Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

2019 Christmas party plan

Part 1: The 2019 Christmas Party Plan

First, the event name: I will join you to welcome Christmas
Second, the theme of the event: I will join you to welcome Christmas - Christmas party
Third, the purpose of the event:
a. Join hands with the Unicom Club to cultivate team spirit
b. Facing the whole school and strengthening school cohesion
c. Provide a platform for mutual communication and understanding
d. Provide a stage for self-presentation
Fourth, planning organizer: Communist Youth League Committee of Guangdong Ocean University
V. Organizer: Unicom New Force Club Guangdong Ocean University Crazy English League
Sponsor: Anju Forum
6. Event time and place:
Venue: Basketball Court, No. 3, Main Campus, Guangdong Ocean University Time: 19:30 to 22:00, December 24, xx
VII. Activities: All teachers and students of Guangdong Ocean University
Eight, the form of activities: cultural performances
IX. Activity content:
1) Pre-event preparation
1. Early publicity
a. A meal at the door hanging banner
b. Sign up by SMS
c. Posting in the wave bbs
d. Post a poster in one or three dining halls
2, venue preparation site and other related application evening stage background layout audio, lighting equipment and other evening equipment preparation and commissioning party entrance layout. A Christmas tree, the wishing tree, is placed at the entrance to the party venue.
Arrange the location of the personnel present. The interior provides easy-to-apply stickers. Even if the stickers are posted, the party participants get a good sticker through the entrance of the party. After entering the party, they will find the same color signs according to the color of the easy-to-stick stickers, and consciously group them.
3, the host
4, program rehearsal and follow-up
5, the relevant work arrangements of the staff
2) Activity process
1, 19:40-19:45: Dance "Adult Ceremony". The dance dance is opened by the dance, and the dance is the most easy to drive the atmosphere of the audience, and the audience is enjoying the craze. Must be collected in advance. )
2, 19:47-19:55 The host opened the game.
3, 19:57-20:05 "magical show" magic show.
Ps: Santa Claus distributes food
4, 20:07-20:15 "Emperor Flower" drama.
5, 20: 17-20: 27 street dance performances. Street dance has a wide and universal appeal to the audience, which can best promote the atmosphere of the audience and bring the atmosphere to the top.
6, 20: 28-20: 35 survival challenge ceremony.
7, 20:37-20:50 cea beauty pageant
8, 20:52-21:10match couple matching game. The host asked for 3 girls and 3 boys, and then asked their spouse conditions separately. If the audience present meets the conditions, they will stand up. . Then all the participants are paired. After the pairing is completed, the paired hands are crossed and the game is quickly cut into orange peels. The fastest finish can choose a gift. The slowest pair is going to stage a deep affection. Participants have gifts.
Ps: Santa Claus distributes food
9, 21:10-21:20 lottery
10. Move the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree at the entrance of the party was moved to the center of the party, which was led by Santa Claus, Yopa, and four mobile team members. Note: If the scene is confusing, the mobile team should organize the audience to consciously move the Christmas tree out of the position. The Christmas tree should be carefully moved. If it falls down, the mobile team will immediately assist.
11, 21: 20-21: 30 ballroom dance performance, at the same time as a finale program to drive audience interaction. The host can walk around the scene, watch the dance, and drive the audience to dance. At the same time, pay attention to the groups that dance well and give gifts.
12, 21:30—21:40 All sing the Christmas song “we wish you a christmas”.
13, 21:40 The host announced the end of the party.
3) Post work
a. Volunteers stayed to clean up the party venue. The internal staff must pre-determine the site clean-up personnel.
b. The results of the event will be reported to the Haida Youth, the school newspaper reporter station, and the school radio station.
c. Posting the results of the activities on the waves and updating the internal blogs of the association.
d. The Association summarizes the activities of internal members.
e. Report the results of the activities to the relevant organizations of the school committee and record them.
