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2019 Street Office Cadres Joining Party Volunteers

Dear party organization:

My name is xxx, this year is xx years old, my birthplace is xx province. I graduated from xxx university in July, and I took xx province xxxx cadres in xxxx year xx. I was assigned to xxx city xx district xxx street office, xxxx year xx month officially Serve. I have always been a loyal supporter of the party. First of all, I urge the organization to forgive me for not applying for membership in the party organization during the past few years, because I have always believed that as long as I earnestly fulfill my social responsibilities and obligations and safeguard the reputation of the party and the country, To be a person of good character, dedication and dedication, and love the motherland and the people, then I am a person with a sense of social responsibility. If I want to be a Communist Party member, I still need enough time to lay a good foundation for joining the party! Because to be a member of the Communist Party, we cannot discredit the party and not tarnish the glorious image of the Communist Party! So I have been working hard! Always be strict with yourself! But now, an unprecedented sense of social responsibility and historical mission is encouraging my determination to join the Communist Party of China, and the blood of youth for the motherland and the people is on my chest. So today, at this solemn party, I am solemn. I showed my enthusiasm for joining the party to the beloved party organization.

The purpose of the Communist Party of China is to serve the people. It is the ruling party of the People’s Republic of China, the leader of the Chinese nation, and the logistical guarantee for the Chinese people forever. As a builder and successor of contemporary China, I deeply understand how important it is to join the Chinese Communist Party. In 2008, under the background of the upcoming Olympic Games, China experienced successive hardships such as the southern snowstorm, the xx incident, the sacred fire transmission, and the 8.0-magnitude earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan. However, the Chinese people have not retreated, but they have stood up firmly. Under the active and powerful leadership of the Communist Party of China, we are united and united! In particular, the Wenchuan Earthquake in our province on May 12 was sudden and devastating, which made us fall into the grief of the whole country and the country. But our party and people responded quickly and correctly to this disaster. Rescue work Do it powerfully and quickly! This also proves that our party is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly. The "people-oriented" principle put forward by the 17th National Congress is the ideological basis for our party to organize rescue in the shortest time. The touching stories that emerged in the disaster relief work made me further realize the glory and greatness of party members, selflessness and strength! "Be prepared to sacrifice everything for the interests of the party and the people." This is the commitment of party members and the place where I study and admire. Party members are not only a title, but also a member of the Chinese Communist Party is also responsible for the people of the whole country!

I am a self-motivated and unwilling person. The experience of college graduates to grassroots cadres tells me that the meaning of life lies in dedication rather than asking. The past earthquake relief has profoundly proved that the Chinese Communist Party is such a political party for the welfare of the people, so I yearn for joining the Chinese Communist Party. Regardless of whether the organization approves the application now, I will demand my own practice according to the requirements of the party members, and always take the interests of the people as the priority and do the public servants of the people.

Please organize the party to test me!

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