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"Grateful heart, thank you for your life, let me have the courage to be my own life. Grateful heart, thank you for your destiny, flowers and flowers, I will cherish it." This song makes me understand that there is no sunshine, there is no warmth; Without water, there is no life; without parents, there is no oneself; without family friendship and love, the world will be lonely and dark, in order to get rid of it, we need a grateful heart.

The fallen leaves hovered in the air, and they wrote a grateful piece of music, which is the gratefulness of the big tree to nourish its land; the white clouds floated in the blue sky, painting the moving picture, which is the blue sky that the white clouds nurture it. Thanksgiving. Because thanksgiving will have this colorful society, because thanksgiving will have a sincere friendship. Because gratitude allows us to understand the true meaning of life.

The bird is grateful to the sky, because the sky allows him to fly freely, and the flowers are grateful to the earth, because the earth makes him grow up, and the river thanksgiving source makes him live for centuries.

Gratefulness is a philosophy of life and a great wisdom in life. Life is alive, it is impossible to be smooth sailing, all kinds of failures and helplessness need us to face up and deal with it bravely. At this time, it is a blame for life, and it has become depressed and languishing. Still grateful for life, fall and climb again? British writer Sackley said: "Life is a mirror, you laugh, it laughs too; you cry, it also cries." You are grateful for life, life will give you brilliant sunshine; you are not grateful, only know how to blame everyone, In the end, there may be nothing! When you are successful, you can find a lot of reasons for gratitude; when you fail, you only need one excuse for not being grateful. As everyone knows, when you are unsuccessful or unfortunate, you should be more grateful for life. Gratefulness allows us to see the gap when we fail, to get comfort and happiness when we are unfortunate, to inspire our courage to challenge difficulties, and to gain momentum. Just like Roosevelt, looking at the frustration and misfortune of life from a different angle, and having a grateful feeling for life, can make you always maintain a healthy state of mind, perfect personality and enterprising belief. Gratefulness is not purely a psychological comfort, nor is it an escape from reality. Gratitude is a way of singing life. It comes from the love and hope for life. In a person's life, in a short time, since childhood, he has received the support of his parents. When he goes to school, he has the education of the teacher. After work, he has the care and help of the leaders and colleagues. After that, it is inevitable to accept the care of the younger generation; in a big way, as a single member of society, we all live in a multi-level social environment, and we all get a certain survival from this environment. Conditions and development opportunities, that is to say, the big environment of society is worthy of each of us. Gratefulness shows that a person has a correct understanding of his relationship with others and society; repaying is a sense of responsibility that arises under this correct understanding. Without the gratitude and retribution of members of society, it is hard to imagine a society that can develop normally. In the air of gratitude, people can calm down on many things; in the air of gratitude, people can start from the smallest thing seriously and pragmatically; in the air of gratitude, people spontaneously and strictly The law has been treated broadly; in the air of gratitude, people face mistakes and help each other; in the air of gratitude, people will not feel their loneliness...

Name: Cheng Lingxiao

School: Nanjiao Middle School, Grade 7, Class 2

Instructor: Wang Xueying

First day: Cheng Lingxiao

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