Materials required for the evening party: banner party site layout required items audio and light microphone communication fee rose chocolate chocolate ribbon easy to paste balloon signature pen food orange Christmas tree Christmas service yup mascot color card

Part 2: 2019 Christmas Party Planning

Total process:
Party time: December 24th, 5:30-9:00
Party location: classroom
main in-charge:
Participants in the evening: class teacher
Items and items that need to be prepared in advance:
Christmas stockings, Santa Claus heads, spray cans, cutouts, cotton, small Christmas trees, fruits, snacks, songs "Merry Chiristmas", "Come On Over Baby", "Hero", lucky draw box, 2 decks of cards, winner prizes, whole At the party's PPT, prepare five notes on the top to write a story about the most embarrassing, shameful thing 2 sing a song 3, do a radio exercise, learn the movements and lines of the brain white advertisement 5
1 classroom layout
Hang some red Christmas stockings on the window, stick the Santa Claus head, graffiti on the window with a spray can, and use some small cotton to decorate the feeling of snow. Put a small Christmas tree in the corner of the classroom. Use color glitter paper to hang on the ceiling of the classroom, hung colorful balloons around, and write "Merry Chiristmas" on the blackboard to drag the table and chairs into a circle, which is free to play games. The table can't be closed, and about four or five positions will pay attention to the gap, which is convenient for students to enter and exit. Put some small fruit on each table.
2 specific process
At 5:30, the students entered the classroom to find a position to sit down. At this time, the background music "Merry Chiristmas" was placed. After the classmates and teachers were seated, the host announced the start of the party.
The specific content is:
Female: Classmates, tomorrow is Christmas, and tonight is Christmas Eve. With the efforts of all our class committees, we have carried out this Christmas party, and it is also our first Christmas Eve to enter university life. I hope everyone can have fun today.
M: First of all, let me introduce you to the origin of Christmas. At the same time, the PPT on Christmas is played every December 25th, which is the day when Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, called Christmas. From December 24th to January 6th, the Christmas Festival. During the festival, Christians from all countries held a grand commemorative ceremony. Christmas is a Christian holiday. Because of its special attention, it has become a national holiday. It is the most grand festival of the Western countries in a year, similar to the Chinese New Year. There is a story about the birth of Jesus. Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Mary. God sent the messenger Gabriel to tell Joseph in his dream, and told him not to ask her because she was pregnant without marriage. Instead, she would be married to her and call the child "Jesus", meaning that he would save the people from sin. come out.
When Mary was about to come, the Roman government ordered that all people go to Bethlehem to declare their domicile. Joseph and Mary had to obey.
When they arrived in Bethlehem, the sky was faint, but they could not find a hotel to stay overnight. Only one horse shed could stay. Just then, Jesus is born! So Mary only gave birth to Jesus on the manger. In order to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the posterity will be December 25th for Christmas, and the mass will be seen every year to commemorate the birth of Jesus.
Female: After introducing the origins of Christmas, then we will play a few small games. I hope everyone will participate and the winner will receive a small gift as a reward. Then let's get started!
Every game has to make a PPT, just a simple one or two pages is enough, mainly introduce the rules of the game.
The first game: love to sing will win
The rules of the game are: Ten students will be selected, one for each group. The moderator will give a proposition. Everyone has to sing according to the proposition. The five groups of students took turns singing. If they didn't sing within 10 seconds, they would be eliminated. The final winner will receive the prize.
After selecting a classmate, the first theme is --- season, the lyrics must have one of the four characters of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The second theme is ----- color, the lyrics must have red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and other colors.
The second game: drumming a balloon.
It was carried out 4 times, and the specific number of times was determined by the host according to the number and atmosphere of the attendance at that time. Using the live background music "Come On Over Baby", the hand-cranked balloon is passed in the audience, the music suddenly stops, the balloon is passed to the person or the balloon is shot, and everyone must perform a small program. If a balloon appears in the process and a dead ball is formed during the process, the last person who touches the balloon also needs to perform. If the individual is not willing to perform the program, the host can prepare a stack of notes in advance, write a program name on each note, sing a popular song, and say the most embarrassing thing he has personally experienced. Let it take out a piece of paper and perform it according to the name of the program on the note. .
This game requires a page of five PPTs with time written.
Three: than time
Two teams, each team three columns in a column, the first person took a short stick at the time, the second person took the middle stick as a minute hand, the third person took the long stick as a second hand, the performance clock, the host said a time, see Which team played fast, three wins in three games.
Four: a variety of
Three students were selected to play, and ten students helped to get the props, which was the ribbon. In the middle of the field, five students from each side, pulled up the ribbon, created obstacles for the three students, and then the eyes of the three contestants, then the ribbon Withdrew, look at the variety of three classmates. This round of the game only plays once, because it is boring after knowing it.
