Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Cadre selection and appointment plan

Part 1: The selection and appointment of cadres

In order to further emancipate the mind, deepen the reform of the cadre personnel system, and strengthen the cadre team building, this plan is formulated in accordance with the "People's Republic of China Civil Service Law" and the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government":

I. Guiding ideology and principles

Adhere to the guidance of the "Three Represents" important thinking and the scientific development concept, and based on the "Civil Service Law" and the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment", focus on building a socialist harmonious society and promoting the harmonious development of the safety supervision industry. Focus on improving quality, stimulating vitality, promoting work, and creating new situations for institutions, adhering to the combination of respecting individual wishes and organizational arrangements, combining democratic referrals with organizational inspections, combining public recognition with performance-oriented performance, and insisting on openness, fairness, and fairness. The principle is to build a cadre team with strong political strength, fine business, hard work and good image to provide a strong guarantee for the development of the province's safety supervision.

Second, it is proposed to be equipped with cadre positions

There are 4 leadership positions at the department level: 1 Director of the Publicity and Education Division, 1 Director of the Supervisory Management Division 3, 1 Director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office, and 1 Ombudsman.

4 deputy director-level leadership positions: 2 deputy directors of the Supervision and Management Division II, 1 deputy director of the Emergency Rescue Office, and 1 deputy director of the Personnel Department.

There are 6 non-leadership positions at the department level: 3 researcher and 3 deputy researcher.

Third, the basic conditions and qualifications of the competition for the job and the recommendation of the selection of personnel

The recommended personnel must have the basic conditions stipulated in Article 6 of the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment.

1. Have the level of political theory such as Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory required to perform their duties, conscientiously practice the important thinking of the "Three Represents", strive to analyze and solve problems with Marxist positions, viewpoints, and methods, and persist in learning Politics, righteousness, and the test of all kinds of storms.

2. With the great ideal of communism and the firm conviction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, resolutely implement the party's basic line, various policies and policies, love and dedication, and work hard in the cause of safety supervision and make achievements.

3. Persevere in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, pioneering and innovating, and earnestly investigating and researching, can combine the party's policies and policies with the actual conditions of the department, and carry out work with great effectiveness, telling the truth, doing practical things, and seeking practical results.

4. Have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, have practical experience, and have the organizational skills, cultural level and professional knowledge to be competent in leadership work.

5. Correctly exercise the powers conferred by the people, act in accordance with the law, be honest and clean, be diligent and serve the people, lead by example, be simple and simple, adhere to the party's popular line, consciously accept the criticism and supervision of the party and the people, and be self-respecting, introspective, self-policing, self-motivated. Against the bureaucracy and the unhealthy trend of abusing power and pursuing self-interest.

6. Adhere to the party's democratic centralism, take care of the general situation, be good at focusing on correct opinions, and be good at uniting comrades, including uniting with comrades who have different opinions.


1. Good health, with a college degree or above.

2. Leading cadres at the department level, requesting the deputy office to serve for more than two years; deputy director-level cadres, requiring the chief officer to serve for more than three years; the researcher, requesting the deputy department to serve for more than four years; The chief officer is required to serve for more than four years. Cadres are appointed until August 31, 20XX.

3. In the past three years of the annual assessment, he was rated as competent and more.

4. The age of the leading cadres at the rank of 55 is under 55 years old; the age of leading cadres at the deputy division level is 50 years and younger.

5. Particularly outstanding, in line with the "Yunnan Province, the party and government leading cadres broke the rules for the promotion of appointments and appointments," the young cadres can be promoted.

Fourth, the selection of programs and methods

In addition to the Ombudsman, the selection of leadership positions at the department level is carried out by a combination of competitive employment, democratic recommendation and organizational inspection; the selection of non-leadership positions at the department level is carried out by means of democratic recommendation and organization inspection.

The first step, on the morning of August 11, held a mobilization meeting to announce the position.

The second step, from August 12 to 14, the divisional leadership positions for the competition. Those who meet the conditions of employment and voluntarily participate in the competition for leadership positions at the department level shall, within this time limit, apply to the Personnel Office for registration of the “Registration Form for the Selection and Appointment of Cadres of the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau”, and each person may only report one position.

The third step, August 15th, convened a general staff meeting, organized departmental leadership positions, competitive posts, and non-leadership positions at the department level.

1. Participate in the competition for the staff to give a speech on the situation, the reasons for the competition and the work ideas, the time is no more than 20 minutes.

