work closely with one another is the only true happiness in the world. - Mrs. Curie

45. The harmonious family air is a kind of flower in the world. Nothing is gentler than it. Nothing is better than it is to train the family's nature to be strong and upright. - Dreiser

46. ​​Without a peaceful family, there is no peaceful society. - Ikeda Daisaku

47. Family habits that give gifts to each other help to promote a sincere friendship between parents and children. The main meaning is not the gift itself, but the concern for the loved ones, which is to thank the loved ones for their concern. - Irina

48. Fathers and mothers who have won the love and respect of their children are very happy. - Irina

49. A good family tradition helps family members to respect each other and help families build a friendly, dynamic collective. - Irina

50. Mother and child are the most sacred emotions in the world. - Dumas

51. The mother’s love is never exhausted. - Gonchar

52. Both benevolence and beating start first at home. - Bowmont and Fletcher

53. Charity and close relatives, but should not stop there. - Fuller

54. As a person, be respectful to your parents, be kind to your children, be generous to your poor relatives, and be polite to everyone. - Russell

55. For children, the value of a parent's charity is that it is more reliable and trustworthy than any other emotion. - Russell

56. The foundation of the family is undoubtedly that parents have a special feeling for their newborn women. - Russell

57. What is more sacred than the emotions in the parents' minds? The heart of the parents is the most benevolent judge, the most intimate friend, the sun of love, its light and flames, warm and condensed in our hearts. Deep intentions! - Marx

58. The Son of Wisdom makes his father happy, and the foolish son shames his mother. - Solomon

59. A child who respects others and is responsible is born in a family where love and discipline are properly combined. - James Dobson

60. If the ewe can't hear the snoring of her own lamb, she will never answer the cry of a calf. - Shakespeare

61. At dusk, you collect everything that was dispelled in the morning; the flock returned to the shed and the child returned to his mother. - Suffolk

62. I have seen children who are hungry. I have seen the grief of my mother and my wife. I hate war. - Roosevelt

63. Maternal love is a huge flame. -Roman Roland

64. A loved one will not lose home. - Lincoln

65. The home is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, and the children's paradise. - Emerson

66. The mother's heart is intertwined with the baby as early as she is pregnant. - Dickens

67. All outstanding and extraordinary people have excellent mothers. - Dickens

68. Without the help of selfless, self-sacrificing maternal love, the child's mind will be a desert. - Dickens

69. Father, should be a very broad friend. - Dickens

70. The most annoying thing in the world is to look down on your own home. - Dickens

71. Treat your parents in ways that you want your child to treat you. - Socrates

72. In the family, the child’s tiniest laughter is the great spiritual drive that enables parents to recognize unity and consolidation. - Suhomlinski

73. Building and consolidating the power of the family – love, the loyal, pure love between father and mother, father and child, mother and child. - Suhomlinski

74. The love of parents should be like this: it can inspire the child to care about the world around him, all the care he creates, and motivate him to serve the people. - Suhomlinski

75. The peace and happiness of the mother depend on her children. Mother's happiness depends on children, children and children to create. - Suhomlinski

76. After becoming a mother, the female beauty is full of power and beauty like a blooming flower. - Suhomlinski

77. As a father, the greatest pleasure lies in being able to inspire and educate children based on the path they have taken during their lifetime. ——Montaigne

78. It’s really unfair to forgive young people for fun, but forbids the elderly to pursue enjoyment. ——Montaigne

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