The fifth game class to play the guessing game
The host has a question, the subject is the whole class, and the answer can be answered by hand.
Topic: What do you want to do at 12 o'clock in the evening?
Hold the Buddha's foot → because it is a zero-footed Buddha
Q2 Which river is the most insidious?
One pound of cotton and one pound of iron, which one is heavier?
High IQ riddle
There were two blind people, each of whom bought two pairs of black socks and two pairs of white socks. The cloths and sizes of the eight pairs of socks were exactly the same, and each pair of socks had a trademark paper attached. The two blind people accidentally mixed eight pairs of socks. How can each of them get back two pairs of black socks and white socks?
A: Each pair of socks is taken apart, one for each person, the socks are not left and right, and finally two pairs of black socks and white socks are retrieved.
Live lottery: Prepare 1 pair of poker as a ticket, and 1 pair of poker in the lucky draw box. Every half hour, the teacher will take the stage to draw the prize, and the person holding the corresponding playing card will come to the stage to receive the prize. After each award is drawn, the corresponding playing cards are void. Props: Draw box, 2 decks of playing cards
The last class teacher at the party gave a feeling.
3 after the party
The cadres of the class left behind the desk and waited for the work of the aftermath.

Part 3: 2019 Christmas Party Planning

First, the purpose of the activity
1. Christmas, an English evening at an important festival in the Western Festival, will enhance the students' understanding of Western culture and increase their understanding of learning English.
2. Enhance the practical use of English, so that students' oral English learning can be further exercised and also increase the fun of English learning.
3. Strengthen the teamwork spirit of the students and enhance the communication and communication between the students. At the same time, strengthen the English communication and study between the students and the outside world.
4, let the usual intense learning atmosphere get a certain relief, so that the students' mood is relaxed, and better study in the days to come.
Second, the theme of the event
Feel Western culture and learn interesting English
Third, the activity time
7 pm, December 25, 2019
Fourth, the venue
V. Active objects
All students and all teachers in the English section
Preparation for the event
1. The class a is fully responsible for networking with the English department and handling related matters. First of all, contact the English Department, such as the XX01 class, one month before the event to organize a Christmas event planning book to discuss related matters. Secondly, the post-preparation phase and the English department exchange work.
2. Students in class b and student c are responsible for collecting specific information on Western Christmas online and publishing it to classmates two weeks before the event. In addition, the two students are responsible for contacting the teaching foreign teachers and discussing matters related to Christmas, and providing necessary guidance for the classmates' programs.
3. The class d is responsible for including the specific performances of the students one week ago, and recording the related items of the program one by one.
4. The class e is responsible for borrowing the classroom and is responsible for arranging the venue and the finishing work after the event.
5. The class f is responsible for purchasing the materials and performance props required for the party.
6, the class g, h is responsible for the adjustment of the atmosphere of the event, to ensure that the activities carried out in a harmonious and orderly manner. And the two are responsible for the safety of the entire venue.
7. This class m is responsible for the handling of unexpected situations.
Seven, the activity process
1, the party host opening remarks
2. Inviting guests to deliver a speech
3, the program began to perform in an orderly manner
4, the end of the party, the main Christmas event planning book to speak
5, the finishing work in the classroom
VIII. Description of activities
1. This English evening is designed to improve students' English proficiency, so all programs are in English, including the host's opening remarks.
2. You must communicate with the English Department in advance and reach a consensus on the activities.
3. Prepare the program and all kinds of items in advance. The preparers will arrange the venue three hours in advance.
Nine, safety precautions
1. When installing the venue to decorate the classroom, climb high and pay attention to safety. Someone must be present and work together to arrange.
2, the number of people attending the site, to understand the whereabouts of the early departure students.
3. The attendees should pay attention to keeping their belongings. Some students may change their clothes due to the needs of the performance and take care of them.
4. Pay attention to safety when performing the show.
X. Accident handling
1. If the event time conflicts with class or other things, the event is advanced or cancelled.
2. If the weather is not good on the day of the event, the class f is responsible for the arrangement of the rain gear.
3. Debug the sound, microphone and other equipment in advance to ensure that it can be used normally. If there is a problem with the audio or related Christmas event planning tool, contact the relevant department in time or take out the prepared spare equipment.
4, found that the classmates or conflicts with the foreign students, the students in charge of the sudden situation m timely mediation. If the activities are involved, the students g and h shall take timely preparatory measures to ensure that the activities are carried out in an orderly manner.