2. Democratic recommendation for competitive employees.

3. Democratic recommendation for qualified candidates for non-leadership positions.

The fourth step, August 16-18, is recommended for individual conversations. Scope of the talk: Deputy cadres and some employee representatives.

The fifth step, from August 19th to 21st, after the cadre inspection team comprehensively contested the speech situation and the democratic recommendation situation, proposed the positional leadership position and the non-leadership cadre at the department level to be investigated, and the report of the party group after the study was confirmed. .

The sixth step, from August 22 to August 29, the cadre inspection team organized a comprehensive inspection of the subject's moral, energy, diligence, performance, and integrity, forming a written investigation material and proposing the use.

In the seventh step, in early September, the party group made a decision on the appointment and dismissal of the proposed cadre's proposed post.

In the eighth step, the person to be appointed is publicized. During the publicity period, the cadre inspection team accepts the reports and reflections of the public. The cadre inspection team conducts investigations and verifications on the issues reflected, and feedbacks the results of the investigations to the people who have signed or reflected the problems in person, and the bureau party group decides whether to appoint them.

The ninth step, serve. The departmental leadership position is subject to a one-year probationary period. After the trial period expires, if it passes the examination, it will be officially appointed, and the probation period will be counted as the appointment time; if it is incompetent, it will be exempted from the trial position and enjoy the pre-trial treatment. Non-leadership positions are not subject to probationary period.

V. Organizational leadership

The cadre selection work was carried out under the leadership of the party group and established a cadre inspection team. The team leader was composed of the party members and deputy director Tang Zhongming, and the members were composed of Hu Liping, He Yunxia, ​​Niu Kunhua and Yang Yaodong.

Part 2: Selection and Appointment Plan for Cadres

In order to comprehensively promote the level of education and teaching management in the college, further strengthen the construction of the cadre team of the college, and gradually realize the rational allocation and post exchange of department-level cadres, according to the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government" and Linfa [20XX] No. 12, The provisions of the No. 29 file of Linfa [20XX], combined with the actual situation of the college, have a special work plan.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the scientific concept of development, we will fully promote the scientific, democratic, and standardized management of the cadre team of the college, and gradually form an employment mechanism that “the talents stand out, the cadres can go up, the echelon structure is reasonable, and the team is full of vitality”, fully mobilizing the cadres. The enthusiasm of the staff and efforts to build a team of high-quality cadres who can adapt to the needs of the development of higher vocational education.

Second, the basic principles

1. The principle of party management of cadres;

2. The principle of meritocracy and talents;

3. The public recognizes and pays attention to the principle of performance;

4. The principles of openness, equality, competition, and merit;

Third, job setting and number of positions

According to the "Notice on the Establishment of Linyi Vocational and Technical College", "On the Approval of the Establishment of Internal Departments in Linyi Vocational and Technical College" and the "Agreement on the Approval of Adjustment of Equipped Cadres" by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the whole department has set up 95 post-level posts, among which 95 There are 31 Zhengke-level posts and 64 associate-level posts.

1. The party and government functions of the college, the deputy and direct subordinate institutions of the teaching auxiliary institutions have 18 full-time positions, which are the leading positions of the departmental level; the internal institutions have 25 positions, which are the deputy-level leadership positions.

2. There are 13 deputy posts in the teaching business organization, which are Zhengke level; 39 directors and office directors of the professional teaching and research section are deputy. The appointment system is implemented for a term of three years.

Fourth, the conditions of employment

1. Have the level of political theory required to perform their duties, have firm political convictions, resolutely implement the party's basic line, principles, and policies, and be brave in reforms in teaching, research, and management, with outstanding performance.

2. Persevere in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, pioneering and innovating, and combining the party's policies and policies with the realities of the department and carrying out creative work.

3. Have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, have practical work experience in department management, and have the organizational ability, cultural level and professional knowledge to be competent in leadership work.

4. Acting in accordance with the law, honesty and integrity, uniting comrades, leading by example, can consciously accept the criticism and supervision of the party and the people. Adhere to the party's principle of democratic centralism, work style and democracy, and take care of the overall situation.

5. Generally, you should have a college degree or above. Among them, you should have a bachelor's degree or above in a leading position in a teaching business or a middle-level or higher qualification.

6. In the annual appraisal of the past three years, it has been continuously qualified for more than three times.

7. There is no violation of the family planning policy; no disciplinary action has been taken.

10, good health, can adhere to normal work.

