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Teachers join the party activists to join the party autobiography

Under the guidance of the correct leadership of the education bureau, the school leaders, and the guidance of the teachers of the school group, in the process of continuously exploring the rules of education and teaching, the education and teaching work is guided by the "people-oriented". I have always loved education, earnestly performed my duties, consciously abide by various rules and regulations, conscientiously study new educational and teaching concepts, and constantly adapt to the higher requirements for teachers' work under the new situation. I will summarize my mathematics teaching and class teacher work as follows:

First, pay attention to theoretical study, constantly improve their own quality, and strive to improve their ability to work.

Seriously study new educational theories and update educational concepts in a timely manner. Actively participate in all levels of training, make full use of the Internet to constantly "charge" yourself, focus on strengthening communication and communication with teachers, make full use of network resources, and improve their overall quality.

Second, love and dedication, earnestly perform their duties, and strive to improve the quality of work.

Teaching work:

1. Seriously study the teaching materials and carefully organize the classroom teaching. When teaching, fully consider all the students and let them explore knowledge in practice. Create a good classroom atmosphere and pay attention to the interest of students in learning mathematics. More important is to focus on the healthy growth of students' physical and mental health.

2. Actively carry out counseling work, including the training of critical students and the transformation of backward students. We will summarize and encourage timely achievements and shortcomings such as monthly examinations and periodic inspections.

3. Make full use of modern teaching techniques to improve students' interest in learning and quality of teaching.

4. Actively participate in lectures and evaluations, learn from the peers with humility, learn from others, improve the teaching level, and win teaching awards many times. In June XX, he participated in the selection of the mathematics education and teaching research results of Guangxi Middle School, and the "Thinking about the Integration of Information Technology and Mathematics Curriculum in Rural Middle Schools" won the third prize.

Class management work

1. Treat students equally and democratically. The most comment I get is: "There is a democratic style, and there is a personality charm that makes students respect." Face the students' mistakes with a peace of mind, and be able to educate in a timely and patient manner, giving each student hope and encouragement. Give full play to the main role of the class cadres. In a certain sense, the creation of a harmonious class, the class cadre is a decisive factor.

2. Carry out a variety of activities. The colorful activities are the best choice for engine, interest and personality development. The two-week group of blackboard newspaper competitions, "Qi Shi Da Chuangyou" weekly moral education evaluation, various subject knowledge competitions and other activities to strengthen students' desire for expression, curiosity, mobilize students' enthusiasm, initiative, creativity, and students The main role is fully exerted. Students are carefully organized and guided to participate in various activities, and the results received are commended or encouraged in a timely manner, so that the main spirit of the students is promoted after performance. In the autumn of XX, the class won the second place in the total score of the track and field sports group. In May 2019, students were organized to participate in the 15th National Youth "Love the Motherland, Singing Harmony" reading activity won the first prize.

3. Pay attention to the construction of class culture. Through the layout of the characteristic and strong class culture, the students' various abilities are well trained and cultivated, and the emotions are greatly tempered. In March 2019, he won the first place in the "Safety Monthly Blackboard Fan Wenzhi House"; in April 2019, he won the first place in the school class culture layout. In order to carry forward the "Learning Garden" with the great spiritual layout emerged in the 5.12 earthquake relief work, Focus on unity and collaborative education and grateful education for students.

4. Develop student personality and promote students' comprehensive and harmonious development

In the class management, the promotion of the students' individuality and the improvement of the students' comprehensive ability are aimed at. Through the class calligraphy competition, the theme painting competition, the "Love the Motherland, Singing Harmony" speech contest and other activities to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, develop the personality of students, improve the students' ideological quality and ability and quality through activities; truly achieve moral education in the activities .

5. The class implements the moral education evaluation system, which forms a good competitive consciousness and incentive effect.

1 Establish a self-discipline group to manage students and improve their self-management awareness.

Class 2 implements the “Moral Education Competition”. With quantitative management, we create a good atmosphere of public opinion, fair and impartial supervision and persuasion of student discipline, and timely praise for good deeds. Moral education and teaching achievements are both good harvest; the class that took over has been rated as an excellent class in the school.

In short, the quality of teachers in the society is getting higher and higher. In the future education and teaching work, I will strictly demand myself, work hard, develop and advance, and contribute my strength to a better tomorrow. Take education as a career, and consciously increase the intensity of work and emotional input.

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