5. If there is any discomfort in the course of the event, the classmate m is responsible for arranging his or her rest or leaving early.
XI. Activity fund budget
1. Purchase activity snacks soft work class is scheduled to contribute 200 yuan.
2. The purchase of activity props and activities related to the prize soft work class is scheduled to be 100 yuan. Audio soft work classes are available.
3, the purchase of the dressing venue soft work class is scheduled to pay 50 yuan.
Total cost: three hundred and fifty yuan
Remarks: The amount of English funding is determined by the number of participants and after consultation.

Part 4: 2019 Christmas Party Planning

Planning unit: Miracle Art Group Propaganda Department
Administration Department Student Union
November 27, 2019
"Coconut Cow" 2011 "miracle" Christmas Eve
Organizer: Student Union of the Youth League Committee of the School of Politics and Public Administration, Hainan University
Hainan Xinda Co., Ltd. Coconut Cattle Drink
Organizer: Student Union, Department of Administration, School of Politics and Public Administration, Hainan University
"Miracle" Art Troupe, School of Politics and Public Administration, Hainan University
Co-organizer: Student Union of the Department of Political and Public Administration, Land Management, Hainan University
Student Union of Political and Public Administration Ideological and Political Education Department of Hainan University
Student Union, Department of Public Relations, School of Politics and Public Administration, Hainan University
Hair style
[Party Organizational Ability]
The School of Politics and Public Administration is now a social science college with a total population of 1,300, covering administrative management, ideological and political education, public relations, and land management. It is one of the basic science schools of Hainan University. The college has a strong faculty, adhering to its unique style and fine traditions, and has cultivated a large number of comprehensive talents that meet the needs of society.
The Student Union of the Youth League of the School of Politics and Public Administration and the student unions of all departments have a strong team of students. The Youth League Student Union has a sound organization and outstanding work ability. Looking back on the past, we have successfully held several sessions to welcome new students and welcome New Year's party, with rich work experience and strong working ability, especially at the end of December 2007, the ''Detective Night' Welcome Party” was achieved. Great success, praised by the sponsoring company "Shengqi Group". In addition, we have successfully cooperated with brothers and universities, sponsors and news media. At the same time, this year's newly established student unions, in line with the principle of “close to classmates and enthusiastic service”, truly implement the work in a down-to-earth manner, serve the students with a modest attitude, and build on the internal cohesion and reunion of the college. The "mircle" art group belonging to the college, as an organization affiliated to the Youth League Committee of the School of Politics and Administration, has continuously developed itself and exercised itself in the second anniversary of its establishment, forming an artistic team with strong strength. It has not only developed the artistic interest of the students, but also emerged in various large-scale activities, which has caused great repercussions in schools and society.
We will give full play to the team's advantages in the work, unite and cooperate, work together, and serve you wholeheartedly in the principle of mutual benefit!
[The purpose and significance of the party]
This year is a very exciting year. We not only welcomed the new students of the 09th grade, but also ushered in our new partner, the brothers and sisters of the Land Management Department. They are full of youthful vitality and loftyness. The ambition is to join the School of Politics and Public Administration, a united and friendly family. We intend to organize a literary evening, where teachers and students will gather together, welcome them, express their concern and expectation for new students and new partners, and warmly welcome them to become a part of the big family of politics and public administration! At the same time, we will explore the talents of our college through this literary evening, so that their specialties can be better cultivated, provide a stage to show their personal charm, and enrich everyone's after-school life, enhance the students between the teachers and students, between the students Communication and communication. [Party theme]
The theme of this literary evening is "The Coconut Cow 2011. Miracle Christmas Night". The meaning of Christmas itself is celebration and happiness. With this festival opportunity, we hope to create a relaxed and pleasant environment, let the students enjoy the entertainment, and take the opportunity to celebrate the growth of the School of Politics and Public Administration.
[Party form and content]
1. Garden activities
Brief introduction to the event: The Student Union of the School of Political Science and Management, the Student Unions of all departments and the “Pioneer” propaganda group organize a small game. The venue division and prizes are unified and managed by the Student Union Self-discipline Department. The students participate in the garden activities, and the game passers can get the redemption ticket. In the redemption place, the prizes are exchanged.
Activity time: December 25th, 16:00-19:00
Activity requirements:
The games are self-contained by the organizations, and the game requirements are interesting and feasible, and they can be active and attractive.