V. Qualifications

1, age requirements: Zhengke-level cadres are generally under 50 years of age. Among them, the leadership position of the teaching business organization can be relaxed to 52 years of age.

Deputy-level cadres are generally under 40 years of age. Among them, the general cadre should be under the leadership of 35 years of senior leadership, and the leadership position of the teaching business can be relaxed to 45 years of age.

2. Qualifications: If you are a junior-level post, you should be a deputy-level post for more than two years; for a deputy-level post, a college graduate should have more than 3 years, and a college graduate should have more than 5 years of work experience.

3. The age requirements of outstanding academic leaders, members of democratic parties, and non-party members are appropriately relaxed in accordance with relevant regulations.

4, especially outstanding young cadres or special needs for work, can be promoted. If the leap-level promotion is carried out, it shall be reported to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee for examination and approval.

Six, organizational leadership

The selection and appointment of department-level cadres was carried out under the unified leadership of the Party Committee of the Academy. The College established the “Leadership Team for the Selection and Appointment of the Cadres at the Department Level”. The composition of the staff is as follows:

Team leader: Qin Guojie

Deputy leader: Wang Fucheng

Member: Guo Yunde Wu Bingyun Zhou Jinming Gao Yunchang

The leading group has an office, which is responsible for organizing implementation and daily affairs.

Office Director: Zhou Jinming

Deputy Director of the Office: Gao Yunchang, Ma Wencai

The organization department of the Municipal Party Committee will send staff to participate in supervision and guidance throughout the process.

Seven, the work program

1. Open positions and mobilize the whole hospital.

The cadre meeting of the whole hospital was held, the established positions were announced, the implementation plan was announced, the whole hospital was mobilized, and the qualified cadres were fully mobilized to actively register.

2. Individual registration, qualification review.

All the cadres who meet the requirements in the hospital can register voluntarily, and I will fill in the "Application Form for the Selection and Appointment of the Section-level Cadres".

Qualifications are qualified at the first instance, and after the collective study by the Party Committee of the SAR, the list will be publicized in the whole hospital.

3. Democracy recommendation, identify the object.

A democratic recommendation meeting is held in batches to provide a roster of cadres who meet the qualifications. The recommended scope for participation in the conference is: the recommendation meeting of the cadre of the cadre is attended by the cadres of the deputy department level and above and the subordinate unit members; the recommendation meeting of the cadre of the deputy department is attended by all the cadres of the whole department and members of the subordinate units.

Democracy is recommended by the same amount of positions, and the votes of the candidates for different job levels are separately counted and analyzed comprehensively.

The results of the democratic recommendation will be one of the important basis for the organization's recommendation. On the basis of the democratic recommendation, the party committee will study collectively to determine the object of investigation.

4. Organize inspections and pay attention to actual performance.

According to the number of posts in the department and deputy department level, the target is determined in equal amounts. Investigate unqualified, job vacancies, no longer substitute. The inspection team consists of the personnel of the college organization personnel, party office, discipline inspection and supervision departments, and conducts a comprehensive investigation on the five aspects of the subject's moral, energy, diligence, performance and integrity, and forms a written investigation material.

5. Collective research, nomination and approval.

In accordance with the relevant regulations, the Party Committee of the Academy collectively researched and proposed the position of the post of the cadre at the department level, and reported it to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee for the performance of the examination and approval procedures, and made the pre-appointment publicity within the scope of the whole hospital. If the results of the public announcement do not affect the appointment, they shall perform the formalities in accordance with relevant regulations.

Eight, organizational discipline

Strictly implement the provisions of the Discipline and Supervision in the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government. The target of promotion should consciously abide by the relevant provisions on the selection of cadres, not allowed to falsify, not allowed to engage in non-organizational activities, and are not allowed to canvass tickets. Those who violate the relevant regulations will immediately cancel their qualifications. Staff members must strictly abide by the cadre personnel work discipline, refuse to falsify, seal the official wishes, and strictly enforce the secrecy system and avoidance system. Those responsible for violation of discipline shall be given appropriate disciplinary and disciplinary sanctions in accordance with relevant regulations.

Nine, other

1. Those who were formerly in charge of the position of the former department at the time of co-education did not select and apply to the leadership positions at the department level. In principle, they retained the original salary and no longer assumed the original leadership position.

2. The new cadre must be appointed according to the time stipulated by the party committee, otherwise it will be deemed to be voluntarily given up.

