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In November 2019, he joined the party’s volunteer essay

How to write a party application to the party, how to make your image better displayed in the eyes of the party, how to write a good application for joining the party is already a must for everyone. Today, we show you Next. How can we write a good application for joining the party, what kind of application for joining the party can give the party a good image, how to join the party to volunteer , and then we can call the party organization that loves the party and volunteers: I volunteer Joining the Communist Party of China is willing to fight for the cause of communism for life. The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class. It is also the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, represents the direction of China's advanced culture, and represents China's most The fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people. The ultimate goal of the party is to realize the social system of communism. The Communist Party of China takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents" as its own guide to action.

Since the founding of the party in 1921, our party has gone through more than 80 years of glorious roads. In these decades, the Chinese Communist Party has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, from childish to mature. From the beginning of the founding of the party, dozens of party members gradually developed to today's ruling party with more than 60 million members. In the long-term revolutionary process, three generations of party central leadership groups with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and xx as the core were formed. As General Secretary xx said: "The party has led the people of all nationalities in the country to make three major events for the progress and development of China's socialism: the first is to complete the task of a new-democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism, ending half-feudalism and half of China. The history of the colony; the second is to eliminate the exploitation system and the exploiting class and establish the socialist system; the third is to open up a socialist road with Chinese characteristics and gradually realize socialist modernization. This major event continues to be done now. The glorious history of the party is the history of the Communist Party of China for national liberation and the happiness of the people, and the heroic struggle; it is the history of the universal principle of Marxism combined with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution and construction; it is to uphold the truth, correct the mistakes, and defeat everything. Difficulties, the history of continuous development and growth. The innocence of the Communist Party of China is a great, glorious, and correct party, and is the strong leadership core of the Chinese revolution and construction cause. A person's life is either heavier than Taishan, or as light as a feather, as Paul said: The most precious thing for man is life. Life is only once for everyone. A person's life should be spent like this: Looking back on the past, he will not regret it because he is ignorant, nor will he be ashamed of being humble and vulgar; at the end of his life, he can say: "My whole life and all my energy are dedicated to it. The most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of all mankind. This is why I joined the Communist Party of China because the Chinese Communist Party members are the pioneers of communist enlightenment of the Chinese working class. The party's purpose is to serve the people wholeheartedly. . Suddenly, SARS tested our party and party members, from the old military doctors in their 70s to the young nurses, from the doctors who dedicated themselves to SARS to the colleagues who stood by the port against the non-frontline. They practiced the style of the Communist Party in the new era: wholeheartedly Serve the people, sacrifice all personal things, and embrace the lofty ideals of communism. Take the lead in implementing the policies of the party and the state at this stage, be brave in pioneering, be proactive, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of setbacks; be sincere and sincere to benefit the people and suffer hardships. Before, after enjoying, Ke has been honored and contributed more; he must study Marxism-Leninism theory hard, strengthen the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, master the knowledge and skills of doing his job, and strive to create first-class achievements; to stand up in times of crisis, We will safeguard the interests of the country and the people and resolutely fight against acts that endanger the people, endanger the society, and endanger the country. They touched me and inspired me to join the party.

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