In order to ensure the order of the entire garden activities, the Student Management Association of the Administrative Management Department will issue the management redemption vouchers and set up the redemption office;
Small games prepared by various organizations, props must be provided by themselves;
Organizations must post rules of the game at the event venue and arrange staff to detail the rules of the game;
The organizations have done a good job of the games they have carried out, and do their best to make the activities of this group well and to activate the atmosphere of the scene;
At the event site, it is forbidden to bring dangerous goods into the scene, and pay attention to prevent various safety accidents and emergencies;
Requires no less than 5 staff members per game event venue
2, Christmas party
Introduction to the event: The evening party will be organized by the Art Troupe and the Student Management Association. The other student unions will organize and co-organize. The specific program of the evening party is responsible for the art group, and the student management department of the administrative department is responsible for the planning of the evening party.
Activity time: December 25th, 20:00 - 22:30
[Place and time of the party]
Venue: Hainan University starting point lawn time: December 25, 2019
[Party preparation schedule]
Pull sponsored the production of the plate on November 24th. From November 24th to December 10th, the propaganda will be around December 20th. The props will be ready until December 15th. The rehearsal will be held on December 20th and December 20th. The venue will be arranged on December 25th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
[Party preparation group]
Chief of the party: Yan Huanwen Xiao Zhizheng Jie Jie
Party Leader: Zhou Binxiong Zhang Dandan Qi Pingmu Evening Party Master Plan: Qi Jie Wei Xiaoyu Zhao Xuan Cui Liangliang Song Chengcheng Program Planning Group: Xiao Zhiwei Propaganda Group: Wei Xiaotong Liu Mingming Logistics Group: Duan Huijuan Li Yunan
Mobility Group: Xu Rongbo Chen Zhengzheng Props Group: Liu Xiaoyu etiquette group: Deng Xiaoyan Deng Meijun
Outreach group: Zhang Longmin Wang Juanjuan
Infield group: Lin Xiaofang
Outfield group: Ma Wanli
Supervision Team: Liu Libing
[Party preparation details]
1. Management method for preparations for the evening party: a combination of stage management and project management.
2. The evening will be divided into three stages: the early stage, the current day and the late stage.
The first project group: program group, team leader Xiao Zhiwei, team member Liang Lin.
Tasks: Complete program collection, screening and post-rehearsal work before a and 20, and confirm the guest's speech on the 23rd.
b, 23 determine the moderator and its image design, clothing and lines.
c. Prepare all the costumes and props needed for the party before the 20th.
Second project group: propaganda group, team leader Liu Mingming, team member**.
Task: On the 23rd, the posters, banners, etc. will be used to promote the party.
b. Produce related newspapers for pre-promotion
Third project group: Outreach team, team leader Zhang Longmin Wang Juanjuan, team member**.
a. Responsible for contacting the merchant and preparing to promise the service to the merchant.
b. Contact the media to report to reporters and photographers.
c. Help the program group to raise the required props and rent tents.
d, No. 23 organizes the venue dressing items required for the party, such as Christmas trees, balloons, color lines, etc., and the production of work permits and evening gifts.
e, fee collection
f, the determination of the shape and negotiation
The fourth project group: etiquette group, team leader**, team member**.
Task: A, 22 days ago to determine the guests, leaders invited by the party, and timely invitations.
b, 23 days before the determination of the etiquette team.
Party day
, Performance Group: Team leader: Liu Xiaotong, group member: Chen Zhengzheng.
Responsibilities: a. Responsible for the rehearsal of the party and the design of the actors
b. Responsible for the smooth progress of the entire evening show and ensure the smoothness of the program.
Outreach team: Team leader: Wu Shulong Lan Fangting team member**.
Responsibilities: a. Responsible for the promotion of the party on the day.
b. Assist the logistics team to manage all the items in the venue.
c. Contact the sponsor's site, especially in terms of styling.
d. Responsible for contacting the person in charge of dv.
Infield team: Team leader Lin Xiaofang, team member**.
a. Responsible for the layout of the whole party and the leadership of the venue, the seating arrangements of the guests and the placement of other tables and chairs.
b. Placement of the venue: set up the Christmas tree, hang up the balloons, pull the ribbons, etc. and dressing room, change the dressing room, establish the entrance door
c, stage construction and lighting
Outfield group: Team leader Ma Wanli, team member**.