3. Under the unified leadership of the Party Committee of the Institute, this implementation plan shall be organized and implemented by the Office of the Leading Group. It is only applicable to the selection and appointment of this department-level cadre.

4. If the matter is not completed, the party committee of the hospital will study and make a decision.

Part 3: Cadre Selection and Appointment Plan

In order to promote the construction of the middle-level leading cadres of the municipal bureaus, the spirit of the relevant provisions of the Civil Service Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government, and the Implementation Measures for the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres at the Administrative Level of Municipal Governments in Jinhua City , develop this program.

First, the principle of selection and appointment

The selection and appointment of cadres should adhere to the principle of party management cadres, appointing meritocracy, combining morality and ethics, and taking morality as the first principle. The public recognizes and pays attention to the principle of performance, the principles of openness, fairness, justice, merit, the principle of democratic centralism, and the principle of doing things according to law.

2. Selection and appointment of positions, objects and term of office

Position: There are 31 departmental positions for this selection, including 15 in the department and 16 in the department. If the conditions are not available at the moment, some positions may be less or not matched, and the position may be accompanied by a deputy.

Target: The selection and appointment of the object is the current middle-level deputy of the municipal bureau, which meets the qualifications for the qualifications, the deputy departmental leader of the sub-bureau, and the municipal bureau is the middle-level cadre of the incumbent police and the branch.

Term of office: The trial period for the newly promoted cadre is one year. If the probationary period is qualified, it will be transferred to the official position. The appointment file will not be re-published. The appointment time will be counted from the date of the trial. If the trial period expires and the assessment is unqualified, it shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

Third, the conditions for selection and appointment

In addition to the basic conditions stipulated in the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government, the selection and appointment of leading cadres must also meet the following qualifications.

1. Strong political stance, strict organization and discipline, decent style, truth-seeking and pragmatic, honest and honest, healthy, and capable of performing duties and competent leadership.

2. Have the status of national civil servant, junior college education or above, and the annual appraisal for the past two years is more than competent; if the post of the junior-level leadership is appointed, the deputy-level post time must be more than 2 years; if the deputy-level leadership position is appointed, it should have three years. For the above-mentioned working years and non-leadership positions above the staff level, it takes three years for the post of the staff level.

3. To be appointed as a graduate-level leader, male under 50 years old and female under 45 years old; for deputy-level leadership positions, male under 47 years old and female under 42 years old.

4. Those who serve in political work, discipline inspection, and party committee positions must be official members of the Communist Party of China;

Personnel during the period of party discipline, political discipline, or during the period of review shall not be promoted.

Age, working time, and working years are all calculated until August 31, 20XX.

Fourth, the selection and appointment of the program

The selection and appointment of cadres at the departmental level of the municipal bureaus is carried out according to the following procedures:

Self-recommended registration. Publish the "Implementation Plan" on the homepage of the Municipal Bureau, fill in the self-recommended registration form, and fill out the "Self-recommendation Form for the selection of the leaders of the municipal bureaus", and fill in the specific positions or positions in the registration posts. Within the specified time, I will put the self-recommended form into the designated ballot box. If the public is on a business trip or other reasons, the main leader of the unit will obtain the will of the person to report it. The Ministry of Political Affairs and the Disciplinary Committee will conduct qualification examinations on the applicants, and will publicize the list on the Internet and publish the police diary.

Recommended evaluation. For the recent promotion of the official and deputy staff of the department, the referrals are recommended, the recommendations are recommended, and the department is recommended.

1, the meeting recommended. Hold a democratic recommendation meeting, announce the recommended number of positions, qualifications, and scope of recommendation, provide a list of self-recommended personnel, and make relevant requests, and organize the sea push according to the ratio of positions of 1:3. According to the results of the sea push, the party committee of the municipal bureau determines whether to conduct the second round of comparison. In the second round, the list of recommended persons is determined by pushing the number of positions 1:1.5, and the equivalent ratio is pushed. Participants in the democratic recommendation: members of the party committee of the municipal bureau, middle-level leaders of the municipal bureau, member of the party committee of the branch, researcher of the municipal bureau, deputy bureau-level cadre, deputy researcher, member of the municipal council's democratic deliberation committee, retired veteran representative And the police representative recommended by the city bureau and branch office.

2. Talk recommended. The personnel who participated in the recommendation of individual talks were the middle-level leaders of the municipal bureaus and the leading directors of the branch offices. The recommendation is recommended by the number of positions.

