Party and group related > Employees' application for party membership

Excellent employee application for joining the party

Dear party organization:
I volunteer to join the Chinese Communist Party.
The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The Communist Party of China is the ultimate goal of realizing the social system of communism. Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory are the guides for action. It is a party armed with advanced theory, a party that serves the people wholeheartedly, and the ability to lead the people of the whole country. Further move toward a prosperous and strong party. She always represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, represents the direction of China's advanced culture, represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, and strives to achieve the fundamental interests of the country and the people through the formulation of correct line, principles and policies.
Since the birth of the Communist Party of China in 1921, under the correct leadership of the four generations of leading collectives represented by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, the Chinese revolution has won the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the National Liberation War, the People's Liberation War and the society. The great victory of the modernization of the modernization, defeated the local tyrants, defeated the Japanese aggressors, overthrew the criminal rule of the Chiang dynasty, established the socialist republic where the people were the masters of the country, and made the ancestors of the ancestors a hero, and suffered from imperialism. The working people of China, who were feudal, bureaucratic, capitalist, and bullying, stood up and turned to be masters. The victory of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party replied and summed up the lessons learned and lessons of our party since its establishment and sounded the clarion call for socialist modernization. Twenty years of reform and opening up have accelerated the pace of China’s socialist construction, further strengthened national strength and strength, narrowed the gap with the countries that have developed the economy, and improved the people’s living standards. Looking back on the difficulties and obstacles of China's revolution and construction process over the past half century, and looking forward to the bright future of China's socialist construction, I feel even more from my heart that the victory of every step of our revolution and construction is the result of the wise leadership of our party. In the century, the new Long March is inseparable from the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China.

From the age of students, a string of flashing names -- Jiang Jie, Liu Hulan, Lei Feng... gave me great inspiration and education. I found that they and many of the people around me who share my respect have a common name - Communists; I find that I can always hear a sentence at the most critical juncture - the Communists follow me. This establishes my determination to be one of them. I have been able to participate in such a great party as the greatest glory and pride.
Since I joined the work, I have been working in government agencies. There are many advanced party members around me. I always accept their enthusiasm in my mind. I always learn from them in my actions. In these 20 years of work, I have been repeatedly As an advanced individual, especially during the three years of information work, I have further deepened my understanding of the party and worked harder. I have been rated as an advanced information unit by the provincial party committee and the provincial government for three consecutive years. Especially in XX, the old comrades who have been engaged in information work for many years retired, and the entire information work is entirely responsible for me. At that time, many comrades were very worried about whether the information work was continuous and stable. With the care and support of leaders at all levels, I passed Hard work, hard work, overcoming the difficulties of new personnel and heavy tasks, the information work not only maintains continuity and stability, but also won the first prize of the provincial party committee and the provincial government office, and the Shanghai Information Association. Advanced units, and I was also rated as an advanced individual by the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the Shanghai Information Association.
Looking back on my own growth and work history, I deeply understand that every achievement of my achievements is the result of the party's training and leadership to help education. Every footprint of my growth embodies the hard work of leadership and organization. I sincerely hope that the leaders and party organizations will strictly demand me and patiently help me to make progress in the vast learning and working environment of the unit and mature day by day. In the future, I will work hard to learn cultural knowledge, broaden the structure of knowledge, improve literary accomplishment, keep an eye on the political dynamics of the country, increase my political sensitivity, and do a good job in information work. At the same time, we must study Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Deng Xiaoping Theory, study the party's basic knowledge and party line, principles, policies, and strengthen the transformation of the world outlook; actively participate in various activities organized by the unit, complete the tasks assigned by leaders at all levels; unite colleagues, be modest and prudent, lead by example, and self-denial, Always use the standards of the Communist Party members to strictly demand themselves and accept the test of the party organization at any time.
Please ask the party organization to accept my application.

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