Responsibilities: a, organize all students to enter, measure body temperature and discipline maintenance and security work.
b. Handle emergency situations.
c. Coordination and cooperation with discipline maintenance personnel of other departments
, propaganda group: team leader Liu Mingming, team member **.
Responsibilities: a, on-site flyers
b, on-site photography and photography.
c. Coordination and cooperation with propaganda personnel of other departments
Etiquette group: Team leader: Deng Xiaoyan, group member: Deng Meijun.
Responsibilities: a. Responsible for the reception of the school leaders and guests, responsible for the admission of representatives of various academic departments.
b. Prepare the venue service items, such as water cups, tea, etc., and receive good leaders and guests.
c. Be a good guest to sign in to work.
Supervising team: team leader Liu Libing, team member**.
a. Responsible for the assessment of student unions and members of the league, the organization of students in various departments and student attendance.
b. Supervise each group to do the assigned tasks.
, Logistics Group: Team Leader Duan Huijuan, team member**.
Responsibilities: a, material allocation and item storage, inventory, recycling
b. Place the props during the performance, pass the microphone, and follow the light.
Mobile Group: Team Leader Xu Rongbo, team member
Responsibilities: Mainly responsible for emergency handling at the site and coordination when personnel are nervous
[party process]
1. Overall process: 19:40 The audience is finished, all the preparations are ready at the venue - → 20:00 opening dance - → the host announces the opening of the party - → leading speech - → sponsor speech - ---- - → program start - → 4 programs - → sweepstakes - → - - - 5 programs - sweepstakes - 4 programs - sweepstakes - remaining programs - two people sing - All the actors sang on the occasion - the host made a speech - the audience exited
2. See the program planning for specific programs.
[Working later in the evening]
1. Distribute small gifts for actors
2, the cost of processing
3. Written summary
4, dv production
5, online publicity
[Party work requirements]
1. All the sessions of this party must be disciplined and the content should be healthy and up to meet the theme requirements.
2. Assisting units, participants, and participating enterprises must accept the unified command of the event organizers, organize them closely, work in a coordinated manner, and implement them carefully.
3. This event requires the organizers and participants to cooperate and support each other to ensure the smooth completion of all aspects of the evening.
4. In case of all kinds of unexpected problems, relevant parties should solve the problem of friendly understanding through friendly understanding.
5. The members of the preparatory group of each party should take seriously every task they undertake, patiently handle the work they are facing, assist the other departments of the preparatory group of the party, and actively help them to complete the projects they should be responsible for.
6. The responsibility of each link of the evening party is clear, and the relevant personnel of the preparatory group of the party must bring a work permit.
7. If there are any unexpected problems that cannot be solved in the activity, please find the person in charge of the activity.
[Evening emergency plan]
1. Emergency plan for power outage:
If there is a power outage before the party, the party will be postponed for up to 1 hour at 20:00. The audience will be free to handle their time. If there is still no power supply at 20:00, the host will announce that the party will be held tomorrow.
After the power outage for more than 10 minutes between the first half of the party, the host announced that the party would be reopened again; after the power outage for more than 10 minutes between the latter half of the party, the host announced the closing of the party.
During the power outage, the program group is responsible for the organization of the actors and the care of the costume props; the etiquette group is responsible for the leadership and the service of the guests; the merchant group is responsible for the maintenance of the order; the stage group is responsible for the stage, the speaker equipment, the lighting equipment, etc. Care.
After the host announces that the party will be held or closed in the next day, the venue will be cleared according to the “Detailed Rules of Work after the Meeting” in the “Attachment”.
2. Program emergency plan:
When a program is shown on the stage, the next two programs are prepared in the background. When the previous program cannot be played on time for various reasons, the next program will follow up immediately.
When any program fails or fails to perform smoothly during the performance, the lead of the program quickly organizes the actor to repeat the program; if there is still a problem in the replay, the program immediately exits, depending on the circumstances, it is decided to repeat itself or cancel.
3. On-site emergency plan;
If there is a fever and fever symptoms, immediately notify the person in charge of the party, the mobile team will be rushed to the hospital, and the students who have contacted them will be registered and reported to the relevant leaders for review.