3. Department recommendation. The police who organize the vacancy department of the departmental leadership position shall recommend the list of recommended personnel to be provided in a 1:1 ratio. The personnel recommended by the participating departments are all incumbent police officers in the vacant departments.

4. Democracy assessment. The party committee of the municipal bureau determines the target of democratic evaluation of the deputy and deputy according to the recommendation of the meeting and the recommendation of the conversation. Demographic score comprehensive evaluation, departmental evaluation two trust evaluation. Participating in the comprehensive assessment personnel is the same as the personnel recommended by the democracy. The personnel participating in the departmental evaluation are the civilian police of the department where the evaluation target is determined, and the branch office is the middle-level and above cadres. The total score of the two evaluations must reach more than 60%.

It is not only the personnel who sign up for the selection, but also participate in the recommendation and evaluation. The recommendation and evaluation results are all based on the base minus the number of agreed votes and one vote.

Decline and appoint. According to the recommendations of democracy, the situation of democratic evaluation and the requirements of post appointment, the object of investigation shall be determined, and the inspection shall be organized in accordance with relevant regulations. Those who voted for recommendations and talks in the conference did not exceed one-third of the votes, and the trustworthiness of the two evaluations reached less than 60%, which was not included in the survey. The Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau shall, based on the overall quality of the object of investigation, job matching, job requirements, and the structure of the departmental team, consider the list of appointments, and conduct publicity, talk education, and procedures for appointment and dismissal.

V. Job requirements

The selection and appointment of leading cadres in vacant posts is organized and implemented by the Political Department under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee. Relevant departments should work closely together to ensure the smooth selection and appointment of cadres. It is necessary to strictly implement the Notice of the Central Organization Department on Strengthening Supervision and Seriously Governing the Pulling of Tickets in the Centralized Adjustment of the Leading Cadres of the Party and Government Leading Groups. It is strictly forbidden to run officials and officials, and it is strictly forbidden to engage in various forms of canvassing and other non-organizational behaviors. Provision is made for organizational treatment or disciplinary action. All departments and sub-bureaus of the municipal bureaus should unify their thinking, raise their awareness, do a good job in ideological and political work for one person, and ensure that the selection and appointment of cadres and their daily work are both correct and effective.

6. This program is interpreted by the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau. Unfinished major issues are determined by the Municipal Party Committee.

7. This plan shall be implemented as of the date of issuance.

Part 4: Selection and Appointment Plan for Cadres

In order to further strengthen the construction of the cadre team in the park, improve work capacity, work efficiency and work quality, and ensure the smooth development of the park's work. According to the "Working Rules for the Selection and Appointment of Middle-level Cadres in County-level Organs and Departments of Longyou County" and relevant regulations, combined with the actual situation of the park, the Party Committee of the Park will study and decide on the work of democratically recommending middle-level cadres, and formulate this implementation plan.

I. Guiding ideology and principles

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, we must conscientiously implement the "four modernization" policy of cadres and build a middle-level cadre that meets the requirements of the "four modernizations", is politically sound, proficient in business, and full of vitality. The team provides a strong organizational guarantee for building a harmonious and efficient park. Democracy recommends that middle-level cadres must adhere to the principle of party-management cadres; the principle of meritocracy and ethics; the people's recognition and emphasis on the principle of performance; the principles of openness, equality, competition, and merit; the principle of democratic centralism;

Second, the recommended number of positions

This democracy recommended three middle-level positions and five middle-level deputies.

Third, the qualifications

The candidates for democracy should have good ideological and political qualities, strong work ability, outstanding achievements, and a decent style. The public is recognized as being clean and honest, and is suitable for the position of the post. At the same time, the following conditions should be met:

1. Good health, no more than 40 years old;

2. In the past three years, there have been no violations, violations of disciplines and liability accidents, and the year-end assessment is qualified or qualified;

3. Have a college education or above, or a junior title of more than 3 years, or a middle-level professional title or above;

4. The middle-level deputy post is in principle produced by the staff of the park for more than two years of service and personnel relations;

5. The middle-level position is in principle created by the democratic recommendation of the middle-level deputy and the staff who have worked for more than one year.

Fourth, method steps

1. Democratic recommendation. Hold all staff meetings. The scope of participation in the democratic voting recommendation is: all staff in the park.

2. Organizational inspection. The democratically recommended middle-level cadres leading group combined with the number of democratically recommended votes, conducted a comprehensive inspection of the candidates' merits, abilities, diligence, performance, and integrity, and drafted middle-level candidates, and conducted interviews among employees.

