Party and group related > Employees' application for party membership

Application for Party members of the Water Resources Bureau

Dear party organization:

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and are willing to fight for the cause of communism for life.

I am an ordinary employee of the xx County Water Conservancy Bureau. I have been working hard in my ordinary post. Although I know that my personal efforts will not affect the overall situation, I believe that as long as everyone works hard, we can make progress together and realize our dreams. In my work, I constantly cooperate with party members and comrades. On them, I deeply feel the influence of the Chinese Communist Party on them. They are all able to work hard and pay attention to their every move. This makes me very Yearning for, so I submitted my application for joining the party to the party organization.

I sincerely love the party. She is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the Communist Party of China to achieve communist social system is the party armed with advanced theory, the party that serves the people wholeheartedly, and the party that has the ability to lead the people of the whole country to further prosperity and prosperity. She always represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, represents the direction of China's advanced culture, represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, and strives to achieve the fundamental interests of the country and the people through the formulation of correct line, principles and policies.

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the party is to realize the communist social system. The Communist Party of China is a great, glorious, and correct party. It has led the Chinese people to overcome various difficulties and obstacles. Since the founding of the party in 1921, one victory has been achieved. Without the Communist Party, there will be no new China. Without the Communist Party, there will be no achievements in our construction today. Numerous facts prove that the party can overcome difficulties, correct mistakes, and move forward more vigorously. I deeply understand that we can only enter the ranks of the world's advanced countries as soon as we unite around the party under the guidance of the party's various principles and policies and carry out socialist modernization. Our personal destiny is closely related to the destiny of the party. Without the leadership of the party, building socialism will be an empty talk, not to mention the future and destiny of the individual.

Seriously study and profoundly understand the important thinking of the "three represents," use the "three represents" to know their own thoughts and actions, and strive to build our party into a strong leadership core of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to achieve grandeur across the century. The goal is to make the due contribution. I know that as a member of the Communist Party, we must not only be a pioneer in emancipating our minds and seeking truth from facts, but more importantly, we must strive to transform our subjective world and establish a far-reaching ideal of communism while doing a thorough transformation of the objective world. Materialists and atheists. Only by establishing a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​can we be filled with the confidence and courage to fight for communism for life, and at this stage we can spare no effort to build our wisdom and sweat for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Without pursuit and ideals, people will be inactive; without faith, they will lack the navigation mark on the life route, and people will lose their way and even lose themselves, and it will be difficult to reach the ideal shore, and will not completely emit their own light and heat. The meaning of life and the value of life. To become a good young man across the century, we must move closer to the Chinese Communist Party, this glorious and great organization. I am soberly aware that only under the encouragement and guidance of the party organization will I have new progress and talents. To become a good person, you can fully exert your potential and contribute to the country, the people, and the collective.

Today, although I have submitted a party application to the party organization, I know that there are still many shortcomings and deficiencies in me. Therefore, I hope that the party organization will strictly demand me so that I can make progress faster. In the future, I will strictly demand that I use the standards of party members, consciously accept the help and supervision of party members and the public, work hard to overcome my shortcomings and deficiencies, and strive to join the party as soon as possible in thinking and organization.

After the future work, I will redouble my efforts. Regardless of the approval of the party organization or the approval of my application for membership, I will ask myself at the request of a party member. I will work hard to let people drink safe water, pure water, not let any pollutants pollute the water source, and resolutely warn the enterprises that may pollute the water source. Severe cases are banned and the people's drinking water safety is strictly guaranteed.

I will work hard and ask the party organization to be assured that I will work tirelessly for my ideals! Ask the party organization to test me in practice!



Applicant: xxx
June 2, 2019

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