4. When other emergencies occur, the mobile team will be responsible for handling them.
1. List of work rules before and after the party:
Order work content time control person in charge
1 Transfer invitation work to complete work on the 18th
2 Eight etiquettes arrived on the 25th at 19:00
3 Issue the program list 24th, 22:00
4 Venue Service 25:30 on the 25th
5 Lottery tool preparation work completed on the 25th 17 00
6 Leading the audience into the venue and completing the 19:40 on the 25th
7 Handling college equipment completed at 15:00 on the 25th
8 Borrow the required tools to work at 15:00 on the 25th
9 Stage construction work completed at 14:00 on the 25th
10 Lighting installation and commissioning work completed on the 25th, 18:00
11 speaker equipment debugging work completed at 15:00 on the 25th
12 Dressing room dressing room construction work completed at 16:30 on the 25th
13 makeup work 25th 16:00--19:00
14 costume props preparation work completed at 16:30 on the 25th
15 Handling tables and chairs 25, 17:30 finished Liu
16 Background layout work completed at 17:00 on the 25th
17 Sponsor's service work 16:00 on the 25th - the end of the party
18 Sponsor reception exchange work starts at 14:00 on the 25th
19 The locker room service staff arrived at 18:50 on the 25th.
20 Maintenance order staff arrived at 19:00 on the 25th
21 stage props service personnel arrived at 18:50 on the 25th
22 Photographing staff arrived at 19:20 on the 25th
23 Wire and equipment caretakers arrived at 19:20 on the 25th
24 preview program preparation work starts at 15:00 on the 25th
25 On-site guest reception starts at 19:30 on the 25th
Note: 1. The heads of ministers represent their own department;
2. When the responsible persons have not started their own work or completed their own work, please consciously participate in the work of other responsible persons to speed up the overall work process.
List of working rules after the party:
Order work content time control person in charge
1 The collection and return of the rented clothing items will be returned on December 28th.
2 Reimbursement of school equipment or utensils will be returned on December 28th.
3 The venue servo equipment and etiquette clothing collection party will begin immediately
4 The processing room of the dressing room and the dressing room begins immediately after the party ends.
5 Stage disassembly work evening begins immediately
6 desks and chairs and computer delivery work will be returned to the college on December 25th.
7 The venue cleanup work will begin immediately after the end of the evening.
1. The heads of ministers represent their own department;
2. Immediately after the end of the party, clean up the venue;
3. The responsible persons can leave the venue after completing their work.
26. Encourage the staff of the party to boldly innovate, offer ideas, unite and cooperate, and work hard.
27. After the party is over, a comprehensive and detailed summary of the work of the party will be made.

Part 5: 2019 Christmas Party Planning

Planner: *** Soft Ben 2
Purpose of the event: In order to strengthen the relationship between members, enhance the feelings between members, let members understand Western culture, enrich the leisure life of members, and also celebrate Christmas for everyone, specially host this Christmas party.
Activity time: Christmas
Event location: XXX
Activity personnel: All departments do a good job in various preparations, such as the layout of the venue, the construction, the application for the funding of the event, the posting of the event poster, and the promotion. Purchase and purchase of party supplies, etc.
Activity materials: Christmas hats, Christmas cards, audio equipment, snacks, Christmas trees, lanterns, performance costumes, lamp candles, snowflake sprays, trash cans.
Funding application: XXX
Activity process:
1: When entering the venue, in order to enhance the festive atmosphere, each person will send a Christmas hat.
2: First use the lighting effect to make the venue in the Christmas atmosphere, then a character dressed as Santa Claus holds a big bag in his hand, the bag contains gifts, and then the character imitates the voice of Santa Claus, with a prize The form of question and answer, for example: who knows the origin of Christmas, where the earliest Christmas was held, and so on, and other issues related to Christmas, to distribute the gifts in the "Santa Claus" pocket.
3: Introduce the origins of Christmas.
Introduce the origins of Christmas with a sitcom. For example, if a person dresses up as Jesus, he can change the light, or let "Jesus" be in the scene of the slide show, representing the change of the age, because the date of Christmas is uncertain for a long time. After the sitcom was over, the party officially began.
4: Christmas in the West will snow, Hainan will not snow in winter, in order to enhance the festive atmosphere, but also for Hainan natives to see the snow, you can consider buying some snow scenes, find a suitable time in the venue, such as introduction After the origin of Christmas, you can add a sentence, Christmas is coming, then spray the color spray, or use the light to make a snow scene effect.

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