3. Discuss the decision. The Party Work Committee of the Park discusses the specific duties to be appointed according to the needs of democratic referrals, investigations, and departmental positions.

4, before the public announcement. For the middle-level cadres who are to be promoted and appointed, a seven-day publicity will be implemented in the park.

5. Filing approval. For the middle-level cadres to be appointed, the registration procedures shall be handled with the personnel department of the organization in accordance with relevant regulations.

6, serve. After the public announcement, the formalities will be handled, and the newly promoted cadres will be organized to conduct a one-year probationary period.

V. Organizational leadership

Strengthen leadership, implement leadership responsibility system, and make careful arrangements. The program should be scientific and rigorous, open, fair, and just, and do a good job in the ideological and political work of cadres and workers, serious cadre and personnel work discipline, and carry out democratic recommendation work in a solid and steady manner. .

Part 5: Selection and Appointment Plan for Cadres

In order to further promote the scientific, democratic and institutionalized work of cadres, promote outstanding talents to stand out, and better expand the channels for selecting and appointing cadres, the research and decision of the Party and Government Joint Conference of the Municipal Agricultural Committee, the Deputy Office of the Agricultural Department of Suzhou Municipal Agriculture Committee Long, the Deputy Director of the Agricultural Machinery Department and other positions to openly compete for posts.

I. Guiding ideology and principles

The selection of cadres in this competition has strictly implemented the relevant regulations and procedures of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Cadres", adhered to the principles of openness, equality, competition, and merit-based, adhere to the cadre line of appointing people and talents, and morality. The first cadre standards, establish correct personnel orientation, fully promote democracy, focus on training and cultivating cadres, enhance the vitality of cadres, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the cadres.

Second, the program

1. Announce the plan. Promulgating the “Selection and Appointment Plan for Some Middle-level Cadres of the Municipal Agricultural Commission” to all the cadres of the Municipal Agricultural Commission and the affiliated institutions.

2. Registration and qualification review. The competition leadership team will conduct qualification examinations for the registered comrades according to the qualifications of the posts.

3. Convene a competition for a lecture. Public speech by comrades in the qualification examination. The order of the lectures is in the order of the last name strokes. The speech was submitted to the Personnel Office for the record.

4. Democracy assessment. After the public speech, conduct a democratic assessment. Demographic scores are composed of two parts, which are respectively evaluated by leading experts. The leaders of the committee and the relevant departments of the city are composed of 7-11 people, and the scores account for 60%. The public evaluation is mainly responsible for the middle-level and commissioned institutions. The composition of the person and some ordinary cadres, the score accounted for 40%.

5. Determine the candidate for the study. Supervised by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, according to the results of the democratic evaluation, the party and government joint meeting of the reporting committee determined the candidates for the inspection and issued the inspection notice.

6. Organizational inspection. Organized personnel and discipline inspection supervisors inspected the merits, talents, diligence, performance, and integrity of the candidates, focusing on the performance of the work.

7. Before the public announcement. According to the democratic evaluation and investigation, the party and government joint meeting of the Economic and Trade Commission decided to determine the appointment of candidates and make public announcements before the appointment.

8, try to serve. If there is no objection to the public announcement, the party committee officially issues a document and enters a one-year trial period in accordance with the management opinions of the middle-level cadres originally appointed by the committee.

9. Turned to serve. After the expiration of the trial period, if it is qualified by the public appraisal and organization inspection, it will be officially transferred to the post, and the actual term of office will be calculated from the trial.

Third, the competition for posts and qualifications


1. 1 deputy director of the Agriculture Department of the Municipal Agriculture Commission;

2. 1 deputy director of the Agricultural Machinery Division of the Municipal Agricultural Commission.


1. The political stand is firm, the ideological quality is good, the party's basic line is upheld, the style is decent, the cause is strong, the law is honest and law-abiding, and the people's prestige is high.

2. Strong organizational leadership and management skills, familiar with related business, rich work experience and outstanding work performance.

3. The civil servant of the committee is working for more than 5 years, the age is not more than 45 years old, or the 2nd anniversary of the subordinate department of the commissioned institution is not more than 45 years old; the bachelor degree or above; the physical condition for performing the job.

Fourth, registration time

From August 30th to September 7th, 20XX, you will register at the Organization Personnel Office at 3pm.

Contact: Liu Feng

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